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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"The line between dream and reality is quite thin in this case. So when Red became unconscious, she could've been able to escape the dream. I'm not sure if it's a permanent thing or you have to die to be out completely, but it certainly appears that to escape the dream is to fall asleep," Dylan said. "Yeah, someone should've thought this up earlier"

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"Uh, if dying would cause us to walk up, why would our nightmare be trying to kill us?" asked Mina.

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"As I said, I don't know. And I don't know if dying would work, but but becoming unconscious or sleeping would seem to work. At least it did for Red."

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"Okay then. Knock me out and we'll see of... I... uh... no that won't work..." Melody cast a glance towards Mina, "Ok, erm, knock out someone, and if they walk up, give someone a pinch right here on the arm so we'll feel it in the dream and know you got out."

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"Are you sure about this?" asked Melody with concern. "I-I mean, if it doesn't work you might get stuck in a worse dream or something."

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"I'm sure. Logically speaking it's the most likely escape roite. And I know if it does go wrong you'll get me out."

Shadow walked over to her and put his arm around.

"If you're sure about this, good luck Hope." She responded by giving him a smile and a hug.

"I'll be fine," she said to reassure him, before going over to Melody.

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"So, um, who do you want to knock you out? Anyone know a sleeper hold?"

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Shadow slowly walked over to them.

"I do, unfortunately."

"Just make it quick," said Hope as she gulped.

Shadow positioned his left arm in around her neck and gently put his right hand on the back of her head.

"I will. Don't struggle, it'll be quicker thst way. I'm sorry it's come to this," he said.

"Don't worry. Ok do it." Shadow instantly applied the grip, and Hope quickly went unconscious, Shadow cradling her head.

In the real world, Hope woke up and quickly went outside of her room and over to Shadow, prodding him in the arm. In the dream, he immediately felt this.

"She's free!" he announced happily.

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Melody breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness she's alright!"

"I'll go next Shadow. I've had enough of this dream world," said Mina

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Shadow gently set Hope down and walked up to Mina.

"Somehow I reckon you'd want the other Shadow to do this," he said, pointing to Crowley. He swiftly performed tbe sleeper hold on Mina, wondering where she would awaken.

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"That's....quite creepy in a way.... Don't you think, cutie?" Said Glen."But if you want, I can do it for you."


"Well, it appear that they finally understood my little game. I can now take my leave."

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"Blast, I missed a trick there," thought Mina as she slid unconscious.

"Crowley, I think you better go next. You've the best chance of keeping Mom distracted so she doesn't notice me or Skye." She turned to the crow. "Wait, before you go, what did you mean when you said I was 'nothing but a dream'? I'm more than that now, amn't I?"

Ziona shook her head at Glen's suggestion. "I... I don't think I want to wake up."


Mina slowly regained consciousness on the hotel balcony. She picked herself up, steadying herself on the railings. "Wow, what a weird dream," she muttered to herself. "First time I've fallen asleep on the job." She move to the balcony door and slid it open. "Better make up for lost time."

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The crow said Nothing , Smiling once again before disapearing . something told our heroes that it would not be the last time they see him.


"Zionna ? Why ?" Said Glen, with a sudden hint of sadness."I though... what I told had meaning for you !! You can't just live there forever!"

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"That was one weird crow," Dylan said. "Perhaps we better get out before he comes back or some more of the defences attack us."

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"Gah! You don't need to be so cryptic!" yelled Melody as the crow vanished.


"It did Glen, it did," replied Ziona, tears beginning to fill her eyes. "But I still don't want to let go. Just... knock me out before I do something stupid..."


Mina slipped into the main lobby of the penthouse, straining her ears to try and hear if anyone else was awake.

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Shadow performed the sleeper hold on Crowley. It felt odd, as he was essentially knocking himself out in a manner.

Hope let out a small yelp when she heard the door slide open on the floor below her, but then heard another door open and someone step out. Crowley appeared and waved to her before swiftly and quietly going downstairs, spotting Mina.

"Hello my dear. Is there something I can help you with?" he asked as he approached her.

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Mina gave a start when Crowley appeared, and maybe blushed slightly.

"I was looking for Red. That Crow thing said she'd woken up first."

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"Ah yes. I haven't seen her either. No matter, I'm sure she's fine. She can handle herself. Would you care to join me on the balcony?"

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"Oh yes, I'd like that," replied Mina, giving a little giggle.


"Shadow, could you wake Skye up next please? He's in too much pain to just leave."

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Crowley took her hand and led her out to the balcony.

"It's a lovely view of the sea out here," he said.

Shadow walked over to Skye.

"Ok, just relax Skye. This'll hurt a bit, but it'll be over quickly." He then performed the sleeper hold as soon as he finished his sentence, hoping to get it over with as fast as possible for Skye.

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"It can hardly hurt worsuuugh," Skye began to say before he dropped unconscious.


Skye shot bolt upright in bed, looking frantically around the room. Conscious that the pain had gone, he leapt out of bed and looked behind him, given a ecstatic sigh of relief when he saw both tails wagging behind him. He turned back to the bed and the sleeping form of Tikal. Skye gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Wake up soon please," he whispered.


Mina heart began racing when Crowley took her by the hand.

"Oh, it is," agreed Mina. "It's such a clear night. You can see forever, and the stars and moon shimmering in the ocean."

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"Exactly. It's beautiful. I can't remember the last time I was able to do this on Moebius."

"Who wants to go next?" asked Shadow.

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