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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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(Ooc: evil hamlin is evil ! Also , not really , Locke left in the fog, so this technically happenned, as He could not find you after that. But it's not important.)

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"We can't just wait, we need to be more proactive to stop this dream," Skye said to Tikal.

"I don't think I froze because of the dream Hope. What kind of assassin freeze when faced with danger?" Melody replied, her eyes darting breifly towards Mina.


Ziona gave a little laugh. "Thanks. Maybe I'm seeing how that Junior League' look would turn out!"


"Armed and out to kill me?" Eggman sounded more curious than afraid. Being inside a large robot probably helped. "This IS different. So, before we begin, just who are you?"

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"I know what you mean skye." Said Tikal."Just... don't overdo it."


"Well in that case , they look adorable ." Said Glen."I mean , they make you even cuter !"


"I only tell my name to thise who deserve it." Said Red."And the only thing you deserve from me, is a swift and violent retribution, fir messing up both my dreams and vacation ."

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"I've only got fifteen minutes left. I might have to."


"If Crowley isn't here yet, we should find him," said Mina

(ooc: someones biased!)


"Hee hee. Thank's Glen. It's a lot better than my regular uniform, anyway."


"Oh, that was just a happy side effect," said Eggman with a pleased smile. "And if I were you, I'd worry more about those still inside the dream than me. If the dream-catcher there should happen to de-sync, well, they won't be waking up any time soon. If they're lucky."

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"I'll come with you," groaned Shadow as he pulled himself up, going over to Rouge and carefully picking her up as well.

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"I.. Alright then," Mina sighed. Obviously she'd been hoping to save Crowley alone.

"Hang on," Skye shouted over. "We should stick together, so we don't need to have all this trouble finding everyone again. And Dylan is more likley to need our help than Crowley."

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Shadow sensed the tone in Mina's voice, and seeing how much pain Rouge was in; he swiftly put her down.

"On second thought, why don't you go on your own? If there's a chance to impress him, this is it," he said.

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"I, uh, wasn't trying to impress him," Mina lied. "I just... was worried..."

Behind Mina, but in Shadow's line of sight, Skye began frantically waving his arms and mouthing 'NO!' over and over.

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Shadow noticed Skye's waving and decided to amend his position.

"I'll be close by if I'm needed. What are the rest of you going to do?"

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"No need, I'll find him," said Mina as she sped off. Skye stared wide eyed after her.

"The rest of us should try to find Dyl..." Ziona began, before....

"SHADOW! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? STOP TRYING TO RE-WRITE MY PAST!" yelled Skye, causing Melody to jump.

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"I'm not trying to rewrite your past. Do you honestly think her going to find him will result in him doing anything with her? Do you think he's that perverse? He is nigh impossible to find on Moebius, and is a very solitary individual. If she somehow manages to find him, he will not know who she is, and will promptly brush her off."

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Skye seemed to calm down, but looked far for convinced.

"You... you can't really KNOW what might happen then, or now... or, whatever the right temporal term is. So it's best not to risk stuff like that. Getting re-written isn't nice Shadow. You've already done it to me once!!"

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"Yes I'm well aware. It would be disastrous if those two got together. You want to know what is worse? I could impersonate Crowley and do it myself. How would you like that, 'son'? Because I'm definitely planning on doing that, I mean, I've messed with it once, why not do it again?" said Shadow, just a slight hint of sarcasm in his voice.

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Somehow, Skye eyes became even wider. He backward away from Shadow, raising his arms as if trying to ward him off.

"NoNoNo! You can't do that. I like who I am. I don't wanna change. Please don't-don't-don't!"

Skye tripped and fell over backwards. It seemed to knock a little sense into him.

"Wait, you're not being serious..... are you?"

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Shadow limped over to Skye and outstretched his hand to help him up.

"Of course not. You have no idea how guilty I feel about the last time. If I did it again, I'd probably throw myself out of an airlock on the Ark. And don't worry, Crowley isn't going to become your father or otherwise mess with your past. Whether him and Mina get together at some point in the far future after all your life's events have happened as they should have is a different story, but it will have no cataclysmic effects on your lives."

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Dylan was now running. He was tired and had been scratched and bitten all over the place trying to escape. There was no way he could last long with the werehogs himself without going werehog himself. But Hamlin was stopping him from doing it, so Dylan was going back to the bunker in the hope he could salvage enough of the radio to get a message out asking for backup. The problem was he didn't know which way to go so was basically running blind. And tiring

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"I... I guess. Sorry for freaking out there Shadow. We better go and find Dylan."


Mina hurried onwards, calling out Crowley's name.

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Red said Nothing . She Backed up a bit and Waited. This one seemed to enjoy gloating . All she had to so would be to wait and see."Fine...."She finally said."And I suppose your superior intellect won't find the time to explain to his guest how such an incredible machine would work ? I think I mught enjoy knowing more about you...."


Tikal gave shadow a sad look, rather than one full of hate for the thing he did to Skye


"Cuter you are indeed!" Said Glen happily ."Do I smell a future change of clothing?"

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"It's fine Skye. Yeah, let's get moving."

Crowley crawled back up the inside of the creature and went to the heart. He smashed at the armour as fast as he could, and charged up anarchy beryl energy in his fist to finally break through it.

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Dylan finally made it to the bunker, with barely enough energy to spare. He paused a moment when he got there staring in shock at the mess he had made fighting the other werehogs who were scattered in different places around the room. He then made his way to the radio. It was pretty much destroyed and there was no hope in being able to send a message. But there was one thing he could do, and that was send a signal and hope someone notices it. He turned on the radio which briefly sent a signal out before loosing the rest of it's power. Dylan then slumped down on the ground and picked his teleporter up

Hamlin was once again laughing at the sight of Dylan

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Skye nodded and started walking. Melody waited, seemingly uneasy at leaving Hope alone again. Skye's radio gave a burst of static, but that was it. He looked at it in surprise. "I think we'd better hurry."

Ziona rolled her eyes. "If you are trying to get me to wear my beach cloths all day you've got another thing coming."


Mina came to a screeching halt when she saw the massive creature ahead of her. It seemed to be in pain, but there was no sign of Crowley.

"You better not have eaten him," she growled, rushing over. She drew a knife, hope to cut Crowley free if he add been swallowed.


"Bah. As if someone like you could understand the intricacies of such a machine." The ship rumbled slightly. "Oh Ho! Right on time. Angel Island is about to make a wonderful splash in the ocean."

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Crowley was unaware of Mina outside. He thrust his hand through the armour and into the creature's heart. As it toppled over he found he was pinned to the wall by the still beating heart.

"Well this is inconvenient," he said as he tried to push it off to no avail, the white blobs moving ever closer to him.

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Skye didn't realise he was walking alone, as the world shifted around him. He found himself outside Dylan's bunker. Well, what was left of it. Skye began calling Dylan's name.


As the monster fell Mina leapt on top of it, ducking out of the way of it's blows. She sliced a portion of it's chest open. "Hello? Anyone in there?" she called.

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Hope let Rouge lean on her and moved up with the rest of the group.

"Mina? I'm down here. Don't let those things touch you, unless being dissolved and absorbed is your idea of a good time," yelled Crowley.

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"That certainly wasn't on my to do list," replied Mina as she cut the gap wider, then reached in offering a hand to Crowley.

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