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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"When you put it that was I suppose I can understand. Once she get's back you can judge if she still wants to cheer you on or not."

"As long as you're meaning a real doughnut and not a dream doughnut. And it better be an impressive one! But I may be busy over the next day or so; family issues, y'know."

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"It is a real doughnut. And I understand. We'll probably be heading back anyway. Have to get back into the usual routine unfortunately."

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Melody's face fell.

"What already....? but... you'll stay in touch right? And don't remember our deal," Melody moved closer to whisper in Hope's ear. "I'll see if I can teach you magic, and you tech me to use a lab." Melody glanced round to make sure Skye hadn't heard.

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"We're not leaving right now or anything. But we are only here for the week, and we need something to occupy ourselves with while you all go do 'family' stuff. Of course I'll keep in touch." Hope nodded in response to Melody's reminder. "I haven't forgotten," she whispered back.

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Knuckles animates his arm with chaos energy as the path begins to get darker.


Trigun grabs Astraeas arms and pulls her out of his chest. He then powers over her and looks her in the eyes.

"I was merciful on you before. Now I regret the decision."

As he pulls his hand up and forms a dagger, Chaos charges down and knocks him off Astraea. He then looks to her as she stands up.

"I don't know what you are, but be careful with him." she says as the two now turn to face Trigun.

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"That's , Zionna, is what comes with being a professional." Said Glen."Now be cute and put a tracker on them. That way, you won't loose them anytime soon."


"Yes, Yes. I do see your point."Said Sabre.


"Well people, especially You Melody, I'm might have my say in many thing concerning you. Especially this dream thing." Said Locke."Some kids want a pet. Some others want toys. Some even wanted Parents. What you got is a new sister. that's great of course,But now is time to stop."


"Here we are." Said Spectre.

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"You are welcome to come along," Melody offered to Hope, "but it is gonna be a very strange day, so...." She let the sentence trail off as Locke spoke up.

Skye and Melody looked each other.

"Soooo..... no more inviting people into the family without permission?" Melody asked. "And what do you say about the dream machine?"


"Hum, you're probably right. The sooner I get that done, the sooner we can relax without worries," said Ziona as she made to leave the balcony.

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"No, not the family." Said Locke"My bet is that before the end of the week, the family might get even biger one way or another,wether I like it or not." And looked at Hope."Brain scrambling? Control? Leave that to the evil side of your family will you?" He lookd sad."their own insanity already cost dearly to the echidna as a whole.... it even took the life of one of ours..."


"Hum... maybe not today." Said Glen."We can leave them be at least until the end of the week, right? They do deserve that. For now, what you shouuld do is seeing how your teamate is doing."

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"There must be something I can do with this." Dylan was talking to himself but he said it out loud

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"Any problem?" Asked Sabre."While i'm not as good as locke or..."tobor" , I stilll do have some knowledge. Maybe I could be of assistance."

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"Thanks for the offer, but I think we'd kinda encroach on it Melody." Hope looked annoyed at Locke. "They've cost you echidnas? No, they've cost the whole world. Don't act like you're their sole victims, or that they've never contributed anything worthwhile."

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Locke took a serious face."Long before the .... julian's initiative, your family wasn't exactly the most peaceful , hope." Said Locke."They tried to lead the overlander to take over the floating island more than once. And one time, they even tried to destroy it. If it wasn't for the sacrifice of the youngest guardian of the time..." Locke couldn't bring himself to finish.

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"One death? Do you know how many humans that have been roboticised or worse? And let's not forget the Mobians. There is far more to this world than one floating island."

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"Daddy? Hope? Can we not get into an argument about history please?" asked Melody.


"You're probably right Glen. But as I'm up, I'm gonna get a refill." Zonia shook her,empty milkshake glass. Are you wanting anything?" she asked.


Mina reached the door to the hotel penthouse, wiing away her tears. She went to knock, then hesitated. The idea of a family, while what she wanted, was an alien concept to her, and the idea did scare her.

It wasn't too late to turn back. She could easily run back to where Miles was. But then she remembered what she'd been shown of her future, and Mina knew she couldn't go back.

Then another thought entered her head; what if this was all a trick? Just some was to force her to swap sides. She shook her head. No, it was far too elaborate, and far to detailed, just to be a trick on her. Besides, she knew Melody and Skye were really. And if they, the craziest part of this,whole thing, were real, then so was the rest.

Taking a deep breath, Mina knocked on the penthouse door.

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"I'm not forgetting that. But because of these dangerous individual, the overlander have been banned from the island For centuries..." Said Locke."We knew that it was a mistake, as not everyone in a nation should be Punished for the action of few... But the guardian , like the echidna of the time... They were less... open to say the least." He Looked at melody."Sorry Melody. Talking about the past would not make the situation any better anyway. We have to learn from our past, not replaying it again and again.". He heard a noise ."It looks like Min.. Anna is back." Locke wasn't sure of which name use.


"I'll let you Choose." Said Glen, smiling.

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Mina stood awkwardly in the doorway.

"T-thanks, but, ah, erm, my name..." Mina began to say as Melody came over.

"Don't worry, we've got that in hand Anna," she said.

"Ann... Anna? Is that...?" asked Mina

"Only if you want it to be," clarified Melody. Mina thought about it. She had been expecting something radically different, as opposed to slightly similar. But then, the slight similarity would make it easier to get used to. "And Mom chose it," continued Melody. Mina gave small smile.

"Then I'll definitely use it."

"Great! Now then Sis, time to introduce yourself to everyone."

"What! But, but they already know me," replied a slightly shocked Mina, backing slightly out the door.

"Fresh start, clean slate, remember?" pointed out Melody. Mina gave a slight nod, and walked forward into the room nervously.

"H-hello everyone. I'm...... I'm Anna. Nice to meet you all," she said in a shy voice. Melody walked up behind her and put her hands on her shoulders.

"Anyone laughs and they get punched in the gut," Melody warned. Anna smiled, pleased that Melody... her sister... was standing up for her.


Ziona was at the balcony door and had seen the whole thing.

"You won't believe what's going on out there," she said to Glen.

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Hope had been focusing on the schematic, still rather vexed.

"Hi Anna," she said, still concentrating.

"Hello. Er, pleasure to meet you," said Crowley, slightly bewildered

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Anna gave a little giggle and blushed slightly. "Very nice to meet you Crowley."

"Looks like the fan club is still running," Skye muttered to himself. "This is beyond weird."

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"Glad to meet you anna." Said Red. Well , it was hard for her not to laugh.


"What's going on ?" Said Glen."Did the guardian adopted yet ANOTHER child? Man, that would be...." as he got closer , he saw the whole scene. He decided to shut up and let the Little moongoose enjoy her stay."You know what? Forget what I said Zionna"

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"Hello Anna," said Shadow, as he tentatively reached out his hand. Hr wasn't too sure she had really changed.

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"T-thanks Re... M-m-mom," said Anna, tripping over the last word.

'Thank goodness Mom didn't laugh, that would've been awkward,' Melody thought to herself.

Anna turned to face Shadow, and started shaking slightly. Very slowly, she reached out and shook his outstretched hand. "Hello," she managed to say in a small voice.


"Yeah. I don't know what... Oh hell, this is gonna mean more paperwork. Another Zone refugee."

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"You really didn't had to call me mom, you know?" Said Red."Now I feel older than I should." She laughed


"I say... We forget about it." Said Glen."How about it ?"

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"I... I know, but... but... I'm sorry," said Anna, looking at the floor.

"Hey, it's alright. You've nothing to be sorry about," pointed out Melody.


"For now. I'll need to deal with it later unfortunately."

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Shadow smiled to himself. Mina wouldn't be causing any problems.

"And you've already met Rouge," he said.

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