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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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(ooc: Hey, don't apologise. I actually think it's a good thing if one can sympathise with the villains.)

"Anna?" Melody tried it out. "Anna.... An-na... Similar enough to be still her, yet different at the same time. I like it. What do you think Skye?"

"Well, yeah, but it is her choice at the end of the day," said Skye as they reached the hotel. "But given Mom's the one who chose it, I don't think she'll object."


"Yes, it... I was about to say it was a while ago, but it's only been a few days. But so much has happened since then. But don't worry about opening up. You've already done a lot. The rest will come with time, when you're ready."

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"We'll See." Said Red.


"Yes. those days really felt like month,Didn't they?" Said Glen."You know, you do are cuter when you smile.Maybe that'll be worthing a story later on..."

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"I guess we should warn everyone else about this," murmured Skye.


"I though I already smiled a lot!"

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"Assuming we get to find them all." Said Locke.


"Yes, that is what I said It would deserve a story later on. Not now obviously. " Said Glen."As i'd rather enjoy resting my head on your lap than working my head off in yet another Job for the DEL ."

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"We can at least warn some of them... I hope... if anyone's still at the hotel," said Skye.

"Crowley may have told some of them after he left. Let's find out," said Melody as they entered the penthouse. "HELLO! ANYONE HERE?" she shouted.


"Job... huh!" Ziona began laughing. "I hope my bosses to come to check up on my job and see this. I don't even know where the children..." Then she heard Melody shouting. "Nevermind."

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"The penthouse Is suprislingly calm." Said Locke."Would everyone happen to have fallen asleep again?"


"Looks like our little Break together is over." Said Glen."Maybe they'll let us 5 more minute, don't you think?" as he got his head up and gave zionna a kiss on the forehead.

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"Hi!," called Melody waving. "We got back, Mom's okay and, uh, well..... things have gotten kinda weird..." Melody explained. Behind her, Skye rolled his eyes.


"I know where they are now. I think that's good enough for work. We can leave them to it."

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"I know this situation isn't the best for you Skye, But i'll try to make it up to you, Ok ?" Said Locke.


"What a professionnal." Said Glen."I wish I was that good."

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"We already know. Shadow and Crowley were just discussing it. I'm glad to see you two are ok, all things considered," replied Rouge, motioning for them to come up.

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"Phew. That save the rather awkward explanations," said Melody as she headed up.

"Its... Its okay Dad. I'll get used to it. I hope. And you don't need to make up for anything. It was Melody who kinda forced you into this situation," Skye said to Locke.

"I..uh... yeah. Sorry Mom and Dad. I should'a asked you first," apologised Melody when she overheard Skye.


"It's professional just to hear one kid, and assume the other one that you're meant to be watching is there too?" asked Ziona jokingly.

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"It's all ended fine, so no harm no foul. It'll be nice to not have to worry and finally be able to relax. Well, Shadow won't be. He's already planning his one man manhunt," said Rouge.

Hope span around in her chair.

"Hi Melody. Glad to hear you're paradox free."

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"I'm not planning on sleeping for a while now. Especially after last time, but it's going to take me a while on this"

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"Another mission? Who's he after now?" asked Skye.

"Yeah, about time.... Sorry, that wasn't meant to be a bad pun," said Melody, grinning. "Is that the dream machine you're working on?"

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"Miles," replied Shadow.

"Sure am. Hopefully I can build it pretty soon. With a few adjustments of course," said Hope.

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"Such as an easier exit I ... wait, what?" exclaimed Melody as she heard Shadow's statement.

"Good, the bastard deserves it," said Skye.

"Just... don't mention it to Mina. I'm not sure how she'd take it in her current mind."

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"Unfortunately she's the only one who'll know. Though I agree just asking her up front would be disastrous. A more subtle approach is necessary. But that can wait for the moment," replied Shadow.

"Yes. A much easier exit, And I think this brain scrambler feature needs to go as well."

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"Huh boy," murmured Skye. "Just... be very careful when you ask her Shadow. She's.... she's gone all strange and, well, soft."

"Brain scrambler? Why would it have a brain scrambler? Wait, don't answer that, I don't want to know!" said Melody, half mortified.

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"You've really done a number on her it seems. Though I'd say I feel a lot happier with soft Mina around than the one I first met on Moebius."

"A fail safe most likely. Practically speaking it's a good idea. Though from a ethical standpoint..." Hope gave a nervous laugh.

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"I suppose you'll be able to judge for yourself soon. I wonder how long the softness will last," Skye wondered out loud.

"Now, be a good girl Hope and no adding brain scramblers or mind control to your machine," joked Melody

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"I don't think it's going to go away. So you best get used to it. Ah the luxury of owning my own home," said a smug Crowley.

"Melody, I would never dream of doing such a thing," innocently replied Hope.

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"Actually, the more different she is, the easier accepting this will be. Though maybe I should start looking up properties?" said Skye, only half joking. "But you shouldn't be too happy Crowley. Your fan-club's in this Zone permanently now!"

Melody snickered. "Such things would be evil and abhorrent... Unless used for cheep tricks...."

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"That may be so. But I'm all the way in the UF, and she's up here. Besides, maybe her softness will mean she has no attraction to me anymore. Suddenly my fandom will shrink by 100%. A rather depressing statistic."

"Haha. Care to be the first customer?" asked Hope.

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"I dunno. She did want you to stay back in the medical bay after al.... wait, did you say depressing?" asked Skye.

"Oh no, I'm sure you can find someone else as your guinea pig," laughed Melody

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"Well to see one's fans diminish to nothing is quite disheartening, regardless of whether they futilely propel themselves at you or not. And I do see your point. It appears old habits do indeed die hard."

"Would a doughnut incentivise you to participate?" asked Hope,

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