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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Not you," said Melody shaking her head. "But when I got magic wrong before..." She stopped speaking and hurried into the bathroom, hugging Hope tightly. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to."

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Hope hugged her back. "It's ok, it's not your fault."

Rouge looked at the burns on Shadow's body.

"Shadow you need to get some first aid."

"I'll be fine. My healing will deal with this."

"Please, just do it for me once you've checked on the girls."

Shadow nodded and went back into the bathroom and crouched next to Melody amd Hope.

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"It is. It is! I should'a concentrated more. I should'a paid attention. It musta been those milkshakes. No more before magic from now on!"

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"You want some tension ? I can gove as much as you want ." said Glen, swimming closer.


""i cannot see either."Said Tikal."Thank for the moment, Really."


"I was used to the bright yellow, So I guess I'll get used to the Black and Red." Said Younger Red.


"Even if you knew it all along ."Said Older Red.


It took a little while of walking, But eventually , Spectre and the other members of his group got to destination. "Here it is ," Started Spectre ."The second Temple . I do hope the information you'll find there might help you all."

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"Milkshakes? What did you put in them?" asked Shadow, trying to remain quiet.


"I like to be reminded from time to time," replied Crowley.

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"I want to make every moment special for you!" said Skye.


"Uh... we.... er.... nothing?" lied Melody more ineffectually than normal.


Anna smiled. "I see. I kinda like it myself. It's different. Not what I'd planned at the time though."


"No! Less tension! Less tension!" squeal Ziona playfully.

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"Look. There's something in it that's made you act like this. Just tell me where it is so I can grab it before anyone else finds out."

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"I... uh... well, we.... we tried out a little bit of alcohol..." said Melody very quietly.

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At this moment, Locke heard a noise in Shadow's Room."Shadow , is anything alright ?" He said, knocking on the door.


"Oh, but you said That you wanted a life full of adventure ." answered back Glen , smiling .


"Of course I'll do that ." Said Old Red.


"Less colorful, but more stealthy ." Said Red . "Too bad you are out of the job now."


"You already Are , Skye."Said Tikal happily.

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"I see. I'll grab the evidence when I can," he whispered to Melody before standing up.

"Yes Locke everything's fine," he said through the door.


Crowley just smiled in return.

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"I'm glad," replied Skye, giving Tikal a light kiss.


"Th-thank's Shadow," sobbed Melody, still holding on tightly to Hope.


"Yeah," Anna laughed. "But when I'm older maybe I'll find some other job were sneaking around is useful."


"Maybe! But right now I want a break!"

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"Alright ."Said Glen, Cathing Zionna."One last event then."


"you do that." Said Red."But don't get too old."


Old Red Smiled back.


"If you say so..." Said Locke."By the way, have you Seen Melody and hope ?"


Tikal kissed Skye back.

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"Yeah, I ran them back to HQ to find some things they lost, they must've dropped them in the teleport. I'm sure they'll be back soon as they were only in the lab." Once he'd said this Shadow chaos controlled to the kitchen which was out of sight, grabbed the offending items then used chaos control again to return to his room. He took a sip of what was left in the jug before putting it on the bedside table. "I'm sure you'd like this," he whispered to Rouge.

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Skye just enjoyed the moment.


"Hope, are you ok? Say something please. Don't tell me I magicked away your voice as well!"


"I'll try not too. But I want to spend a few years just doing.... whatever people my age normally do."


Ziona laughed and dove under the water, pulling Glen with her.

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"Hey !" Said Glen, Shortly before Being dragged underwater . He caught up with Zionna , got closer , And gave her a kiss underwater.


Locke left the door ."I guess it was nothing then..."


"Good question. I really wonder what LEGAL thing you could do to have fun in here....."

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"I'm ok Melody," she replied, gripping Melody tightly.

Shadow came back to the bathroom.

"I won't tell anyone what happened here if you don't."

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Skye sat back happily.


"Thank goodness," Melody replied to Hope, crying again but this time happy tears. "Don't worry Shadow. We won't say a single eeny-weeny word!"


"Wait, are you saying I couldn't have fun legally?" asked Anna


ZIona smiled after the kiss and surfaced. "That would have been lovely, if it wasn't quite so salty!"

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"I don't know ." Said Red."You are always on the move , doing extrem sports after extrem sport .... Next thing we know you'll be climbing Giant buildings." She joked.


"It added some taste ." Said Glen."But we can always try it again ...." He got closer."And now , there won't be any risk of drowning ."


Tikal sat next to Skye.


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"Tikal," began Skye. "I was thinking, if we keep coming back to this spot, maybe we should build a small hut for ourselves here? Somewhere that we can get away from the cares of the world?"


"Well, I think Hope and I could do with a change of clothes..." said Melody.


"Hmm," Anna pondered, seemingly taking the idea seriously. "But there is a difference between extreme and illegal though. Besides, I think my liking for extreme sport is tame compared to my sister."


Ziona swum up next to Glen, smiling.

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"Right." Shadow chaos controlled to HQ and returned a minute later with some of Hope's clothes which he handed to her.

"Melody, which room here is yours again? Don't want you looking suspicious by wearing Hope's clothes."

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Tikal smiling."I really like that idea! But wouldn't we need tools for that ?"


"Well, She sure does." Said Red."You should have seen her running up the wall." She laughed ."For a second , I actually though it was you ."


"So, wanna go back to the shore ? Or swimming some more together?"

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"Depends on what kind of hut we want to built. And I could summon up some basic tools," said said.


"We could have said when we went back to Moebius to find what we 'lost' I fell in a swamp and the only clean clothes my size at GUN were Hopes!" said Melody with a laugh. "But my room, uh, second one down thataway," she said pointing.


"She did that again? Heh, she did it when we raced as well! But..." Anna began pondering whether to tell Red the truth about who Melody was.


"The shore's there whenever we want it. Let's enjoy the water for now."

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Shadow teleported to Melody's room, grabbed some clothes and teleported back, meanwhile Hope closed the shower curtain for some privacy and changed into her dry clothes, which were identical to the wet ones.

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"Thank's Shadow," said Melody as she picked up her dry clothes. She looked at Hope.

"Do you only have one outfit?" she asked.

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