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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"I dunno. Time-travelling, reality-warping super-villain? I'm sure I could find something!"

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"Well you haven't done any reality warping in a while. And I'm sure Melody could always smooth things over if you did do something."

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"I did just write me, Melody, Mom and Crowley out of time this morning... Okay, that was more Melody, so..." Skye concentrated for a moment, then a small paper umbrella appeared in his drink. "There we go, reality warping. But, yeah, she and Melody do seem to get on really well, considering how different they are."

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"That's a neat trick. Wish I could do that," said Rouge as Skye made the umbrella appear.

"They might be more similar than we give them credit for. Who knows?" said Shadow.

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"Heh, thanks Rouge. I'm still not sure how much magic is a 'born with' or 'learned' talent, so you might not want to rule it out," said Skye, then he continued Shadow's point.

"I hope not, for Hope's sake," Skye said with a smile. "I mean, Melody is about as far as you can get from being geeky, so it could only go the other way. If Hope ever says she's joining Melody for 'training', you know you need to start worrying."

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"I've got my fingers crossed," said Rouge.

"Yeah, that would be very worrying. But we'll see what they're like in time," said Shadow.

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"Just wish hard that's enough!" Skye said to Rouge,

"Does Hope have many friends in the UF?" he asked curiously.

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"No she doesn't I'm afraid. Being employed by GUN means she doesn't get much opportunity to live a normal life. Closest thing to friends there are Rouge, Omega and I."

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"I see. That's a shame. Maybe that's why she gets on so well with Melody. Either that, or maybe she prefers hanging out with Mobians as opposed to humans."

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"She doesn't have much of a choice. Most humans she meets on a daily basis are in their mid 20s at the youngest and aren't there to be her friend. So I'm glad she and Melody get along so well."

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Skye nodded in agreement, then looked around the room.

"You know, for almost everyone here, all the friends they have are here as well. Just a small, little circle." Skye raised his glass as if making a toast. "To the loners!"

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Knuckles and Kali look around as there are a couple of old bookshelves, filled with books. They each walk down a section, looking at all the different categories they were filed in.

"This is remarkable," Kali says as he looks through the books. "all of these titles and entries seem like fairy tales, however they are taken as real."


Trigun walks toward the two slowly. "You people just love to underestimate my power." he says, once again creating a weapon out of both his hands. "I will now show you true fear."

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Locke was listening to the whole conversation between Skye and Shadow . It was an interesting one."To the loners indeed."


Glen took Anna's hand."Don't worry about that. No one is thinking that you are lying . And if you still feel alone , I can be your friend, how about it ?" said Glen.


Sabre got out of the way , as if to let Dylan passing through the door.


"It is because what can be seen as a fairy tale somewhere, might be pretty much real somewhere else ." Said Spectre.

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"Remarkable." Kali says as he suddenly stumbles upon something that caught his attention. There was a book under some strange language, however he felt as though it resonated with him. He picked it up and walked over to Spectre.

"Is this the book we're looking for?"

(ooc: idk if you wanted to make the name and/or information that was found in the book. If you want, I can make up some stuff. Just give me a character to have as the author.)


Astraea and Chaos look to Trigun as he walks toward them with his new weapon. They begin to feel unease at its blood-lust and start to back away a bit.

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(Oh, I can come up with something )

"The book you are holding is indeed an important one . it might even be the one we are searching for ." Started Spectre, before he gave a closer look."Yes, yes it's the one we are looking for . It's the tome of Earth , the first of the three book."

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Anna shot Glen a sideways glance. He seemed to have it backwards. She wasn't worried about people trusting her (though now he mentioned it...) but whether she could actually trust any of them.

"I'm... I'm not sure I can call you a friend yet. Trust like that needs to be earned," she said to Glen.

Melody decided to walk onto the balcony at this point.

"Don't worry Anna. I'm it won't talk long before you realise you can trust all of us. Yes, even Shadow." Melody smiled, hoping Anna would do the same.

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"I should be back by tomorrow. And I hope your here instead of Spectre. No offense to him." Then Dylan teleported to his room in the hotel

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"Maybe you don't see me as such , But i do trust you." Said Glen ."I have been in the same kind of situation , so I do understand you."


"By the way, don't worry skye, I'll try not to adopt every single children walking around ." Said Locke."Haven would be way too crowded after that !"

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Skye laughed. "Yeah, our family's plenty big already. But, does that mean you had someone specific in mind when you said the family could get bigger?" he asked.


"That's... that's a stupid thing to do Glen," saud Anna shaking her head. "I wouldn't trust me."

"Please Anna, stop worrying about the past," said Melody, catching Anna gently by both arms. "Focus on today and tomorrow, and show everyone that you can be trusted now. Trust does work both ways y'know."

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"No. I had no one in particular ." Saud Locke.


"Look, like I said , I have in the same situation once . I know how to help you out ." Said Glen ."Just... trust me, just like I trust you."

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Dylan put down the plans on his bed and made his way into the main room

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Shadow sat there in thought, wondering how he'd get the information of Miles' whereabouts from Mina.

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Locke saw Dylan Coming in ."There you are Dylan. How went things on your part ?"

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"I didn't get much done, but I can work on it later. What have I missed?"

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"Uh, I have another sister," said Skye to Dylan with a sigh.


Anna looked unsure, and turned to Melody with a questioning look. Melody gave a reassuring smile and nodded.

"Okay. I'll... I'll try and trust you."

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