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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"I don't know Tikal, I don't know. At least when we do find him we can set up the ritual quickly. It was designed that it could be done in the field with a prisoner if needed. Now, if its used on me..." Skye pondered, "that should mean that Melody, Red and Crowley will be de-synced as well, because there presence in the past is linked to me. Which mean we only need to do the ritual once. That's the good news. The bad news, unless you know another mage, is that Melody's gonna hav'ta perform the ritual."

(ooc: Actually, won't Silver be part of the secret freedom fighter's right now? Which at least means he's in the time line.)


"Thank's Dylan," Mina said with a smile, then went to hammer on Shadow door. "Yo, Shadow? You awake? The island's under attack and I've a friend to save!" she shouted.


Hearing Mina's voice Melody shoot upright.

"Uh... just coming Mother," she murmured, then remembered where she was.


"I just need to work out what," replied Ziona. "And I wish Hope manages to salvage the technology."


"HA! No so confident now, are you," mocked Eggman, missing the trap as he moved closer.

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"Well.... That sound about right ." Said Tikal."But we still have to find him... How could we track someone with this kind of power ?"

(Ooc: You noticed the "well..........."? Good . Now , all I need to know is who is willing to play silver . note : Not you.)


"Yeah , I suppose it will be hard to move on ...." Said Glen."You still want to be in this cursed machinery ? You know , there is a Reason Even the DEL never tried to use such a machine in my world , and we tend to replace our gods with all knowing and Dping technologic artifact ! It's because no matter what , It is not only a lie , but it can also only be used as a prison . there would be no way out ..."


Bingo. Red Got toward the second generatir , took some painkiller , and prepared herself for the next opening .

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Shadow leapt up when he heard Mina and opened the door.

"Let's get moving then. I'd hope for no giant robot this time, but I doubt we'll be so lucky," he said as he walked out, with Rouge and Hope in tow.

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Dylan watched in confusion as Mina and Shadow talked. Then went to the balcony where Locke and Crowley were.

"What's going on?"

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"There must be some way of tracking time travel..." pondered Skye. "If I could scan myself, and someone who hasn't traveled in time, isolate the differences, then do some world wide scan...." Skye rolled his eyes. "Yeah, piece of cake," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.


"Ok, we're here Crowley," called Mina. "Let's get moving." She turned to Shadow. "Looks like we'll be fighting together a little bit longer. I wasn't expecting this to happen this morning!" She then turned to Dylan.

"Looks like whoever did the dream prison is on that big ship outside. Red's there so I'm gonna go up to save her."


"I don't want to live there Glen. But to know the option was there, that I could go back for a while if I wanted..."


Seeing Red hold her position, Eggman began to get cautious, wary of her next move.

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He was being wary . And the best way to have someone let his guard down is to show him what he wants. Red knew that. She fainted pain , and fell on one knee . With all her wound and bandage , this would look legit enough to anyone's eyes. After all, Robotnik didn't know the extent of Red's damage , nor resilience .


Error 404 : Locke not found


"Maybe if he was a chao user somehow...." Said Tikal.


"I understand . But are you really going to spend the rest if your life running after memories ? never fully able to move on ?" Asked Glen."I lived like that for a long while . It doesn't do any good."

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(ooc: Oops, sorry)

"My guess would be Eggman," Dylan said. "If she's in danger, I'll be happy to help if you need it."

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"Neither was I. Desperate times and all that," replied Shadow as he grabbed hold of Rouge and Hope and chaos controlled on to the ship.

His Moebian counterpart grabbed onto Dylan and Mina, doing the same to take them on board.

"And to repeat, I need that machine in working condition. So please be careful," said Hope.

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"He's not a chaos user. According to Dad he uses psyc... THAT'S IT!" Skye exclaimed. "Tikal your a genius," he said, giving her a peck on the cheek. "Psychic powers are rare, and I know what kinda power signature to look for. So I can search for a psychic trace in this timezone, and if that doesn't work, I may be able to send a magical message through time that his powers will pick up."

Skye hurried to the window and opened it, offering Tikal his hand. "C'mon, lets get Melody then get a move on!"


"Thanks Dylan," Mina replies just before they teleported, sounding slightly surprised. She looked around after they arrived. "Judging by the robots reduced to junk over there, I'd say she's been busy."


"I know, I know. But having got a taste of it...." Ziona shook her head.


"Ah ha. I have you know," cackled Eggman

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"Then I guess all we need to do is follow the trail of broken robots to find her. Easier than I expected really."

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"Yes definitely. Let's get to her before the Doctor does," said Shadow as he quickly advanced, following the trail of destroyed robots.

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"Even that way , It's still not a reason..." Said Glen."Beside, you look cuter now ."


"hum... My pleasure ." Said Tikal as she grabbed Skye's hand.


A simple shot. All she needed was a simple shot at this generator , And she could attack. "Yeah, come closer , you soon to be scrambled egg" She though.

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Skye flew out the window holding onto Tikal. With his free hand he knocked on the window to Melody's room. Melody jumped at the noise, looked confused at the two of them, and opened the window.

"Skye? Tikal? What? What's going on?"

"I'll explain on the way," said Skye, offering Melody his other hand. "I've got a way to avoid any further paradoxes, but I need some stuff I left at Haven."


Mina sniffed the air as she ran. "There's a funny smell... and taste... Almost as if... Oh no!" Mina began pulling ahead of the rest of the group.


Ziona couldn't help it, and giggled. "Thanks Glen, but I don't think you're seeing me at my best." She patted down her hair, which was still messed up from sleeping.


"Any final words?" Eggman asked as he lined up the shot.

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Knuckles and Kali make it to the mountain and enter a cave. After some tunnel ways, they enter a large cliffside, inside the volcano, overlooking the magma core.

"This should eb enough to revive her." Kali says, looking in the magma.

Knuckles nods and tosses the red gem in. As the two look on, a bright light is seen coming out of the magma and suddenly it begins to rise. Kali then looks to Knuckles. "I don't think it's save here."

The two turn and run as the magma now begins to rocket upwards, chasing after them through the tunnels. They sprint for their lives as the leap out the entrance and dive to the side as magma pours out down the mountain.

"It's going to destroy half the island!" Knuckles screams in panic.

Suddenly the magma begins to turn and form back into a circle. It then slowly morphs upward in a female body, then solidifying into a human being with red hair. She falls to the ground unconscious as the remaining lava retracts back into the cave. Kali then walks up to her and picks her up, looking at her markings,

"This is definitely her. Let's get her somewhere safe until she regains consciousness."

Knuckles walks up and looks at the young woman. Her markings were all over her hands and forearms, as well as her calf down. "So she's an emitter then?" he asks Kali, leading him back to the shrine.

"Indeed. Hopefully, she has more memory than I of our past lives."

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"So , to haven we go !" Said Tikal.


"Yes. Try harder next time." Said Red .


"I'd like to think the contrary .... But then again, people tend to forget that it's the little things that keep us going ." Said Glen."And you happen to be many of them."He finished."You are beautiful."

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Skye flew as fast as he could, not know how much time they had.

"This isn't a very comfy flight," Melody muttered.

"Would you rather get erased from existence?" Skye shot back.


"More smashed robots. We must be getting close," murmured Mina.


"I think... I think you're the first person who genuinely means that," replied Zoina. This time, Ziona kissed Glen.


Eggman pulled the trigger before he realised what Red had said.

"Wait, what do you..." he began.

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"Gullible are you?" Said Red as she avoided the shot . She didn't loose time . She destroy what appeared to be emmitter on the robot , and jumped toward the head , damaging every part of the robot she could on her way. she finnaly got there , and broke the protective glass."Hello doctor , mind if i step in?" It was time to get up close and personnal.


"It's true. You just never got the chance to..."Glen couldn't finish his words , As he received a kiss from Zionna . but he didn't felt the need to finish either . She knew. She knew how much he loved her.

His old life was lost ..... but it was alright. She was there now. he wouldn't feel alone anymore.


"Weeee!!" Said Tikal, Actually enjoying being transported around and flying . It reminded her of easier times...


Locke's Wandering eventually got him in Robotnik's ship . He ended up near what appeared to be a medical bay. He got in , and took a look around, only to see something : It was a blood stained arms protection . It seeme to belong to Red . She went there , That mean she was in trouble . He had to get her . He quickly started to use his power to track her down.... and bingo. He moved out , quickly .

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As Knuckles and Kali now wait in the forest under the mountain, Astraea begins to come to. She slowly begins to stand up as Kali walks over to help her.

"It's ok, I got you." he says aiding her to her feet. Being a little taller than her, she looked into his eyes for a moment, as if she was about to speak. Knuckles then walks over to introduce himself as well.

"My name is Knuckles, Guardian of this floating island. I can only hope you remember Kali. We seem to have--" he losses his breath as Astraea kicks him in the chest, sending him flying. Before Kali can react, she animates her palm into fire and punches him in the gut, then releases a fireball knocking him back as well. The two shake off their injuries and look up dumbfounded.

"I don't know I should grateful or take you as an absolute idiot for reviving me." Astraea says looking to Kali. She then sets both her hands ablaze and begins firing flames at him relentlessly. Kali quickly gets up and begins running to the side, trying to close the distance.

"You misunderstand! We aren't in the same predicament as we were before Astraea! I need you help." he yells, but she then targets where he was running and hits him low, blowing his leg off. As he falls to the ground, she runs over and pins his shoulders down, holding her hand to his face.

"So tell me why I should blaze your head clean off right now." she says looking to him furiously. However, shes stopped short as Knuckles drop kicks her from behind and then helps Kali sit up right.

"Will you be ok?" he asks looking at Kalis leg.

"Yea, give me a moment." he replies. "It'll regenerate once I concentrate enough."

"I'll keep her busy then." Knuckles says, looking to Astraea, who was now more furious than ever.

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The shadowy figure Was Ready to Get in action at first when it saw Knuckles being in difficulty . But it stopped , when knuckles started to show signs of advantage . hopefully , this would proves to be an interesting sight to witness.

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"She's probably fine, she's a good fighter, but let's keep going to make sure of that."

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After explaining the plan to Melody, Skye landed at Haven, panting heavily from exhaustion but still pressed on. He flipped through his journal as he stepped through the doors.

"Uhhhh.... what's the fasted way to do this? Oh, I'm gonna regret this tomorrow," he moaned as he tore out a page and handed it to Melody. "This is the power copy ritual. Get it set up downstairs and read through carefully so you know what to do."

"Skye, you know I'm not great with magic.... It might..."

"It WILL if you don't try," Skye interrupted. Melody gulped, nodded, and sped off. Skye winced and tore another part out of his book, handing it to Tikal.

"Could you find the things on the list there," he asked. "I'll need them to set up the ritual to locate Silver. I'm gonna look and see if I can find a way to modify the ritual to communicate with him as well."

(ooc: Any takers to play Silver? Anyone?


"Well talking's not gonna help her," said Mina as she began running ahead at full speed.


Ziona started laughing slightly. "If you shown me a picture of this two days ago, I'd have sworn it've been a fake."


"Gah! Get away from me you crazy bat!" yelled Eggman, half in genuine worry, and the other half an act as he grabbed a energy pistol and fired at Red point blank in the chest."

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Red was simply too high in both adrenaline and painkiller to feel anything . She took the doctor , and threw him out of the robot . She then grabbed him ."I think we have to talk . Be nice , And maybe i'll show myself merciful ."


Locke eventually found Mina ."Hey ! I know where she is !" He shouted to her, hoping to be heard .


Tikal nodded and ran around haven recovering whatever was in the list. (Ooc: I'd love to.)


Glen smiled ."As for me, I don't mind this situation at all ."He took her in his arm ."It's good to have someone in my arms again.how about walking to the balcony ? We could enjoy the view together ."

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Skye hurried to his room, laid the journal open on his desk, and began writing numerous equations and incantations down, trying to find a combination that worked.

(ooc: Well, if no one else wants a shot you might end up!)


Mina shot past Locke, then rapidly backtracked. "You do, where?" she asked breathlessly.


"I'd like that Glen," she said with a smile. "but how about a drink to go along with the view?"


As he landed on the ground, Eggman stealthily hit a hidden button summoning the Egg Pawns to him. So for now, he'd play along for time.

"T-talk? About what?" he asked.

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