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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Cool. Do you wanna try playing around with the light and making them do different stuff, or try another spell?"

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Melody pondered for a moment, while Skye shot worried glances in her direction.

"I think... I'd be safer to stick with the lights for now," said Melody. Skye's worried looked became one of relief but also surprise. "But, see if you can play around with it. More lights, less lights, different colours. Make them move around. That kinda thing."

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•Because you are just as sweet as liquor , and able to stay beautiful even in the worst time ." Said Glen.


"I guess so." Said Tikal.


"Good , now let's keep on going ."Said Red happily .

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"Ok." Hope read the scrap of paper once more and made the lights appear, this time moving them around slightly.


Crowley bowled again, this time knocking only half of the pins over with his first shot, but taking the other half with the second, getting him a spare.

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"Don't worry. I'm sure you'll love it," said Skye.

Melody watched the lights move with an impressed look. "You really seem to have a knack for this Hope."


Ziona blushed slightly at Glen's comment.

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"Maybe you missed your calling in life. You should have been a spellcaster, not a techy," joked Anna, fascinated by the lights. She tried poking them for second time.

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"Heh. I'd say I can still do far more with my tech than this magic at the moment. I could probably build a doomsday device in a day for example."

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Red Tried again, But she almost missed her shot, leavig Crowley in front. She had to pull herself together.


"But you are just as I like it: Sweet and adorable . To the point i could almost eat you whole ..." Said Glen in her ears."Of course I won't. That would be rude."


"Then let's wait for it." said Tikal.

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"It shouldn't take long," said Skye.

Anna's eyes went wide at Hope's comment, causing Melody to laugh. "Remind me never to P*ss you off Hope!"


"I though you were worried about being eaten by me?"

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Hope laughed. "I doubt any of you will ever need me to. Once I've taken over the world there'll be really big signs to tell everyone," she joked.


"Feeling the pressure are we?"

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"I am . But if I eat you before , I'll be safe ." Said glen." You almost seems delicious." He mimicked someone opening and closing his mouth, as if to eat something.


"Be careful what you say little hedgehog ." Said Red." Anything could happen any time."


"Maybe hope could use her new power to summon a cheesecake ?" Asked Tikal.

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"You... you don't actually mean that?" asked Anna. She was smiling at Hope's joke, but there was a edge of uncertainty to it.

Skye laughed. "Unless you know how to actually cook a cheesecake Hope, I would not advise trying to summon one!"


"I think I better find a stick to wedge open that mouth of your's!"

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"I don't think I'm at that stage yet Tikal. And of course I don't mean that, I was only joking. There are only a select few members of my family who aren't criminally insane, and I have no intention of leaving that category."


"You should keep that in mind yourself as well."

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Anna seemed relieved.

"That's good. Just as long as your Moebian counterpart doesn't learn that she can do magic too."

Both Skye and Melody stiffened. Had they been human, they'd have turned white.

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"Just pray you never find out," said Skye.

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"No arguments h... OH! Ice Cream!" Melody gave a happy squeal as the desserts were delivered.

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Skye shook his head at the massive dish placed on front of Melody. He cut a bit of his cheesecake off with a fork and offered it to Tikal.

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"So many doubters? I'm gonna have to prove you all wrong!" said Melody, as she started getting stuck into her sundae.

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