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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Hi Mom," Melody gasped. "We deliver the letter... but, uh, in person... so we invited you... her... Red back with us. She's on her way now!"


"Yeah. I hope the letter got delivered. I wonder what she's shouting about though."


"Down Romeo!" warned Ziona.

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Shadow got out of the lift and entered hotel room.


"I'm sure they did, it didn't sound like sad shrieking."

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"You what?" Said Old red."Oh my, I better not stay there then. That would be problematic. Also, I better get Crowley too...Just in case. Crowley, get over here, now !" She shouted.


"Alright Lady, Alright." Said Glen. They started moving right away.

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"You don't want to meet yourself?" asked Melody with false innocence.


"Yeah. I better go see what it's all about," said Anna


Ziona laughed and started walking.

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Crowley jumped up and headed over to Red.

"What's happened now?" he asked.


"Ok. It's been nice talking to you," said Rouge.

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"That would be way too Crazy for me." Said Red."So i'll just grab Crowley, and Go somewhere for a while. Beside.... I think she'd want to spend the moment with Mina."


"Oh, I made you laugh." Said Glen, Smiling.

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"Red... Current timeline Red is coming to visit Anna," Melody explained to Crowley.


"And to you. Thank you, and I hope you're feeling better," replied Anna as she walked towards the door.


"You always do," said Ziona, "that's why I love you."

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"I see. Then why are we running away?"


"Thank you," replied Rouge as Shadow walked in.

"How'd it go- you're bleeding!"

"It's just a cut. Had a run in with some nut with a whip, and Crowley for that matter. But we delivered the letter at least. Melody even had us bring back current Red," replied Shadow as he dabbed some tissue to soak up the blood.

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"Yes, now we are leaving for now." Said Red. "Not long, just so Mina and red can have their time together."


Young red got inside the main room, sitting down on a chair.


"Thank you for those kind words." Said glen."i'll try to give them back with interest."

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Melody glanced into the main room. "You might want to teleport or fly away thought. She's already in the main room."


Anna slunk against the wall as Shadow entered, then left for the main room. She looked around and saw Red sitting in the chair. She gave an excited squeal, running over and embarrassing her friend.

"Red! You came! You made it!" she exclaimed happily.


"I'm sure you will," replied Ziona with a grin.

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"Very well then," replied Crowley as he teleported outside.


Once Shadow had cleaned his cuts he sat down on a chair next to Rouge.

"Anything happen while I was gone?" he asked.

"No. Though in our conversation Mina did mention she was afraid of you."

"I'm not surprised. Why do you mention it?"

"She asked me to tell you about it."

Shadow sighed. "Fine I'll see what I can do at some point, but right now we need to focus on you. How're you feeling?"

"Still like I've got a cramp all over my body, but it's better."

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Red grabbed Crowley has he did so, being teleported with him.


"Of course I did Mina." Said young Red."You are my best friend, My only friends. I wouldn't have let Distance separating us."


"Well, mina is telling us that we finnally got there." Said Glen. "What she said Was true. it seems that we are the only people going there at all."

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Melody walked back into the main room, and smiled when she saw Red and Anna had found each other.


"It's a bit of a long distance now though," said Anna, tearing up a bit. "But Red... I know this might sound strange but.... my name's Anna now, not Mina. I... don't like who I was turning out to be."


"I would hope so. It'd be disappointing otherwise."

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"Anna? ok...." Said Red."And I understand what you mean. this work can destroy you from the inside.... Maybe it's better that way."


"Indeed." Said Glen."Now let's enjoy our time for once !!! Everyone throw of their clothes !!!! Gosh that feel so wrong."

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Melody headed to the kitchen. On the way she indicated to Hope that she was going for a drink, and mouthed 'want one?'.


"It is better," replied Anna. "I saw where my future was headed. I'd end up like... actually, even worse than my mother."


Ziona arched her eyebrows at Glen with a disparaging look that said 'seriously?'

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"Why, you don't have your swimsuit under your clothes?" Asked glen."Because it sound likes everyone else does. Have a look."


"I understand you Mina. I hope living there will make you a better person. no... It will." Said Red, smiling.

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"Cool. What do you want... Or..." Melody grinned mischievously, "do you wanna try some of the grown up's drinks," she said, pointing at a bottle of wine.


"Thank you, I'm glad you think so," replied Anna, skimming over the name mishap for now. Coming from Red, it wasn't so important as everyone else.


"I thought you meant.... nevermind," replied Ziona, blushing deeply.

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"Maybe just a small taste," said Hope.


"Once agsin it's just you and I Red," said Crowley

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"Well...." said Glen , starting to blush too." If you want it that way... I think I saw a little shack over there, where people change themselve...."


"No problem Anna. Just try to keep the contact if you can, alright ?" Said Young Red


"Would you ever want it any other way?" Asked Old Red.

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Melody grinned and took down the bottle and two wine glasses, pouring out a little into each. She handed one glass to Hope.


"I'm sure I will. I mean, I've got a brother now who can do magic, and my sister's best friend built the tech that got you here, so I'm sure we'll work something out."


"Let's enjoy the beach first," said Ziona quickly.

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"Thanks," said Hope as she took her drink.


"No I suppose I wouldn't have it any other way."

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"That sound s crazy it could almost work." Said young Red.


"Yeah...." said glen."Unless you meant that we should swim naked , Ha ha ha." He tried to joke in order to let out some steam, but he wasn't sure of it working.

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"Well, cheers!" said Melody, as she took a sip of her own drink. Her face became one of surprise. "That's... not what I'd thought it'd taste like!"


"My life these last few days has been crazy stuff working," laughed Anna.


"Glen... you're putting your foot in it again!" said Ziona, but she was smiling.

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"Well, Let me take off that shirt first , I'd like to have something to wear when i'll be out of the water. Hope you got a towel ." Answered backglen, smiling too;


""And now it seem to be getting worse." Said Red,smiling ."It looks like Fate really doesn't like you,." She laughed.


"Indeed." Sadi Old red." Now where did you got us?"

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