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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Interesting way of putting things, Skye. But thanks." Dylan then fully stood up. "Right, Hamlin. Ready to lose again

Hamlin just laughed. "You really expect this bunch of misfits to beat all these werehogs?"

(ooc: Anyone fancy insulting Hamlin?)

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"I think I preferred him as a supervillain," Melody muttered to Hope.

"You..." Skye began to reply to Tikal, then Melody interrupted. "Leave the mushy stuff till later. Scary monsters and the walking slab of ham first!" she shouted over him, throwing a knife towards Hamlin as she did so. Skye shot her a look of irritation.

"You know, I'd almost have sworn she was my daughter," muttered Mina after seeing Melody's shouting fit.


"I'm... I'm scared Glen," piped up Ziona


"Paid are you? So what if I pad you to forgot about this and go after someone else?"

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"Yeah. I just hope I don't get anyone act mushy towards me," replied Hope, still in a hushed voice.

Crowley laughed. "Perhaps Mina. Though I must admit I now have the strongest desire for some bacon. I haven't had it in quite some time," he said with a grin as he charged up a ball of anarchy beryl energy.

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"Because , little egg." Said Red."We all know that you would backstabb me right after I finish my job. After all , the main problem with good dictators, is that they tend to take care of loose end quite fast. Sometimes too fast."


"I'm here . I'm here." Said Glen as he grabbed Zionna to put her in safety on his shoulder.


"I fancy myself of being a good cook. Who is in for same bacon later on ? Hamlin is on ." said Locke.

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The knife passed through him.

"You all forget, you can't kill what is already dead." Hamlin then disappeared into fog

"Well, that's a problem." Dylan said. "Perhaps we should sort out the werehogs first before we take care of Hamlin."

"Unless they take care of you first," the voice of Hamlin said. "Attack!"

The werehogs leaped into action

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Melody cleared her throat.

"Ahem, actually you can. I'm dead yet perfectly mortal... Wait, that's not a good thing to admit is it?" she drew another knife, using her speed to dodge the were-hog's slower attacks. Her movement almost mirrored Mina fighting nearby.

Skye muttered a few words and a crackling sphere of energy covered him and Tikal, shocking anyone who came to close.

Ziona just clung tighter to Glen.


"I see my reputation precedes me. Very well." The front of his machine slid open, as numerous cutting beams shot out, arcing around in random patterns. "This was designed to finally stop that miserable blue rodent. It should have no trouble reducing you to slices."

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Crowley swatted any werehog dumb enough to get close, the energy in his fist making the process rather simple, at least for the time being. Shadow similarly utilised his chaos spears to good effect, keeping them away from Hope, Rouge and himself, calmly waiting for Hamlin to reappear before he went on the offensive.

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"No it's not." Said Locke."But let's forget it for now."


"Don't worry Zionna." Said Glen.


"I guess it can't be helped ." Said Red, who flought to the nearest cover.

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"So where did porky boss man get to? I want to talk with him" shouted Melody as behind her, a couple of were-hogs fried themselves on Skye's shield. Inside the sphere, Skye suddenly grimaced in pain as the potion he'd taken began wearing off.


"Ah ha ha! Cover won't save you. These beams can cut through anything!" boasted Eggman.

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"Skye , don't overdo it..." Said Tikal."It won't last longer...."


As the laser were shot , Red saw that not everything was being "cut off" . She wasn't going to anger him more, But she would at least use those lasers against their shooter.

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Skye dropped to his knees but the field still held.

"I think... I can keep... going... despite the... pain..." he gasped.


"So much for your brave words," mocked Eggman as he pressed forward. "You're just delaying the inevitable."

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"I'll move you out in safety ." Said Tikal.


Red let him talk . The higher they go , the harder the floor. She decided to try the glass panel near the core . Since Robotnik needed it , he would try to at least protect it. It was a risky gamble , but she didn't has many option.

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Skye didn't responded, he was concentrating too hard on keeping the field up. Melody and Mina continued attacking, Melody acting more reckless than normal, may to try and compensate for her earlier failure with Scourge.


"On no you DON'T!" Eggman exclaimed as Red tried to go for the panel. The lasers stopped, but he smashed down with on of the robotic fists.

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Dylan was throwing whatever was in his reach right into the face of any werehog. Sometimes he needed to throw more than one thing when his first throw was unsuccessful. He would run out of stuff soon, which is when he would start fighting properly

Hamlin's voice was once again laughing at the show

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Locke was tired of watching hamlin . He decided to throw some spear at him. CHAOS SPEARS . Maybe that would shut him up.

As he did so , something unexpected happenned : a struck of lighting , falling from the sky, and causing a quake .


Red was right . Robotnik didn't want anyone near the machine . He was hiding something . She just had to find the rights words...

"Well , if there is nothing I can't do to save my friend , Why even stopping me ? "

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(ooc: I thought Hamlin was just a disembodied voice at this point?)

Mina and Melody were ganging up on a larger were-hog when the quake hit, causing all three to loose their balance.

"What was that?"

"I think we're running out of time!"


"Why? You break my ship, destroy my robots, and threaten to kill me! That's why." Eggman snarled, then he grinned. "Besides, its FUN!"

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"And I think It's Reaxting to chao energy " Shouted Locke."While skye is using magic , I'm harnessing the power of the master emerald . Maybe it's this link to the real world that is making thing happen..."


"Is that really all ?" Saud Red."I think you might be trying to hide something from me...."

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(ooc: Uhhhhhh, how many chaos spears has shadow been throwing?)

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(Ooc: Locke is litteraly connected to the master emerald . Shadow isn't . He just absord the ambient energy.)

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(ooc: Skye's right. Hamlin is a disembodied voice at the moment)

Dylan had fallen down because of the earthquake and a werehog had gone up to him. It was just about to attack when Dylan managed to kick it in the face and then move out of the way so he could get up again to continue fighting

Locke's chaos spears didn't have much of an affect on Hamlin, but the earthquake had surprised him enough to stop him laughing for a short time

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"But how would the Master Emerald react with the dream like this?" asked Melody. "Unless... whatever was causing the dream.... was right next to the master emerald..."

Back on her feet Mina swiftly dispatched the were-hog she'd been fighting that had been slower to rise. Melody hurried to Dylan, slashing at the were-hog attacking him.


"Maybe I don't want you break my machine before I get a chance to use it one all of New Mobotropolis."

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"I think it might be.... Maybe the emerald is closer

than we think."


"But i though it was only a test device ?"

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"Thanks, Melody."Dylan said before throwing part of his equipment at a werehog coming up behind her

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"I was about to make a comment about paying me back, Dylan, but I think you just did so," said Melody.

"So, I'm guessing that's not a good thing?" Mina asked Locke.


"It only has enough power for a limited amount of targets. But once I connect its power systems to the Master Emerald, I can send a whole city into permanent sleep."

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"Well, in a way I owe you all for causing the ghostly pork chop to be here. But we can discuss that later. The werehog numbers seem to be decreasing"

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