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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Another sister? Seems like I missed a lot. How did this happen."

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"I, uh, can't think of a way to describe it that doesn't sound creepy and weird, but well, Mina saw Melody and I in Haven and seeing an image of the future kinda... broke her. Then Melody suggested..." Skye shook his head.

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"That she becomes part of the family?"

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"Long story short Mina was 'adopted'. A ludicrous plan, but then again this whole week hasn't exactly been rational."

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"Yeah... so my mother is now my big sister! Oh, and she's called 'Anna' now."

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"Anna. Interesting name. How is she handling this altogether?"

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"you are all making it looks like it's terrible." Said Locke.


"Glad to hear. I suppose It's a bit late to say it , but well : Welcome Home." Said Glen.

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"It's not terrible, just.... just so, so strange," Skye replied to Locke.

"And Anna, well she..." Skye paused in his reply to Dylan. "She's gone all soft and shy. It's like she's a completely different person."


"Home?" Anna let out a little laugh. "I haven't had a home in so long."

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"That's interesting. And yes, it's pretty strange. But as long as she doesn't bring Miles here, I don't really mind"

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"If she does I'll snap his rotten neck," hissed Skye under his breath.

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"I understand." Said Locke."You spent a good part of your life Antagonising her, And now... I can only imagine how hard it is."


"I a way, We all gained something while staying here." Said Glen, Before looking at Zionna.

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"Save some for everyone else, Shadow. It's not fair that you get Miles all to yourself"

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"I... I didn't antagonize her Dad," said Skye. "And neither did Melody." He turned to Shadow and Dylan. "Maybe I should leave him to you too. The idea of what I want to do to him... it actually scares me."


Ziona heard what Glen said. She smiled appreciatively, the jabed her thumb in Hope's direction and made a gagging motion, before bursting into laughter.


"A home. And a family," said Anna, beginning to realise just how lucky she was.

"And a life," added Melody.

"A life?" Anna asked, slightly confused.

"Yep," Melody replied. "I mean, have you ever just let go and enjoy yourself, without work, or training, or stuff?"

"Not for a long time," admitted Anna.

"Well, that's changing from today. You've a lot of catching up to do."

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"Please . At this point , he might not even know you both . " Said Locke. "So there is no need to have your revenge one someone who don't deserve it ... yet."


Glen Smiled at Zionna's "suggestion" toward Hope. "Well, your 'sister' is right . Enjoy yourself for once ." Said Glen.

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Kali looks into the book as he read through the first few entry's. He then stumbled upon a section that was copied into a different language. He puts his hand over it, trying to jog his memory.

"This appears to be some sort of art made by my world. I've forgotten how to read it, but maybe Astraea can. We should head back to get her."


Astraea and Chaos are now on the run as Trigun chases after them. As the two hide behind a tree, Astraea then looks to Chaos.

"I wasn't expecting this of all things to be his secret weapon. What do you think we should do?" she asks to Chaos, who only gives her a blank stare in return.

"....i gues I shouldn't be surprised you can't talk without a mouth."

Suddenly she feels Trigun closing in and yells. "Get down!"

As the two dive for cover, the trees around them get sliced in half horizontally as Trigun is seen walking through them falling. The two then get back up and continue running to get to the Eastern ruins again.

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"I do not plan on showing mercy to him after what happened in Skye's head, even if he hasn't experienced it yet. If he does come here then he'll get what he deserves." Dylan then turned to Skye.

"He may not come anyway, so you shouldn't need to worry. If he does come, as long as he doesn't die, you can do what you like to him"

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"After all , he did took down Scourge's control all over moebius after all ..." Said Locke ."And also scourge himself .... With some help of course .... I heard this might be the only thing actually scaring him: to habe scourge back ."


"Interesting ." Said Spectre."Then , keep it . This book will be more useful to you than us."

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"Dad, don't even both trying to find anything good about Fa... Miles. If there was anything good in him, he'd have strangled it with his own tails before he could even walk." Skye took a deep breath.

"Dylan, I don't want to do anything to him, because I'm scared of what might happen if I got that opportunity."


"What do you say? Ready for a fun day out, leading a normal life?" asked Melody. Anna suddenly gave a broad smile, and nodded enthusiastically at her sister.

"Great. Truth be told, I wonder what one of those would be like too!" said Melody with a laugh. "I haven't had a 'normal' 24 hours yet!"

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"Don't worry Skye. If everything goes as planned you won't even have to see him ever again. He'll be gone for good," said Shadow.

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Kali nods as him and Knuckles head for the exit of the old tomb.

"so once we grab Astraea, whats our next move grandfather?" Knuckles asks Locke


Astraea and Chaos make a mad dash for the ruins as they were exposed in the open area. Trigun follows behind them laughing diabolically as he continues to attack them, making them dodge for dear life.

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"If you plan on killing someone , don't ." Said Locke ."If thing goes the way I think after seeing Mina , I'm affraid We might see the reason of Skyes' coming in our world sooner than most of you want .I none of you are believing me , I say you should take a look at her Arms ."


"Going to an amusement park would be fun for you." Said Glen."Just avoid the shooting range , these people loves cheating on the big prize ."


"I don't think we'll have the leisure of taking a break ." Said Spectre." As I feel troubles .. big ones."

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"He's a threat to this whole planet, and attempted to murder a Zone Cop and a GUN agent, not to mention what he did to Skye. He sowed the wind, and now he's gonna reap the whirlwind."

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As Knuckles walks out the library thinking of his grandfathers words, he sees Astraea and Chaos rushing towards him.

"Why is Chaos here? What happened?" he calls out to Astraea.

"Triguns back and he's right on us!" she yells as the building behind her get cut and begin to crumble. The falling ruble causes dust to pick up and blow everywhere. As Knuckles and Kali try to swipe it away from their vison, the look out to see Trigun walking towards them, carrying a large frozen scythe.

Kali quickly rushes out to Astraea and Chaos, as the fell over from the building collapse. Astraea looks to him and tries to yell for him to take cover, however it's too late as Trigun swings his scythe around and cuts him in half.

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