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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"I'm sure they won't, but if they do Shadow can handle it. He won't let anything happen to Hope or Melody."

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"I don't think Melody will let anything happen to Hope either. They get on really well considering how different they are. And they've only know each other for a few days." There was a very slight hint of jealousy in Anna's voice.

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"Yeah, they really do. I'm sure you'll find a friend here too. Hopefully one that actually lives here."

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"Yeah. That would be nice. Maybe that would have been one advantage of school; being around people my age!" joked Anna.

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"I... guess not. But I'd be likely to find at least one person who liked me and vis versa surely? Of course, it's all just speculation..."

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"I doubt it would be as bad as here." Saud Red."To each place their problems after all."


Glen knocked On Zionna's door ."I have been talking to Mina. She is still alright with showing up the beach . Got something nice to wear ?"

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"True. But all I'm saying is don't expect perfection."


"Ok Glen. And I do. I'll be out in a minute," called Ziona through the door.

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Aa the group progressed Shadow stopped as he was struck across the face and arm by something as a figure appeared from behind a tree.


"Probably, but with kids you never know."

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"I wasn't ." Said Red."But nothing can be worse than here ." she also saw the figure from behind the tree.



"Good."Said Glen."I just cannot wait to see what you got in store for us."

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"I wouldn't say that. Not at..." Melody broke off as the figure appeared. "Hope, get behind me!" she cried, drawing her knife with one hand and charging up magic in the the other. She snarled at the figure. Sometime on Moebius, showing you were ready to fight was all that was needed to end one.


"I suppose they can be quite cruel to one another," accepted Anna


"Patience is a virtue Glen!" Ziona called back.

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Hope pulled out her tazer as Shadow angrily growled, recognising the figure.

"Some people just can't take a joke," he muttered as they stepped out of the shadows revealing an annoyed Alicia Acorn.


"Sure are, you won't see me with any of them."

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"I am , I am." Said Glen."If it's not about A patrol , I can always wait "


Red also got ready , making sure the figure knew what kind of trouble he just got himself into.

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"Huh boy," muttered Melody, as the realised the 'chase attacker off' option wasn't going to work. "Dad's gonna kill me!"


"Yeah, you're not the student or teacher type!"


"That's good," she called back.

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"Not if I do first," said Alicia as she whipped Shadow around the arm again, this time it wrapped around it. "What is this, a family outing? A bat, a mongoose and a human? You've got issues." As she berated him Shadow was waiting for the right momemt to yank the whip towards him.


"You can say that again. It's part of why Red scares me at times. We're total opposites; she's all motherly, and well, I'd never give up my unmatchable beauty giving birth to a whiny brat."

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"Alicia ."Said Red."And you are the one dating a french coyote .I don't think you can talk." she pulled out her knife.


"Yeah sure."Said Glen."But don't take too much , Or i'll jump in ."

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"Clearly you haven't been keeping up with events; I've found someone else, so if you do anything to me he'll rip you to pieces," retorted Alicia.

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"Killing you would a pleasure . But I'd get nothing from it. So the beatdown you'll receive today is going to be a freebie."Said Red."beside , many dared to say the same thing; look at where it lead them ."

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"Even with 'someone else' backing you, you're still outnumbered four to one. It was brave of you to come alone." Melody didn't believe for a second that what she was saying was true. She was merely trying to lure out the rest of Alicia's ground. She got ready to lash out the moment they appeared.


"She was somewhat more like you at your age... uh... is... cause there's two of her," said Anna. "Though that might make it more scary, because if she is like you now, then when you're older..."


Ziona gave it another few minutes before appearing at the door. "Ready now!"

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(Ooc : It's true that Anna doesn't know about red's... Problem with having children )

"well, took you long...." Glen stopped , when he saw Zionna."My , my, That's very nice ."


"Or maybe you l are just here to pass on a message ... Come on out, so we can sort this out."Said Red.

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Alicia had a smug look on her face as another figure stepped into view, muttering "why did I take this job?" to himself. Shadow rolled his eyes when he saw Crowley and yanked the whip, pulling Alicia towards him.


"That's not going to happen. I've got too much to live for."

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"You again ."Said Red."We really got to stop meeting like this."

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Melody couldn't help it. Despite the situation, she burst out laughing.


"Wellllll, thirty years is a long, long time!" teased Anna


"Worth the wait?" asked Ziona.

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