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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"I think they won't do much for now... nor care for that matter ." Said Tikal."With all the thing happenning ..."


Silver silently followed Skye's dirrection until he finaly was at haven ."I guess i'm here now .Man , this place really looks impressive when it's not destroyed...." Said Silver, amazed .


Locke took the time the think ."I really wonder hiw someone like you ended up doing such a job for a living ..."


"I guess you might be right . I hust needed someone , and I knew deep inside , that none of what you did there was wanted ."

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Skye looked at Tikal with a bit of surprise. "Not caring? Huh, I thought a group calling themselves Guardians would be a bit more proactive about visitors, oh well." He turned back to the ritual. "Great Silver, just wait there. I'll come and meet you and take you to my sister, and explain what the plan is." Skye stepped out of the circle and the flames faded away.

"C'mon Tikal, we better go."


"Me?" asked Mina in surprise. "Well, I... Family business really. M-Mother ensured I was well trained. It's all I know." She paused for a moment. "And I enjoy it."


"Wanted? Well, maybe not the whining or the scaring, but the kid stuff..."

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"Ok, we're now on a crash course for the ocean. Please put all trays in the upright position and prepare for crashing."

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"Well , at that time , you were litteraly a kid. And we still had some fum out of it . So it's alright ." Said Glen.


"....I see..." Said Locke . He would have wanted to say more, but he could not take the risk of changing time . Then again , Maybe it would have been for the best if he took action... or not . His failure with knuckles reminded him that this kind of gambit is never a good thing .


"I'm right behind you skye ." Said tikal .


Silver waited , as Skye Asked him.

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Skye ran to the entrance, suppressing the urge to cheer when he saw Silver. "Hi. Nice to meet you in person. I'm Skye, and this is Tikal."


Mina looked at Locke with a raised eyebrow. "It sounds as if you're concerned about me!" Mina seemed amused by the notion.


"It was fun," Ziona said. "It was nice to be completely carefree and just do what I wanted, even for a short while."

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"The thing is."Said Glen."That you can still be both , you know ? Being an adult doesn't change nothing . We tend to forget that..."

he smile ."And if you want , I can still carry you around . you aren't that heavy .at least for me."


"Maybe ." Said Locke with a smile .


silver Smiled a bit."I knew Your name meant something ."He said ."But what are you doing in the past ?"

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"Excellent. Now let's get out of here," said Shadow as he chaos controlled to the hotel with Dylan, Rouge and Hope.

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"You've probably met my prime counterpart then. My sister and I... Our lives were pretty horrible. We're trying to start afresh here."


Mina shook her head. "I wouldn't waste my time if I was you."


"Unless I retire I'm still gonna have some cares and worries, and stuff I can and cannot do. At least my job shouldn't be to onerous here."

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"I see ." Said Silver."I don't think of a better way to start afresh then..."


"That's for me to decide of it." Answered back Locke.


"Well , just as when you were a kid. We all have our troubles , but as long as we are not alone , life is worthing it."

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"The only trouble is," began Skye, leading the way to where Melody was, "is that stuff from our past, but currently this present, is, well, here in this Zone too. So there's a good chance of some horrible paradox happening. That's when we need you, but..." Skye paused.

"This might not be a pleasant experience for you, and if you don't want to do it, you can back out. But you're slighty outside normal time, right? Which means you can change the past and it won't effect you. Well, erm, umm, I have a magical ritual that may be able to copy that time 'de-syncing' over to me."


"You really are determined, aren't you," Mina responded, still looking amused.


Ziona rested her head on Glen's shoulder. "We are not alone," she repeated.

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"Well, I'm a stubborn one . At least , that's what peoples tend to say." Said Locke.


"Yes , yes we are ."said Glen , closing his eyes , before openning them again to look at the star filled sky.


"Well..... it better just be copying ." Said Silver ."I still need my powers . it's connected to my works here...."

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"Don't worry, it is just copying. And it should only be the timey-wimey part as well."


"So I noticed," laughed Mina


Ziona didn't say anything, she just gazed at the view as well.

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"Well that was fairly successful. Now what?" asked Hope.

"I'm not quite sure Hope. I guess we wait for it to crash then go from there."

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"Well you better be sure of yourself . We don't want anything bad to happen to the both of us." Said Silver.


"You don't really seem to be minding it a lot." Said Locke.


Glen said Nothing . as the two of them looked at the sky , stucked to each other, they haven't noticed Shadow coming back with his group.

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"Umm, well, it's not me doing the ritual," Skye explained as he opened the door to the basement to see the ritual laid out a Melody intensely studying the sheet on front of her. Skye looked around.

"I... wow, that's... that's flawless Melody..." Skye exclaimed with surprise. Melody jumped up shocked, she hadn't heard them come in.

"Well, it's important to do this right, isn't it? Besides, if the ritual is set up correctly, then if I get something wrong it won't be as bad, right?" she asked, sounding worried.

"Don't worry, you'll do fine," comforted Skye. Melody looked behind him.

"I guess you're Silver then?"


"I'm just finding it funny. That's all."


Like Glen, Ziona hadn't noticed Shadow's and the other's return.

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Hope looked at her PDA and a countdown appeared, showing that the ship was going to crash in approximately 1 minute 30 seconds.

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"Yes I am melody. "Answered Silver." Well , the sooner we are done , the better ."


"I see." . as Locke talked , Red started to open her eyes."Whe-where am I ?" She asked ."In safety ." Said Locke.


"We better be careful , or else we might end up sleeping there.Not that I mind ."Said Glen.

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"Yeah," agreed Melody. Skye lay down on one of the tables and Melody strapped him down. "Now, the ritual will feel really... odd, and you might be a bit disoriented for a while afterwords, but there shouldn't be any last effects at all," she explained.

Skye turned his head to face Tikal. "Whatever happens, don't enter the circle once we begin. That could disrupt the ritual and... well, lets not go there..."

Melody offered her hand to Silver, guiding him to the table at the other end of the circle to Skye.


"Don't worry Red. It's fine. You're safe, and you're alive!" assured Mina.


"I don't know about you but after that dream I feel like I've slept enough tonight. I... Hey, what's that?" she asked, pointing to the crashing form of the Egg Carrier that had just appeared in view.

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"A giant ship crashing on the water I'd say." Answered Glen."My bet is that missed a good part of the show . But that's a small price to finally get you on my side, don't you think ?"


"Alive. Because you'd rather want me dead ?" Said Red, who found the power to joke.


Silver did as asked ."I cannot really go back now."

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"Yes you could," said Skye as Melody strapped him down.

"Well, you can't NOW," she said jokingly, tugging the straps for emphasis. She walked to the edge of the circle and picked up the journal page. "Okay, brace yourselves."

She began the ritual.


"He he. No, never. I don't know where I'd be without you!" replied Mina.


"I think I'm glad I missed this particular show, for both reasons."

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"Very fun..." Silver could not finish, as the ritual started.


"And I know where : Drunking yourself to death. " Said Red."Good thing I'm here to stop you."


"I bet Locke and the others had to do with another kind of fun." Said Glen."Too bad for them. But I'm also happy to sit this one out."

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"How much longer?" Dylan asked Hope

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"Then let the countdown commence! 10! 9! 8! 7..."

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Melody spread out her arms and began reading the ritual words. Magical energy began following through the room and through the crystal sitting between Skye and Silver. Skye squirmed in pain as more energy flowed from the crystal towards him.


"Hey," retorted Mina, jabbing Red in the ribs, which wasn't the smartest thing to do. "Have you seen me anywhere near a bottle. Sure, you've pulled my ass out of the fire countless times, but I've never done that!"


"As long as they all got out safely."

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