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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Crowley took her hand, and maneuvered himself out from under the heart.

"Thank you Mina. It appears I owe you."

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"I WILL hold you to that Crowley," she replied with a conniving smile.

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"But let's get out of here first," Mina said, pulling out a capsule from her bracer and dropping it into the monster. "That should make a nice bonfire."

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"I was refering to a change of uniform." Said Glen."But having you in beach clothes everyday? My that idea sound nice too !"


"Skye? Skye , where are you ?" Asked an upset tikal.

"He isn't there anymore ?" Asked Locke

"No. He was there for a minute ... and then... and then ... we have to find him!" Answered back Tikal.


"I really wonder if letting you leave woud be such a good idea ."Said Red ."So instead , I'm going to make you walk away. WITH A LIMP ." Said Red as she pushed a button in her sleeve.

Explosions could be heard all around the ship ."Destroying the core might be dangerous , but powering it down would get us enought time for everyone to leave ." Said Red."After all, you did build your machine with a failsafe , right ?"

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"I think... I think he went to find Dylan. He must have though we'd be right behind," said Melody, heading over to Tikal and giving her a comforting hug. "I'm sure he'll be fine."


"If I was taller I'd slap you on the face," Ziona retorted, but still smiling.


"Why do you people keep blowing up my ships?" yelled Eggman.

One of the legs raised up, unfolded into a set barrels which launched a barrage of seeking mini-missiles.

"Failsafe? What use would I have for a failsafe on a weapon that if it goes wrong removes my enemies?"

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"You brought it up Zionna ; I did nothing but agreeing ." Said Glen , playing a bit with Zionna's hair.


"Thank , but I will handle myself ." Said Tikal ."What I can't handle is knowing that Skye might be alone again...."


"And what if you ended up as another user of this machine ? " Said Red , easily avoiding the first attack ."So here is my deal : they die , you die too ."

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"Here I am," Dylan said weakly. "Where are the others?"

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Hope let out a small groan at Tikal's over reaction.

"He's just up ahead. It's not like he's dropped off the face of the Earth," she muttered to herself, as she moved forward with the group and as the scenery shifted, Skye was clearly visible up ahead.

"No objections here," said Crowley as he grabbed Mina and ran away from the creature's body just as the capsule's contents lit it up.

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"Huh, they were right behind me," said Skye. "Ah, here they come." Skye took a few steps towards the approaching figures and fell over again. "Oof. Stupid missing tail messing my balance."


Mina gave a shiver of excitement when Crowley grabbed her hand, forgetting for an instant they were in a life and death situation. But only for a moment, as the world shifted around them.

(ooc: Despite what Shadow said earlier, I don't think seeing them running hand-in-hand together would be good for Skye's moral! :P )


"Tsk Tsk, you should be a lawyer with that sort of misdirection," Ziona replied.


"You're the one who put them in danger by sabotaging the power supply for the Dream-Catcher," replied Eggman. "And their's nothing I can do to bring them out. The only exit is from the inside. So if you want to help them, you best go back to sleep!"

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Crowley released Mina's hand when it was clear they were free from danger.

"That was an interesting challenge. Don't think I've ever had to go inside something to kill them. Regardless, thank you for helping me out Mina."

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"I could be your lawyer anytime ." Said Glen with a mischievous smile.


"Ah skye , Here you are ." Said Tikal , Who then helped back Skye on his feet."Did you find Dylan?"


"Then Mobius will have to mourn yet another great mind." Said Red."Just as I'll mourn those I lost."

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"I'm right here Locke. And Skye, why are you missing a tail?"

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"Thanks," Skye replied to Tikal as he held on tight. He turned to face Dylan. "I, uh, had a run in with Scourge and he... he..." Skye shook his head.


Mina blushed slightly.

"Anytime Crowley. Anytime."


"Keep that kind of insinuation up when I look like this and you might just need a lawyer yourself."


"What's this? You're willing to let your friends die? No begging, pleading? No 'I'll save them no matter what'? I must say, this makes a pleasant change."

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"Oh dear, sounds like things have been bad for you guys too."

"It's about to get worse for all of you," Hamlin said. "The werehogs are nearly upon you, and don't worry Dylan, I'll make sure your the last to die."

"Oh great, just what we need."

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"Then... don't keep it too long." Said Glen."But as I said , I'll love you anyway."


"Dylan, are you really alright?" Said Locke."You really took a beating did you ?"


"I won't have to beg or cry for them." Said Red."You made your choice when you made this machine . And I know they'lk find a way to leave. They are made of the stuff of those who always come back."

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"Only in the second round, where, I couldn't use the power you suggested I use. I'll be fine if I rest a little. But I'd worry about yourselves now. More werehogs coming in, courtesy of another homicidal maniac."

"That's rich coming from you Dylan."

"As I told you before, Hamlin, it's not like I was in control of myself at the time."

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"Are you a magnet or something ? Because a lot of them seems to be atteacted to us somehow." Said Glen.

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Skye looked at the approching were-hogs.

"So, uh, who's still actually in a condition to fight?" he asked.


As they approached the others, Mina caught sight of the were-hogs.

"I think we arrived at a bad time!"


"Aww, how sweet," replied Ziona, giving Glen a hug round the waist. Either that or she was hiding from the were-hogs.... Maybe both.


"Huh, your not so different after all then," Eggman replied, swinging a blow at Red with the robot's arm.

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(ooc: Oops. I never said they had come. Oh well)

"It's my fault that this is happening, even if I'm not in the right condition to fight, I won't let it stop me."

"Brave words, where were they before you killed me?" Hamlin said, his tone becoming more serious. "Do your friends know about that?"

"Shut up! Your only saying that to distract me." Dylan started to get up off the floor

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"Its alright Dylan. We understand. Besides, no one here is an angel. Well," Skye turned to face Tikal and gave her a little squeeze, "aside from you."

Melody rolled her eyes. "Time and place, Skye, Time and place. But he is right Dylan. You had no control of your actions, so don't let him get to you."

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Hope almost gagged at Skye's comment, as Rouge summoned the strength to bring her palm up to her face.

"I think he's only going to get worse," Hope whispered to Melody.

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(Ooc: And then you remember that actually is an angel , because she is dead. AND LOST ALL ALL OF HER FAMILLY AND TRIBE. She might actually be doing this to skye in order to compensate this loss.)

"You are not just hugging me because you like me even more , are you?" Asked Glenn."Don't worry . The bad furred peiple are NOT going to even touch you ." Glen pulled out his weapon again.


"Aww , this is my little foxy ."Answered back Tikal .


"Red avoided the attack ."There is a difference ." She said."I'm not going to feel bad killing you at all. Heck , If I get paid, I might even be happy about it!"

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