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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"D-do what you want ! but do it quick !" Shouted glen, a bit distressed.


"Im there Skye, don't worry." Said Tikal.

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"That you Tikal. I just wish you didn't need to see me like this," Skye replied.

Mina grinned and rushed at the chameleon, using her superspeed to rain down multiple blows in a split second

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"It's alright Skye, It's alright." Said Tikal."You are still there, this is something."


Under the many attacks of Mina, the chameleon eventually fell. "You might Win Glen, But I'll be there glen."

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"Yeah, at least I'm alive. And it'll all be over when we wake up!"


"Yeah, yeah. Die now." said Mina in a half bored, half taunting voice and she delivered the last blow.

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"Of course ,." Said Tikal , happy to see recovering a bit.


The chameleon was Done for, but not before one last message."And Don't forget : If I remember, So will you....." Finally , he faded away , leaving behind the trail of destruction caused by Glen.

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Melody looked back to Mina and Glen.

"C'mon, C'mon. We don't want to be split again..."


"I think your issues are bigger than mine," joked Mina as she helped Glen up.

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"Oh please ." Said Glen."I took care of those ... problems not so long ago. these things you saw were nothing but remnant that the dreamworld threw at me." He heard Melody."We heard you ! we are coming now ."


"Let's hope we can finish this before the effect of you potion wears off..." Said Tikal.

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"Yeah. Though if I know Mom... Mother, she's probably got a spare tucked away."

"Really. You seemed a bit distracted by them" Mina replied.

"Enough talking, lets go," said Melody as she set off, the world beginning to change.

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"I suppose one has to be ready for anything." Said Tikal.


"It's a nightmarish world . It will obviously try to attack us on our weakness...." Said Glen.

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"Doubly so in her line of work," commented Skye.

"Yeah, I gathered," muttered Mina.

"Hope? Hope?" Melody called as the world shifted back into focus around them

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Hope heard Melody's calls and was about to reply, when she hesitated.

"What if it's one of the nightmares?" she asked.

"It's fine. If it is I'll get it with my chaos spear. So go right ahead," replied Shadow as he sat upright and held onto Hope's arm.

"Melody! We're over here!" she called.

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"That's quite unfortunate I say ." Said Glen."But moving on is probably the best way to beat up a nightmare."


"Looks like we found shadow and his two friends ." Said Locke ."Now I just hope we'll find Dylan in time."

Locke just couldn't imagine how right he was.


Passing through the robot guard was quite easy . The camera less , but Red had experience , and was still able to outpass them.

She was almost there , she could feel it.

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Headless of the fact that Shadow could be preparing to attack her, or that it could all be an illusion, Melody rushed forward and embraced Hope.

"There you are, are you alright?" she asked.

Skye loosened his grip on Tikal. "I... I think I'm getting this now," he said, taking a few tentative steps.


"Lot's them, what do you mean 'lost them'?" bellowed Eggman. He cupped one hand to his face, grumbling. "They're probably heading to the dream-catcher core, whoever they are." He stood up and strode off the bridge

"Bah, if you want something done right..."

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Hope embraced her back, happy to see her friend alive and well. "I'm fine, nothing but a really painful headache. But these 2 aren't in the best of shape and... what happened to Skye?" she asked in a concerned tone as she saw him limping along in the fog.

Shadow dropped the hand he was preparing to strike with.

"Good to see you Melody," he said.

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Glen got back to Zionna."Hey cutie, Sorry that you had to see that part of me ..." Said Glen as he tried to pat her head kindly .


"You are getting better Skye ." Said Tikal.


"So shadow , feeling better ?" asked Locke.


Red finally got the dream core . But she wasn't going to jump in head first . aurora may know hiw cliché that would be . instead , she silently opened the maintenance door and stayed in the shadows , awaiting the possible arrival of her potential ennemy.

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"He... its my fault. I let Scourge get to him and he... he tore one of his tails off," murmured Melody sadly.

"Thanks. But it's a shame I need to get better at all."

Ziona gave a slight motion away from Glen, still a little scared at what had happened, but still let him pat her head. She gave a small smile in reply.


"I wouldn't do that if I were you Rouge," spoke Eggman, as the form of a large quaduped robot entered the room, the doctor piloting. "Wait, you aren't Rouge. Either that or work for GUN has really taken it's toll on you," he mocked.

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Hope had a look of shock.

"Melody, I'm so sorry. You must've been scared out of your mind. It wasn't your fault you couldn't do anything, the body can shut down in times like that. I know it's not much consolation," she said solemnly.

"Better? Both Rouge and I are badly injured thanks to a nightmarish version of myself that only reacted to her attacks. So no, things are much worse," replied Shadow.

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"I... I know that Hope. But it should have happened to me. I've been trained for stuff like this... I shouldn't have frozen."

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"It happen sometimes Skye ." Said Tikal . "And the best we can do is waiting for it to leave by itself ."


"Worse indeed." Said Locke."But now , we are short of one member . Any idea of where he might be ? As we lost lost him in the fog."


"You are a good girl" Said Glen."And it's a cute costume you got there Zionna."


"Typical." Said Red." This is so cliché it's almost starting to make me feel bad ." She took a look at robotnik ." I don't think you should be the one to talk , As I don't remember ever killing someone as fat as you ." She pulled out her knifes."But there always is a beginning to everything."

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"it's this stupid dream messing with you Melody. Think about it, if it can pulverise Shadow, it can make you freeze up."

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"Haven't seen anyone around here. Crowley was with us but a tornado scattered us three all over the place after he insulted Eggman. Haven't seen him since."

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"Ah yes , Crowley. He musn't be far. " Said Locke . But what about Dylan?"

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"Dylan? I haven't seen him since I originally left with Skye to find Melody and Hope."

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"well, he should have catched up by now.." Said a concerned Locke."Where might he be ?"

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(ooc: I'm pretty sure you didn't lose Dylan in the fog, he sent you out of the bunker to take care of the werehogs)

"You could've chosen to fight against the DEL and the curse earlier. Instead, you were too scared and stuck with council where you still made no difference to things."

"I thought I could help more..."

"You thought wrong and now I'm dead because of it. You still keep hold of that faulty teleporter you made from stolen plans, but you don't deserve it. You deserve to die like I did"

Suddenly Dylan found himself surrounded by werehogs

(ooc: If anyone is confused by this, tell me and I'll explain)

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