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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"No, Thank you!", said Melody. "Where is this Darn house?"


"I take it there isn't that many geneticists in this world then? Hmm, I dunno if Skye could do something with it, if you don't mind magic involved...." Anna's words trailed off as she wondered if, now that Hope knew magic, if she could use that to work it out despite her techy background. But as Hope hadn't had a chance to show Rouge and Shadow yet, she kept quiet.


"Yeah, so will I," replied Ziona, picking up the phone again. "Hey Zave, any idea who Zet's replacement on this mission will be?... No? Ah well..."

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"I think I see one up ahead. Let's hope no one's home."


"There are but the ethical jargon means they don't want in. Stuff like whether it's right to make it a private good for sale or a public right, do we share it with allies, how to handle children who can't make their own decisions? Politics really."

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"If Red is home, we better hand her the letter quickly... If things go bad, I can grab Hope and run..."


"I see.... um... no I don't. But then politics..... uh... where I came from... was mostly about who had the biggest stick."

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They approached the seemingly empty house.

"There doesn't appear to be anyone. The hiding place then?"


"I see. Well here the government has to appear to be doing a good job or they get voted out next election. The key word is appear. Politics is similar wherever you go, false promises everywhere."

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It was a quite boring day on Mobius . Another well done hit for Red. But she was done, and The job got a lot of heat on her back. So she had to hide . It wouldn't last long though, merely until she we be fully Rested.

Red was out of her Shower and was fully changed . But she was now wondering where her old Friend Mina was. She never really left for so long without sending a message , or at least news ... That's when she heard noises outside . "Someone , here?" She though. No way they were peaceful door seller. But who know ? She went for the nearest hideout and decided to wait .


"So, you are going to have a new teamate ?" Said Glen."Let's hope he won't be one of those 'I only follow the book' Freak."

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"Either that or we knock... Anna didn't give exact instructions!"


"That doesn't sound very efficient. You'll get people more interest in playing to the crowd than actually ruling."


"I guess I will be. But I doubt they'll be 'by the book' for a job like this. I know Zet was, but then, this wouldn't be his normal type of assignment. He just got it because he was already here. What's that Zave...." she turned back to the phone. "The want me to give evidence at the trail? Huh, I guess they'll need to break my new partner in quickly then. I guess they'll arrive when they pick up Zet tomorrow morning."

(ooc: So, who wants to play another Zone Cop?)

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"If you want to knock be my guest."


"We don't have rulers, or at least we don't like them very much. They often only give a Darn about themselves rather than the people, and the only way to oust them is a blood soaked revolution or coup."

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"Just get ready in case something funny happens," said Melody as she gave a quick rap on the door.


Anna shook her head. "In some way's our worlds don't sound so different after all."

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Red stayed hidden , not taking any risk.


"It's quite soon for taking him to a trial ..." Said Glen."Oh man , And I won't to see you for a whole day! Can't I come with you ?"

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"Ok. We'll wait out of sught."


"I suppose you're right, but at least we aren't ruled by a dictator in the UF. Can't speak for the rest of the planet though."

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Melody nodded and knocked again. "Hello. Anybody home?" she called.


"I wouldn't know. I haven't had the chance to play tourist yet!"


"Hmm... I'll see if I can wrangle up a guest pass for now. No promises, but I'll try."

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"Still better than nothing , eh ." Said Glen .


Red Looked out from the window. There were two Girl , and ... Crowley! Wait a minute... Hope too was Here ! "Who is there ?" She said."Come closer to the door , I'll open it in a second ." She said , hugging the wall nearest of the door."

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"Who... uh... That might take a little explaining..." stammered Melody who hadn't been expecting a response. At least her hesitation meant it was unlikely she was after Red, otherwise she'd have been more prepared.


"That would be useful. More for my sister, she's more likely to run straight into trouble!"


Ziona nodded in agreement.

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Shadow and Hope waited for Melody to deliver the letter.


"I'll be sure to tell her as well then. But whatever you do don't go into the hills east of the Kingdom of Acorn. The people there aren't quite right, and don't like outsiders one bit."

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"Don't worry , Maybe we'll get lucky ." Said Glen."Let's just maje sure we don't end up meeting an alternate of me there."


Red carefully openned the door from the inside , still hidden behind the wall."The door is open,. What do you people want ? I habe nothing for you here . Especially not criminals like hope . She gives a bad name to peoples like Kintobor."

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"Yep, I'd agree," said Melody steeping side. "But... uh... like I said... this is complicated. But I've letter here for you from... Mina." Melody almost stumbled over Anna's old name.


"Would that have anything to do with that 'found footage' you were talking to Hope about?" asked Anna


"I can't promise that, though I don't recall ever meeting you before."

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"Mina ?" Asked Red .She Grabbed melody and pulled her inside , with her knife on Melody's throath ."What have You done to her? Where is she ?" If mina was in danger , she would make them talk.


"An it's better tht way."Said Glen."I wouldn't imagine myself acting like this."

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Shadow rushed inside and grabbed a hold of Red's arm.

"Drop it," he said sternly.

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Red kicked Shadow back and jumped out of Reach , Pulling out another knife "I repeat my question again : Why are you here , And where is MINA ?"

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Red took the letter , an angry look on her face. But as she started reading , the rage slowly turned into sadness . when she was done she simply sat down on the nearest chair."So... she isn't coming back this time ,is she ?"

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Melody had stood slightly shocked when Red had pulled her in. But not because of the knife.

"Wow... you look..." she muttered before managing to concentrate. "I don't think she CAN come back. But you could come and see her. I'd think she'd like that."


"You didn't destroy it?" asked Anna with a slightly sly smile.


"Hmm, but people from different Zone can be very different from each other."

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Shadow breathed a sigh of relief when Red read the letter.


"Yes. Most of it was all of their preparation for the ritual, which was crazy enough in itself, but it gets more interesting at the end. As a testament to their stupidity, the guy with the camera kept filming as Shadow busted in to save me. Only stopped when Shadow punched him out. It was certainly exciting, and I was never more happy to see him.."

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