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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"You don't feel guilty about what you did to Zet?" Skye asked, also slightly shocked.

"He... he was trying to kill me..." replied Anna, again frantically rubbing her hands together. "I did... what I had to do... to stay alive..."


"You as well," replied Ziona. "But I've taken up too much of your time. Best of luck deal with the wyrd sisters and their brother." Ziona began heading back to Glen.

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"Bye," said Hope as she turned and went back towards the others. She could see something wrong.

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Tikal felt a bit disconnected from both discussion.


Glen saw Zionna coming back . Good. all these people looking at him was freaking him out.

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Dylan was heading back to the hotel now, slightly disappointed about not finding anything new

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(ooc: Sorry Tikal!)

"I did... what I had to do..." continued Anna, "but that I enjoyed hurting him... that I was gleeful at making him helpless... that makes me feel ill now."

Melody was about to hug Anna, but to her surprise Skye did so first.

"And that proves that you can be a good person," he said.

"Me? Good?" Anna sounded like the idea hadn't crossed her mind.


Reaching Glen, Ziona took him by the arm. "So, have you decided what we're gonna do first?"

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"I sure picked a great time to come back," thought Hope as she listened to the others.

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Locke eventually gave up after a while. it was obvious That Dylan wasn't in his room. Then where was he?


"What I want to do?" Asked Glen." Well, I'm not really used to this kind of place. What about you?"

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Melody saw Hope was back, and gave her a look that clearly said 'sorry'.

Skye couldn't help it. He burst out laughing.


"I'm sorry Anna, but I think that's exactly what I said when I was confronted with that idea of 'being good' a few days ago," Skye explained. Anna managed to smile, then gave a few giggles.


"I haven't been to one since I was dream height," joked Ziona. "So how about one of those rides that I'd have been too small for at the time."

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It didn't take long for Dylan to reach the hotel. When he did, he made his way up to where they were all staying and went into the main room

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"You are now living the dream for real Zionna ." Said Glen."Why needing a machine when you got me ?" He joked."But yeah, let's try them."


Locke saw Dylan and went toward him."Dylan."

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Knuckles ponders for a moment. "It must have been something threatening him. i can't imagine Chaos freely leaving the emerald after all it's done.

The group soon makes it back to the emerald and takes a moment to rest. Chaos sits on top of the emerald as Kali sits across from him on the ground.

"You're missing something important to you aren't you? Otherwise you'd go back into the emerald."

Chaos gives him a small nod and Kali gets up and walks over to him.

"Why not join us? We can help you find it while working on our own mission. I'm sure we'll be able to find it."

Kali reaches out his hand as Chaos stares at it. There is a long pause as Knuckles walks up to the shrine.

"I don't think he understands social concepts much but he probably agrees with what you asked of him. Otherwise he would have gone back into the emerald."

Kali looks to Knuckles and smiles. "I see, then let's go to Astraea and see what the book says."

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Hope looked around and saw the haunted house wasn't far away.

"It's not too far now."

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"Yes, come on everyone, lets go!" said Melody. Skye nodded, but walked back over to Tikal. Anna walked up to Melody and Hope.

"Sorry for... going funny there... I'll try not to do it again... Is this the ride?" she asked.


"Wrong dream Glen," said Ziona with a smile, "but nevermind, lets go"

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"No worries. And yeah it is. Just remember to stay close," said Hope as she walked into the house, the entrance dimly lit.

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"Yeah. Sure." Said Glen, Following Zionna.


"So, what now?" Said Locke.


Spectre Stayed Silent.

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"You wanting to go in?" Skye asked Tikal?

"Oh, I will, don't worry," said Anna, standing perhaps a little too close to Hope and Melody.


"What about this one," asked Ziona, pointing at a ride that made the children's earlier rollercoaster look like a gentle, slow trip.

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"I don't know. Where is everyone else?"

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"Gone to the funfair outside." Said Locke."I'm staying with Red. And I hope my ex-wife won't come today." Locke Sighed.


"All right, but don't complain if you innard are coming out after this one." Said Glen."It wouldn't be pretty."


"Well, new experiences are nice I guess." Said Tikal.

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"I'll be there is it gets too much," said Skye as they walked in. "You can close your eyes and I can cover your ears, like you did on the coaster."


"Don't worry about that, I haven't had breakfast yet. Beside, I can always cheat and switch this off," said Ziona, waving her bracelet on from of Glen. "Then I'd be going sideways, not up and down."

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"I somehow doubt this would be better." Said Glen."But if you feel like it.... Don't get those milkshake out on me "


"Don't worry, i'm a big girl." Said Tikal."If something is wrong, I'll just cry and get back behind you."

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"Just try not to scream Melody. We all know how much of a scaredy-cat you are," joked Hope.

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"Just don't pull my tails if you do that," said Skye with a smile.

"Oh no, you're going to be the one who screams first. i know it!" Melody replied to Hope, but she was actually hurt by Hope tease, remembering what had happened to Skye in the dream because she got scared.


"Heh, I'll do my best Glen," she said as they joined the queue.

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Hope could see Melody's anguish.

"Er sorry about that. Slip of the tongue," she said before hugging her.

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"Hope,that's not very nice to do that !" Said Tikal.


"Glad to hear that." Said Glen." And if you are scared, just hold on to me. heck, hold on to me no matter what, ha ha." Said Glen.

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