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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Anna nodded at Melody and Hope's comments, hoping they were right as she stood up. Skye also stood up and got ready to follow.


In the adjacent booth, Miles mind was racing. From the snippets he'd overheard of there conversation, difficult given the noisy restaurant, it certainly sounded as if this 'Skye' and 'Melody' were another alternate version of him and Mina. And from the sound of things, a closer version than their Prime Zone versions. But that raised mare questions. What were they doing here, and what had they done to Mina? Miles got ready to follow.

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Skye entered the Arcade and his mouth dropped open in amazement. He mouthed a silent 'Wow'.

"I told you you'd like it," said Melody giving Skye a playful shove on the shoulder. "C'mon," she said grabbing Anna by the hand, "let's find something for us to play."

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Hope walked over to an older machine and inserted some coins. She was soon playing a game similar to Asteroids.

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"Here we are," said Melody as she and Anna arrived at the game. "We choose a song, then step on the arrows on the floor as the appear on the screen."

"Really.... That, uh, doesn't sound too bad.." said Anna sounding relieved.

"Okay, now we just choose a song," Melody explained as she inserted coins into the machine. Anna looked at the song list.

"Oh... are... are those songs by...." she asked. Melody mentally cursed herself for forgetting how popular Mina's songs were.

"Er... yeah... Is that a problem?" she asked. Anna shut her eyes, took a deep breath, then shook her head.

"No," she replied firmly. "Let's do this."


Skye wandered through the arcade, looking with fascination at the different games and machines. He stopped by a shooting game, currently unoccupied, and decided to give it a go. He had barely started when he heard a voice nearby.

"Can I join you?" Skye turned to see a brown-furred wolf about he age pointing towards the second gun.

"Sure thing, no problem," said Skye. He was a little wary of someone he didn't know, but on the other hand, he knew he should try to make friends.

Miles gave a false friendly smile, and stepped up to the second player screen, pushing some coins in and joining in.

"Excuse me, but... are you Tails? The Freedom Fighter?" asked Miles after a moment or two, acting to keep up the appearance of an innocent kid.

"Me?" Skye gave a start, then did his best to compose himself. "No, I'm not him. My name's Skye. I just happened to have the extra tail as well." he said. "I can't even fly like he can," Skye added as an after thought.

"That's a shame," replied Miles, fairly certain that Skye had been lying on the last point. "Flying would be cool."

"Yeah, I know," laughed Skye. "What's your name?"

"Lucas," replied Miles.

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"Or maybe they just try to avoid some resident to try and go all the way outside of their bedroom." Said Glen."Because of you know, the fact that this is a public area."He finished, cuddling her even more.


"Well, going out, meeting people, doing something you wanted to do for years.... There are many things to do for someone like you...." Said Locke.


Tikal tagged along, looking around the arcade, impressed that so many technologic advancement were used for the sole purpose of entertaining... She stopped, and looked at Anna and melody playing.


"In another place, at roughly the same time, A red furred echidna with a cat at his side was now sturggling to wake, and get up. That his, until his alarm rang, and blasted some old music in his ears.

"Aww man, couldn't I get just 5 more minute ?" He said, obviously annoyed by the radio."Chance are those five minute, woould have turned into 5 hours." Said The catgirl near him."Hey, you are the one sleeping all day long...." "Annd you are the one who dare to follow my sleeping pattern." "And so? I knw you like it when someone is awake near you." "I prefer when they aren't as party-goer as you are; though you behaved for once, this is nice." "Thank you miss." "And now, what are we going to do today?" "Well, look at the time.... Wow, that late? It's already lunch time ! well.... I was thinking about getting those kids we saw yesterday to meet mina." "So, you haven't forgot?" "Of course not ! The little moongoose girl sure has some potential, And mina kind of want to meet her too now That I talk to her about it." "And so it begin: Works, works and works. I'm sure it's about something else too..." "Of course there is something else. You'll just have to find out by yourself....."

And the two of them eventually moved on to the bathroom to get themselve both ready and awake. A long day was upon them...Or at least, a part of it.

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Hope looked up from her game to briefly to notice Skye playing with a random kid. She didn't think much of it and quickly focused her attention back on clearing the level.

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Melody threw herself into the game with her usual enthusiasm. Anna was more hesitant and a little embarrassed, and messed up the opening sections, but soon managed to push past that and throw herself into the game. Melody became aware that Anna was humming along to the song as it player.

Meanwhile, Skye and Miles were doing pretty well in the shooting game, making steady progress. Skye began hoping that he'd found a new friend, someone to hang around with who wasn't a girl!


"Well of course, that," laughed Ziona, "but that's far beyond kissing and cuddling!"

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"I don't really know. I never really thought about doing that. I've got all of you around"

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"Yes." Said Glen."Beside, we both love cuddles, he he."

(Ooc: The situation with Glen and zionna is becoming even worse than Tikal. In order to make thing less dull, I might have an idea. I'm going to bring in the soongoose, and have her Meet The two lovers. Hilarity might ensue. Anyone is fine with that?)


Tikal got closer of the dancing machine, looking at the moving screen.


"I guess you are more than willing to jjust go with the flow then." Said Locke.

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Hope hit the hyperspace button to save herself from an incoming asteroid, but was taken out by a UFO when she reappeared.

"This is one hard game," she said as she entered her high score and looked for a new game.

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"Did you enjoy that?" asked Melody as the song ended. Her side showed another 'perfect' while Anna's was simply 'Good', due to her messing up the start.

"Yeah, that was fun. Can we go again?" Anna asked enthusiastically. Melody laughed, this was the happiest she'd seen her sister yet.

"Sure thing," Melody replied, then spotted Tikal watching. She waved her over. "Do you want a shot?" she offered.


"So do you live on the island?" Skye asked.

"No. Me and my family just arrived for a holiday," Miles lied. "What about you?"

"My family's here for a holiday too, though we do live on the island. But it's just the kids out today. Mom and Dad are back at the hotel."

"Kids? You mean you have brothers or sisters?" Miles asked intrigued. In almost every Zone Tails was an only child.

"Yeah. Two sisters. They're playing on the dance machine over there," Skye pointed out. Miles looked and almost dropped his gun when he realised the 'sisters' in question were Mina and the other Mongoose girl. What he found most scary was, unlike Skye's comment about being unable to fly, there was no hint of lying in Skye's voice. He actually believed he was telling the truth.


Ziona looked around. "Nope, no Hope to make faces at us!" she joked.

(ooc: If you want. Given Mina knows the prime version of each of them it could be interesting.)

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Hope walked over to a flight combat game and jumped into the seat before starting up.


"It's up to you Red."

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"Those two mongooses are your sisters?" Miles asked.

"Yep. Melody and Anna." Skye replied.

Miles mind began racing, trying to make sense of what he'd learned. Mina seemed to have had her entire personality changed, was responding to a different name, and now had a 'brother' and 'sister'. Did this go both ways? Had 'Skye' and 'Melody' somehow been reprogrammed in a similar way? And if so, who would do such a thing? It seemed an awful length to go to just to have a family. There had to be something more sinister going on.

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"Too... many.... misiles," muttered Hope as she tried to weave around the oncoming missiles, a colossal plane coming closer to the foreground of the screen.

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"Up to me , huh?" Said red."You really are a gentleman . But as a lady , I like to be surprised . So please, go on and make a choice . Anything would be nice. After all, I'm a woman open to everything ."


"Joining you? I'm affraid I'm not ready for that yet." Said Tikal."Maybe later on ."


"Yes she isn't around . Just you, me, the bench , and our cuddles . " Said Glen."I really wouldn't ask for more ..."

At the same time , two moongoose were making their way on their direction....

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"Very well then. Give me a moment to think," said Crowley.


"It's so nice to have this place to ourselves. By the looks of things it's gonna turn into some freakish couples' retreat when they get back. Only people who aren't acting like that are me, you, Melody, Hope and the Moebian you. No surprise there," said Rouge.

"Can't argue there. Hope won't crack; there aren't even any humans here to begin with. I doubt Melody will go all soft, and Crowley's basically me. And we're not exactly, how did they put, 'wuvvy'," replied Shadow before handing Rouge another glass, shuddering at the expression. Rouge spotted an unopen bottle of champagne behind him.

"You really are sure we're gonna have something to celebrate, aren't you?" she asked with a little laugh.

"Of course. Miles will surface any time now. We drop in, knock him around and deport him back to Moebius. All with complete legal authority thanks to Section 57." Shadow then clinked his glass with Rouge's.

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"I guess that's one way of putting it"

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"It's really not difficult at all Tikal. But I don't want to put any pressure on you. It's just, you're just standing there, and it doesn't seem fair," said Melody.


"So, have you lived on the island long?" asked Miles, fishing for as much information as he could, or looking for signs of how far the programming went.

"Actually no. We've only just started living here," Skye replied. "Well, except for Dad..." Skye realised he'd just talked himself into an awkward position.

"Your Dad lived here but you didn't? That sounds strange!" Miles pushed, wondering if he could get the programming to crack.

"Well, uh..." Skye decided to just keep going. "Melody, Anna and I, we're adopted. We... lost our parents."

"I see. I'm sorry," replied Miles, sounding sorry but not meaning a shred of it. "Where did you live before?"

"I'd, uh, rather not talk about it..."

Miles cursed inwardly. He couldn't ask much more in that direction without it appearing suspicious.


"Hmm, maybe a box of chocolates?" Ziona pondered. "Or a milkshake?"

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"just don't keep me waiting." Said Red."I'm a woman that loves attention from others."


"Ah ah, maybe later on ." Said Glen."we wouldn't want you to get fatter in less than one week right ?" Said Glen before kissing her on the neck."Who is my little crimson fox? who? well it's you."

The two moongoose eventually got near Glen and Zionna, who still haven't saw them yet.


"What is the other?" Said Locke."I do feel like being humored today."


"I'm fine ." Said Tikal."Beside, you need someone to keep an eye on you, or else, those coins are going to disappear faster than you can run." she joked

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"You don't need to worry about the money going quickly! Am I really the kinda person who does things with thinking?" asked Melody, Behind her, Anna started laughing. "Not! Helping!"


"If you keep up with the fat jokes I won't be" teased Ziona.

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"A casino? With your luck we might win big." suggested Crowley.


Hope was now fighting the giant plane boss, barley dodging the barrage of projectiles on screen.

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" a casino ? Well, with my luck , and your hands , maybe we could win a lot indeed ." Said Red.


Tikal laughed . But it was a genuine one, not a laugh of mockery.


"You'll never get fat, that is for sure." Said Glen.

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Melody sighed theatrically. "Okay, okay! You can make sure I don't spend all my allowance on dancing!" Anna turned back to looking at the music tracks.

"Hey, I kinda like this one!" she said.

"Are you sure? It sounds kinda... heavy."

"Yeah, I, uh, like the power of it."


"What about you," Skye asked, hoping to stop more questions about his past. "Where are you from?"

"Me? Oh..." He was about to say New Mobotropolis, then stopped himself as he realised that wouldn't work with mistaking Skye for Tails. Miles realised he didn't have much of an idea about Mobius. He took a gamble that neither did Skye, and tried to think of somewhere that existed in both worlds. "Sandblast City," he replied.

"What's it like there?" Skye asked, interested.

'Dammit' Miles thought to himself. Outwardly he laughed. "As you might have guessed, sandy!"


Ziona smiled. "I think you made a good recovery there," she said, moving in closer and giving Glen a peck on the cheek.

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