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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"More than that, I can't say. I've never been on one before either," said Skye.


"Hi Glen," said Ziona as he entered. "Just making myself another milkshake as I forgot to grab one when the paradox kids showed up."


Miles stared at the group. Why were they going on a roller-coaster of all things? Just what were they up to?

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"I guess we'll have to find out by ourselve then." Said tikal.


"Another one ?" asked Glen."You sure love them." As he took a drink."Anyway , how did it go with your friend ?"

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Trigun begins to melt into water as he slips out of Spectres hold.

"I'll be back when I'm ready to. I'll promise you that." he says as he absorbs into the ground and dissapears.

Knuckles runs up to Spectre and looks at him. "It's probably for the best now. He may not be powerful, but he's very tricky."

Kali grabs the book he had found and walks over to Astraea. "There is a language in this I do not understand. Hopefully it was something you knew."

Astraea opens the book and looks to the pages Kali found. She then looks up to him and frowns.

"To think you forgot your own elements alphabet is just horrible. You're lucky I learned it for other purposes."

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"Yep. Lets grab a seat!"


"I do. I'd just forgotten how much. My visit? Better than I expected actually. Zet was a lot more animated than I thought, and he actually wanted me to call the bosses. With luck he won't suffer too much for what he did."

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"Indeed , grandson. Indeed ." Said Spectre, Looking in the distance .


"Good idea !" Gleefully Said Tikal.


"Yeah, Let's hope for that." Said Glen."He might not be the best around , but he does have heart ."

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Kali, Astraea, and chaos walk up to the two echidnas.

"I can explain this text once we get back to the shrine. Staying here would not be a wise choice." Astraea says. Chaos nods in agreement and begins walking away.

"Just a quick question." Knuckles begins to ask. "Why is the mutated chao of destruction walking around like it's a day at the park?"

"He was fighting Trigun when I reached the shrine, I have no idea what he is."

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"I really hope you enjoy this," said Skye as he got into the car, a very slight not of concern in his voice.


"Yeah. At least he's making a good recovery. He was rather shocked when he found out what happened to the person who put him in hospital."


Miles suddenly realised what was going on. There wasn't a sinister plan. They were just spending time at the park.

"What kind of people brainwash someone then merrily play around a park?" he muttered to himself.

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"Well...." Said Spectre ."After Tikal's sudden 'disappearence' , chao got bored .He decided that he could leave at will too to wall around the world. Hence it's presence there ."


"If you are with me, i won't be scared ." Said Tikal.


"I bet it kind of shock you when you discover that you nemesis of the day suddenly reform itself ." Said Glen."And thanks to the help of another 'wanted criminal' None the less!"

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Skye smiled. "I'll keep you safe then."


"If only all criminals could be reformed so easily," sighed Ziona

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"If they could , you'd be out of work Real soon . " Said Glen."But I would have you . Completely . everyday." He smiled deviously."And I'm strangely ok with that."


"Thank you skye." Said Tikal , smiling.

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Rouge looked up from her drink to notice Glen had already gone.

"And people call me rude," she muttered to herself.

"I think the unbearable mushiness has started up again Melody," said Hope as she motioned back to Skye and Tikal.

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"No problem my cute little angel," replied Skye.

"Oh boy," muttered Melody as she looked back, "you're right Hope."

"Are they... always this bad?" asked Anna.

"Believe it or not they're normally worse," replied Melody, causing Anna to break into a giggling fit. Melody almost made a comment about the Crowley fan-girl incident, then decided against it to be on the safe side as the car began moving.


"Yes, somehow I really doubt you would," replied Ziona, grinning.


A different idea popped into Miles head. Rather than following the group, waiting for Mina to become separated, he could find a way to infiltrate it. He pulled out his notebook from a pocket and flicked through it. There was a transformation spell ritual he'd been working on to disguise his appearance, or other apt uses. This seemed like a good opportunity for a trail run. Miles turned and walked away, looking for a quiet spot to set up.

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"A LOT worse. Here we go. This is gonna be good," said Hope, grinning as they began to move.

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"really? How can you be so sure of that?" Asked Glen. He then saw Rouge from the kitchen."Yeah, Sorry about that , Batgirl."


Tikal smiled even more as the car started to move.

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Rouge shot Glen a angry look.

"Which reminds me. Don't call me Batgirl. Makes me sound like a cheap super hero knock off."

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Skye moved one of his hands closer to Tikal, in case she wanted to grip it as the roller-coaster moved. Melody and Anna were wearing almost identical grins.


"Oh, are you already looking around for someone else?" putting on a mock jealous voice as Glen turned his attention to Rouge.

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"Sorry about this, miss." Said Glen , looking embarrassed."I won't do it again." He looked at zionna." The only one I need right now is you."


Tikal Took Skye's hand as he moved it. The car was about to go down.....

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Melody shrieked with delight as the car sped along the track. Anna kept quiet, but was still grinning. Skye was torn between enjoying the ride, and his ears aching with the high pitched shrieks all around.


"You're getting all mushy again!" joked Ziona, but it was clear she did appreciate the compliment.

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Tikal Saw Skye's dilemna. she decided to put her hand on his ears to cover them.


"Sorry if I love you cutie." Said Glen as he got closer."Perhaps you'd be more interested in a more .... Realistic approach of the situation?"

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Skye smiled appreciatively at Tikal and mouthed 'I love you' to her.


"Oh, I think I can work with that!" said Ziona, placing her glass down on the counter-top.

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Tikal simply smiled back. She would wait until they out of the Car to kiss him.


"Well then, I'll try to avoid doing anything ... at least not now." As he took her in his arm and gave her yet another kiss."How about going out today ? you seemed interested in joining the others ."

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Rouge looked ill at the thought of Ziona's joke.

Hope was grinning like a madwoman as the ride continued. Though if she saw the others behind her she'd have probably been sick.

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(ooc: Hope has to be the most unromantic teenage girl I've known! :P)

The ride came to an end.

"Thanks for the 'earmuffs'," said Skye to Tikal ad he helped her out of the car. "It's the little things like that you treasure. Did you enjoy it?"

Melody asked the exact same question to Hope and Anna.

"Oh yes! It was great," replied Anna with sparkling eyes.

"Hey, look. The ride had a camera fitted," pointed out Melody. "I'll go and get the pictures for us."


"Yes, I did promise Hope I'd be around incase she needed a respite form the weirdness or a quick escape," replied Ziona when the kiss ended.

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(OOC Can you blame her when she's confronted with those 2? Doesn't instill much joy in anyone :P )

"Yeah that was so much fun!" said Hope.

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"Well then, How about going there then ?" Said Glen,


"It's alright Skye ." Said Tikal , Before giving him a kiss in the cheek."What is next ?"

(ooc: Poor girl kinda got it hard Shadow . She lost her parent ,think she betrayed knothole , and cut off any ties with snively ...)

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