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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Hope laughed.

"I know that Skye, I'm only joking."


"Well I suppose we could see what's about the town."

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"I know," replied Skye, managing to smile. "I'm just a little bit touchy about that, given my somewhat girly name."

"And the way you act," interrupted Melody.

"Hey, I don't ACT girly!" protested Skye.

"Not even with your 'wuvly wittle angel'?" joked Anna, causing Skye to blush.

"I'm.. I'm not that bad..."


"Hmm, what herb would go best with an Echidna I wonder," pondered Ziona as the safely harnesses of the ride snapped shut.

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"No you aren't ." Said Tikal."If caring is being girly, then, it's a good thing."


"We'll see about it when we'll be out of this thiiiinnnngggg..." Glen couldn't finish as the car got down.

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"Caring isn't girly," said Melody.

"But the way Skye goes about it is," continued Anna. Though neither girls had a teasing tone this time, they were stating matter-of-fact.



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Hope giggled at Anna's joke as she made it through the hole.

"Well at least there's light in here so we can see what we're running away from," she said.

"I must say Red I don't think I've ever done this before; gone for a leisurely stroll through a town."

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"Please tell me why did i got in there with you already ?" Asked Glen


"Yeah, we never got the occasion to enjoy things..."


Tikal silently followed .

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Skye was also quiet as he followed Hope through the hole.

"So where are we heading to now?" asked Melody as she crawled through, Anna, giggling again, following behind.


"Because. I. Asked. Nicely!" Ziona shouted of the rush of air.

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"It's a hallway. Kinda reminds me of one you'd see in a hotel or a mansion," said Hope as she went past a cracked mirror, her reflection distorted. "Certainly seen better days."

"No we certainly didn't. But it seems times have changed."

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"Ah yes. The cute face and the jump on my back." Said Glen."well, it was worth it I suppose."


"It's good to be able to stop once in a while." Said Red."Not having to watch your back for any foes..."

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"Let's hope the guests haven't been left behind," said Melody as she looked in the mirror as well, Anna standing behind her. "Wait, whats that?" Something else seemed to take shape in the mirror, then began reaching out of the mirror towards the girls.

Skye did his best to hide his snicker as his illusion grew out of the mirror.


"Yes it was!" called Ziona.

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"Well, time for my fun then." Said Glen.


Tikal said Nothing, But Looked at Skye.

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Hope quickly stepped back and tried to think logically.

"I'm not sure what it is," she looked around for a projector but could see none. "Let's just get going," she said before hurriedly heading forward.

"Indeed. Though we're not completely out of the clear yet."

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Melody and Anna gave another scream, then ran after Hope.

Skye burst out laughing. "That's what they get for calling me 'girly'!"


"Your fun?"

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Zionaa wouldn't have been able to finish her ssentence, as Glen Leaned toward her and kissed her againn. That would look great in the pictures


Tikal smiled a bit at Skye's prank.


"Maybe, but foor now, Let's not think about it." Saidd Red.

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Kali walks up to Astraea who continues to read the book. "How's the study been going?" he asks as he sits next to her.

Astraea looks to him and then back to the book. "This is really interesting. This passage here explains the abilities of each element."

Kali looks at the book and thinks for a moment. "What ability is needed to be known? I thought every element could have any type of ability."

"Apparently not. Here, let me show you." Astraea says as Kali leans in more to read the book with her.

Professor Atlas Element Understanding

In the first meeting of element professors, we have shared quite a bit of information. It seems that each of us can undergo what is known as logia transformation. This allows us to transform our body into our element as use it to our advantage. Between fire and water, this gives them the ability to be untouched by anything that comes into contact with them, as well as give off the effects of their element on said object. The air professor did not come to the meeting, as it seems their society has isolated themselves in the sky. As this information was too vital to share. It seems earth is the only element unable to fully emit or create weapons from their body. As such, we must train each generation with the ability to craft and use the environment to their advantage. Further studies will be taken until the next meeting.

Astraea finishes reading the journal as she looks to Kali leaning over her shoulder. trying to stay calm she looks back. "It seems like our scientists are hiding things from us."

"What do you mean?" Kali says as he sits back next to her.

"Besides right now, our people have never cooperated for anything. This must have been a secret thing going on in the early generations."

"And whoever made this book got a copy of the professors notes somehow."

"Indeed. This means the other books either have more information from your people, or he met with fire and water as well." She closes the book and stands up. "This means we'll have to find the other two to learn more of the truth."

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Hope heard Skye's laughter and turned the corner to find a small elevator to her right.

"I'll go first," she said, pressing the button. The doors opened and she stepped inside ;there was only one button intact, up. She pressed it and sure enough the doors closed and the elevator went up one floor. Stepping out she immediately jumped as a chair flew across the hall in front of her, coming to rest on the wall.

"Wasn't expecting that."

"I'll try not to, but I can't guarantee anything Red."

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Melody and Anna also heard Skye's laughed. After Hope entered the lift, they turned and grinned at each other.

Skye turned the corner, finding an empty corridor and the lift.

"I guess they went in there," he said as he pressed the button. At that moment Melody and Anna dropped on him from where they'd been hiding against the ceilding. This time Skye gave a genuine scream.


Ziona smiled, then laughed.

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Spectre simply iistened to them talking and explaining the situation. It appear that they would have to move out soon.


"Skye !"Tikal Pushed skye out of harm way , as she though of him in danger.


Glen smiled back.

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Hope continued down the hallway at a cautious pace, knowing something was going to happen soon.

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The four children ended up on a heap on the floor.

"Gotya!" said Melody with a grin.

"Tikal! I'm... I'm so sorry. Let me help you up," said Anna.

"Are you okay Tikal?" asked Skye.


Ziona went back to enjoying the rest of the ride.

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Hope looked down the hallway and saw various rooms going down each side. Upon entering the first one on the right, the door immediately shut itself and locked behind her.

"Automated door. No use waiting around then," she said as she surveyed the room; the table at one end was overturned, filing cabinets were open and the room looked a general mess. Meant to be the work of poltergeists she assumed. Even though she knew it wasn't real, the scenario still had an eerie aura to it.

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Melody? Anna? What?"

"You did that mirror trick Skye, didn't you? Payback, that's all," Melody explained. Skye groaned and looked around.

"Where's Hope?" asked Skye

"She went... on... ahead..." Melody suddenly looked panicked, rushed into the lift and hit the button.

"Melody, wait!." Skye jumped in after her but Anna, helping up Tikal, was left behind as they slid shut.

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Kali and Astraea walk back up to the top of the shrine to Spectre and Knuckles.

"We've been able to depict the book, where's our next destination?" Astraea asks Locke Spectre. (ooc: derp >_<)

Meanwhile, from the bushes. Trigun listened in on the books secrets and now waits to hear the groups next area.

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(Ooc : Locke...)

Spectre Listen to Astrea and Think for a while."Time is the essence, like I said, but now that we know the nature of our new would be ennemy...I can't help but shake off the idea that he might have a way to watch our every move...." Spectre Looked around."After all, water is everywhere on this planet...."


Eventually , the ride stopped, and the two lover had to leave . "finally, that ride is over." Said Glen."I must hate those thing as much As I love you...."


Tikal got back to her sense."Where...is ...Skye?" she asked.


"Red looked at crowley."You are more upset than usual. What's going on your mind?" She asked.

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