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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Anna made her order and began eating, savoring every mouthful. She said something, but the waffle in her mouth distorted the words.

"What was that?" asked Melody, as Skye came over and ordered his own. Anna swallowed.

"Sorry. I said... well.. I just said these are delicious." Melody laughed.

"Yeah, they really are Anna. Okay, where to next?" she asked as she took another bite.


"That'll be my job to say it Shadow. Ziona should try and stay in the clear as much as she can."

"Thanks Zet," said Ziona

"It wouldn't be right to drag you in at that stage," said Zet. Ziona nodded gratefully and walked to the other end of the medical bay, then switched on her radio.


Miles mouth dropped open when he caught sight of a two-tailed fox joining the two mongooses. It wasn't Tails, he was certain of that, and yet... Miles tried to work out what could be going on. Maybe this new mongoose and fox were him and Mina from yet another Zone. And from the looks of things, that human girl seemed to be part of the little group.

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"We could try the arcade again if you want? Or we could just go explore and see what we find along the way."

"Alright. Good luck. And I'm sorry I got you into this mess," siad Shadow.

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"Arcade?" asked Skye, his ears pricked.

"It'd like to try something else first. Maybe one of those roller-coasters," said Melody. "We can go to the arcade later... In fact..." Melody stood on tiptoe and looked forward. "The arcade is that way, next to the restaurants. How about we try every ride on the way, have lunch, then arcade?"

"I... dunno about the arcade... Computers aren't really my thing," said Anna, casting a downward look.

"Don't worry, there's some games in there I know you'll love. How's your dancing?"


"Don't apologise Shadow. If we got rid of Nega, I'll happily except being thrown off the force for it. By the way, did you ever catch the @&%$£ that put me in here?"


For the moment, Miles decided to keep his distance. He had no idea what the people with Mina were capable of, so it was best to play safe. Hopefully she'd separate from the others at somepoint.

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"Sounds good to me Melody.

"You know those kids you were sent here to take away? Well they've removed themselves from time. They can't cause any paradoxes. They bumped into Mina, told her how horrible she'll become, and she broke down. She's gone all soft and wimpish. That self righteous echidna 'adopted' her. It seems she won't be a problem anymore. But I still need to find that brat Miles. With the kids de synced, I can take that little punk out of the picture once and for all with no adverse consequences."

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"I'll go for that," said Skye.

"Great, and there a rollercoaster up first!" Melody grinned. "Let's go!" she grabbed Anna by the hand and ran to the turnstile.

"I'd swear she'd must have had an espresso this morning or something," said Skye to Hope. "I've never seen her this hyper before."


Zet stared at Shadow.

"You're kidding, right?" he asked with disbelief.

"He's not kidding Zet. As messed up as it sounds," said Ziona as she walked back up to the bed. "HQ says they'll pick you up tomorrow morning." She handed Shadow a datapad. "There the official info for your boss regarding the pick-up there."

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"It seems she's really happy to have a sister. Guess that's why she was so friendly to me, I was the closest thing she had to one until now. Or maybe I'm flattering myself too much," said Hope.


"Trust me Zet, I wish I was. Thank you Ziona, I'll be sure to pass this on."

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Kali's top half falls to the ground as the book falls down next to him. Knuckles quickly runs out to him and begins using his chaos energy. He attempts to connect Kali's body back together.

"I see." Trigun says as he walks towards them. "The energy you creatures use resembles the element of nature. In that case, destroying you will ensure his demise as well."

He winds up his scythe once more and swings at Knuckles, who is defenseless against the attack.

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(Dayum , I sleep for 3 hours , and I miss three pages , That's crazy . also, SELF RIGHTOUS ?)

Locke looked at Dylan."That seems so out of character from you to act like this Dylan."


Locke was probably Busy with Red, And Dylan was surely doing things in his bedroom. This Made Glen alone, as he did't got time to ask anyone if he could come with them at the fair . Bah , maybe he could join later on , that would make a nice surprise to Zionna.


As the scythe close in , It is suddenly stopped . Spectre got in the way and used his own power . "I don't think you fully understand the situation ." Said Specte."I wasn't interested in a fight . I came here hoping to help . And here you go."Spectre's hand start glowing ."they bring you back, hoping for friendship. And all they got is constant hatred and violence from someone they don't even know ." He look at trigun."I'll give you one more chance to give up."

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(ooc: Locke, I don't recall EVER saying Dylan was in his bedroom. Can you please check these things first before saying them. The last thing that happened with Dylan, was saying something to Locke. If he's busy with Red now, fine but could you not say my character is doing something he's not please?)

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(Ooc: Sorry , What did your character.... oh , here it is . alright , what I wrote were merely Glen's though; it doesn't have to be real.)

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(ooc: Also, where is Tikal? Did she join the rest of the kids at the park?)

"Actually, that would make sense. Apparently, when I was born, uh, because of my,er, name, Melody though she had a little sister. It was over a week before she found out. Apparently she was devastated."

Melody had joined the queue with Anna, Melody jabbering away excitedly while Anna smiled at her.


Zet and Ziona spent some time talking away, until Ziona got up to go.

"One thing before you go Ziona, what's wrong?"

"Wrong? What do you mean?" asked Ziona confused.

"You've haven't said anything flirtatious to me once while we were taking. Something's up!" Zet said. Ziona laughed.

"Oh, that. Yeah, I may actually have a boyfriend now."

"You? You with an actual boyfriend?" Zet asked cheekily.

"It could happen!" replied Ziona, mock offended.

"There's going to be a lot of raw recruits who are going to miss the initiation ritual of been the target of your affections."

"Oh c'mon, I wasn't that bad."

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(ooc: Sorry, I had been up for a while and I thought you were going to reply, so I was a little disappointed when you didn't)

Dylan had been in his room, but he decided soon after to go out for a walk to clear his thoughts. He also wondered if he would find something in the shops that wasn't in his pile of stuff in the basement at Haven

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"Ah I see. That must've been pretty awkward when you first found out her reaction? If it's any consolation chances are I'm gonna get kicked to the kerb in a manner now 'Anna' is here. And Skye doesn't sound very girly to me. Then again with my name I should be a hippy."

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Trigun looks to Spectre and smirks. "If you knew the situation of our world, you wouldn't trust any of us. Allow me to teach you that."

Suddenly Spectres arm begins to freeze over from long contact with the scythe. Trigun also begins to form a chain in his left hand and lassos it towards Spectre. Before it hits however, Astraea jumps in the way to sacrifice herself.

"Don't let his weapons touch you for too long!" she says, trying to burn the chains to keep from freezing.

Knuckles continues to reattach Kali's body as he begins to regain consciousness. Chaos runs up to Spectre and knocks the scythe up so it flies overhead. Trigun quickly regains control of it as he locks the chain down to hold Astraea. He then prepares to face Spectre and Chaos.

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(Ooc: I wonder why I took the time to change my post , if it's to read that. Also , Exam time Dylan. )

Yeah , right , he would do that. Glen got some clothes on , and moved back in the main room . What could he do before leaving ?

(Ooc: Yes, tikal is with them.)


(ooc: I'm playong Spectre . SPECTRE KNUCKLES . He is not a noob. He is supposed to be one of the oldest Running guardian , with an incredible knowledge on chaos energy . And Trog is playing with him. Try to be more careful...)

Spectre teleported himself out of arm's way ."Is this the best you can do ? Freezing me ." Said Spectre as he simply use chao energy to heat him up, before freeing astrea . "So , I suppose that a simple discussion is not possible with someone like you."

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"I really can't see you as a hippy," said Skye to Hope with a laugh as he joined the rollercoaster queue. "As for being awkward, it could have been a lot worse. You have no idea the threats she made with the proviso of 'when I've got more control of my magic'." Skye shuddered slightly. "But I don't think she's going to cast you aside. You're the first friend she made, and I doubt she'd leave you behind."


Zet smirked.

"Okay Shadow, I think I'm ready to head back now. Good luck Zet."

"Thanks Ziona," Zet replied.

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Meanwhile, Tikal was shortly behind Skye , looking around , and quite amazed by all the animation .

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"Neither can I. I'm not one for talking to plants and taking mind altering substances all day long. That sounds horrible, a prank too far. And I hope you're right. Truth be told I don't have many friends either." Hope looked at the rollercoaster as she stood in the queue. "I'm guessing you've never been on one of these before?"

"Ok Ziona. Hopefully we haven't been gone too long. I promised Rouge I wouldn't leave her alone in there, and I have no desire to get on her bad side," said Shadow as he chaos controlled Ziona back to the hotel.

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"Never before," replied Skye, looking at it, "though I've an idea what it's like. What about you? And what are you makeing of all this Tikal?" he asked, leaning back.

Melody waved over to Hope. "Hey, there's space for three right at the front Hope!" she called.


"You might want to duck the moment you get back just in case. But as the out-of-time kids are away maybe it won't be that bad."

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(ooc: but Trigun has no idea who he is, so he has to be cocky :( )

Trigun looks up to Spectre as Chaos charges him below. Trigun quickly reals in his scythe to hit Chaos from behind as it then changes into a sword.

"It looks like you're on a whole different level from the rest. Let's have at it then." he says as he rushes towards Spectre.

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"I've been on several. They're good fun." Hope spotted Melody's waving and made her way over. "Guess I'll see you in a minute Skye. Hi Melody. You ready?" she asked.

As soon as Shadow appeared Rouge pulled him down to the sofa so he was sitting next to her.

"Just in time. I was starting to get lonely," she said as she handed him his glass.

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Glen saw Rouge ."Well , what's up batgirl ? "


Tikal looked at skye , stars in the eyes."This place seems so nice ! Wait .... What are rollercoaster?"


(Ooc: Good , good )

Spectre waited until the last minute , and jumped away, shooting a blast of chao energy toward Trigun at the same time.

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As Trigun blatantly misses his attack on Spectre, he quickly attempts to form a shield as he tosses the chaos energy at him. It bursts through and explodes, knocking Trigun into one of the buildings.

Knuckles completes his power trnasfer to Kali, as the elemental is now able to move once more. He runs over to Astraea and breaks the remains on the chains on her. He then goes over to help chaos from being frozen to the ground. Knuckles walks over to his grandfather and looks toward the destroyed building as Trigun stands in the middle of it. He suddenly turns and walks away.

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"Oh yes, we've got the front car," said Melody with a grin. She shoot a very rapid glance between Anna and Hope, then gestured for Anna to get in first, so Melody would be in the middle. She shot Hope a look to say 'I guess you'd rather not sit next to her?'.

"A roller-coaster? Well, you see that car racing along that track over there. That's a rollercoaster. We've going on a bigger one! You're either going to be thrilled, terrified... or both," explained Skye


Ziona headed back into the kitchen.

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Spectre doesn't stop there , as he use some more chao energy to teleport closer to Trigun. He then proceed to restrain him with his chaos energy ."You aren't going anywhere ." He said .


Seeing as he get no answer from the bat , Glen leave toward the place he saw zionna move in.


"Oh." Said Tikal, interested by every bit of information Skye gave to her.

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