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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Knuckles does as his grandfather tells him and begins making energy domes. Meanwhile, Chaos begins to transform as his arm grows in size. Once complete he looks around and begins breaking through forcefield and grabs hold of some of the water warriors. He then starts to absorb them one by one.

"Amazing."Knuckles says as he releases the energy field to get Chaos out and grab hold of others.


Kali no longer waits. He rushes up the altar and confronts Trigun, who dodges his punch and jabs him in the gut. Kali hardens his rib cage and takes the blow full on. He regains his poise and swings again, this time knocking the book out of Triguns hands. As he turns to try and grab it back, Astraea slides through and grabs the book.

"NO!" Trigun yells as she then starts to run back. He turns to hit Kali, but he no longer tried to fight. He backs up from Triguns blow and punches one of the pillars holding up the ceiling. He then runs after Astraea as the room begins to crumble.

"Did you lose him?" Astraea says as Kali catches up.

"I think so, I collapsed the room." he responds

"You did what!?" she yells. As they both turn back, they see a large inferno approaching behind them quickly.

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"What are you talking about? " Said Young red , until she older Red."I somehow doubt she is my alternate from this dimension..."


"Rest for now ."Said Tikal.


"It's done, there isn't any ennemy left." Said Spectre. "Now let's hope they were able to recover the book."

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Skye smiled, reaching out to lightly brush her cheek, then fell asleep again.


"I... I did say to wait.... oh boy.... this... this is awkward. I had hoped for a moment to brace everyone. Okay, Red, meet Red. Remember how I mentioned the whole future thing?" Anna grimaced.

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Tikal smiled at skye , And let him sleep.


"You really have the strangest things happenning to you Mina."Said Young red, sighing.

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"We will have to tell people eventually, but just keep it on a need to know basis."

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Skye slept peacefully, his tails twitching happily as he dreamed.


"Should we tell Shadow now then?" asked Melody. "So he can keep an eye on us from outside in case we doesn't notice if anything starts going wrong. I do wanna tell Dad as well but..." her speech moved into thoughts, 'He'd just worry more about me, And because we think it happened with the teleporter, he might not let me go with you again."


"I know," replied Anna, "and I haven't got to the strangest part yet. You, uh... might wanna sit down again."

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"Good idea. That gives us a nice failsafe. I see. Well perhaps you'll be able to tell him in time."

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"Yeah. Maybe once things have calmed down and we've gone a few days with nothing else crazy happening. As for Shadow, best tell him right now I guess," said Melody. 'Let's hope he believes us!'

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"I'm sure he will." Hope once again went over to Shadow's room.

"We have something to tell you," she said.

"What is it now?" he asked. Hope walked up to him and whispered in his ear.

"Well, we think the teleporter has, erm, connected my mind and Melody's. We can hear each other's thoughts.'

Shadow let out a heavy sigh. "You two seem to be magnets for the unusual recently."

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'I think it's time or fate getting it's revenge for Skye and I messing it up,' thought Melody. Then she blushed, and repeated her thought out loud so Shadow could hear it.

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"If that were true it doesn't explain Hope's misfortune. None of this makes any sense, but your secret's safe with me. All things consindered it could be a lot worse."

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"She tends to stand next to me," said Melody by way of explanation. "Either Skye or I are around when something happens to her. And the lot worse thing, that's kinda part of the reason we want you to know. In case it does get worse, but we don't notice."

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Knuckles and Chaos began running to the staircase as they then saw a bright light, with Kali and Astraea running for their lives.

"Get out of the temple now!!!" she yells as they speed by and out the door. Knuckles and Chaos turn back around to see the large explosion following behind.

"This seems like our cue to get out." Knuckles says, backing up. Chaos gives a nod and the two start to run as well.

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"I see. I'll be sure to keep an eye on the both of you then. So, I trust your plans for the rest of the day don't involve anything hazardous?"

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Melody looked at Hope. "Well, no. But the way things are just walking through a door could be hazardous!"

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Hope laughed. "I don't think we're at that stage yet. We were planning to watch my film at some point, seeing as I never even started it."

"Rouge and I will join you when you do. To make sure you're fine, of course."

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"Okay, we'll give you a call when we start," said Melody.

'What are the odds that with our luck we somehow end up INSIDE the film or something equally as crazy," thought Melody to Hope.

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"I really hope not. I mean this film looks like it has a lot of action, and I'm not bulletproof," thought Hope.

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Melody gave a little laugh.

'Don't worry. I wasn't being serious,' she thought, not crossing her mind how odd their 'conversation' must look to Shadow. 'Besides, even if something like that did happen, I've seen enough know to know that you're just pretending about not being good in a fight! You could probably beat me with ease!'

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Spectre is the last one to come out, and just in time."That was a bit too close for my liking."


"oh boy..." Said younger."You better tell me everything then."


Tikal smiled again decided to lay down next to the fox , to take a little nap too.

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"Heh. But you ve seen me with equipment. In a straight up fight you'd mop the floor with me," she thought.

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'Hmm, probably,' thought Melody, 'but if we were to handicap you in that way, it'd be like taking away my speed, so hardly a fair fight.'


"Well, you see.... I haven't told you who my adoptive mother is yet...." began Anna

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'Well I hope not. Considering this thing', Melody tapped her head, 'mean we'd probably know exactly what the other was gonna do! We'd end up just standing and starring at each other!' Melody grinned.

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Hope laughed. "That would be a pretty difficult fight. Though like you said earlier we need to not broadcast everything or we'll go crazy."

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