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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Locke stayed a bit behind them . It was a moment they deserved to share together.


"You are the Girl saying that?" Said Glen."I'm not the one with mother's issue At least."


"I'll be fine, I know it." Said Tikal, smiling." But what about you?" SHe said with a concerned voice.

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(ooc: Hmm...)

"I never expected you to go werehog," the voice chuckled. "You hate doing it so much. Just look at yourself. Nothing more than a wild animal, not a quality for someone who was on the council. I guess I should change you back, it's no fun taunting someone who doesn't understand me."

Suddenly, Dylan started to transform back into his normal self. Once he did, he just sat on the ground looking confused. This caused the voice to laugh again

(ooc: It sounded so much better in my head than it did here)

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Crowley threw several more spears at the creature to no effective.

"Perhaps a different approach is in order," he muttered as he ran full speed at it, diving into its mouth and going down its throat, just avoiding the teeth as it closed its mouth. He grimaced at the stench, but created a ball of anarchy beryl energy in his hand, illuminating his surroundings. It seemed he was inside the stomach. He jumped up and thrust his hand into the wall, so he wasn't standing in acid. The stomach began to convulse as the creature staggered about in pain.

Elsewhere, Hope regained consciousness and staggered about when she got up, her head still pounding. Even though it was difficult, she knew she had to persevere and find Shadow.

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(ooc: Gah, I can't believe I, and by extension Melody, forgot about Hope! Um, we'll say what happened to her brother is distracting her...)

The castle began to fade a the two children walked on.


"Then be glad your mother wasn't a crazy, obsessed tyrant. At least I'LL never be like that."


"Uh, is it bad to admit part of me doesn't want this dream to end, even with it being so horrible now."

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(OOC If anything it's my fault. She was being carried by Crowley after all. I got the tornado to pick him, Shadow and Rouge up before I remembered her).

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(ooc: Melody probably thinks she's still with crowley and therefor safe then)

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Crowley created an anarchy spear in his hand and cut through the stomach, climbing outside of it. He noticed the beating heart inside an armoured shell. He latched on to it and started to bore through. It was a slow process, but it seemed to be working. As he continued cutting through the shell, unbeknownst to him, large blobs of were floating up towards him from below.

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"It seems that something is actually changing..." Said Locke as he looked around


"We'll seee. But what would yyou do if that happened ?" Asked Glen.


"But , what if you ave something outside that is worthly of waking up ?" Asked Tikal.

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"Don't worry, Tikal," replied Ziona. "I'm not gonna do anything stupid. I said part, not all." She looked up as someone approached in the mist. At first it looked like some horrible monster, then Ziona realised it was Melody who was.... helping an injured Skye.

"What is this place? It looks familiar..." Melody pondered, looking around.

"I don't think I could live with myself if it ever happened," Mina responded, then she caught sight of the newcomers. "Red? Why did you bring her here? I thought she was safe!"

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"Did you miss me Dylan?" the voice said

"That's impossible!" Dylan said after a moment of shock. "You're dead!"

"You would know wouldn't you? Seeing as you were the one who killed me!"

"NO! It wasn't my fault!" Dylan covered his head. "You have to believe me, I couldn't control myself. There was nothing I could do... Hamlin!

(ooc: You were close Locke, with Penelope, but you chose the wrong substitute FF turned councillor)

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(ooc: So close. And why does hamlin always has to be the one on the receiving end ? It's almost funny.)

"It's Melody and Skye." Said Tikal."But wait... Did something happened to him?" She was suddenly more concerned.


"Yeah, not being able to look at yourself in a mirror would be terrible..." Said Glen, understanding this point of view...


"There was an attack." Said Locke."It was either staying at a risk, or leaving for regrouping. We chose the second one."

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Skye heard Tikal speaking and tried to move free of Melody. But he was still disoriented by the pain and stumbled, his sister catching him just before he hit the ground. Melody caught Tikal's eye, and her guilt rose up again.

"I'm sorry..."

Ziona hurried over to help, but was unsure as to what she could do.


"I guess nowhere's safe now," commented Mina. She turned to look at the children. "What happened to them?" she asked, sounding concerned. Distracted, she didn't she see the shadow make one final lunge towards her.

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Glen saw it fortunaly, and was able to shoot before he got any closer . But doing so , he took a bullet. "GAH ! Think a bullet will stop me ?" Glen ran toward the shooter, Gave him a violent punch that threw him of his feet and put the revolver on his face. The soldier did what he could to stop him, but in the state he was now..... Another shot . "One more...." Said Glen has he got up. But his look was different....


"Melody ?" Said Tikak."What happenned to skye? And why is he missing a tail ?" She wasn't sure about the course of action to take now....

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(ooc: Darn forum ate my post)

"He... Scourge got him..." Melody explained. "And when Dad try to rescue him he.... he... he..."

Mina went over to Skye's side and pulled ut a small vial from her bracers. "Here, drink this. It will dull the pain." She glanced over to where Glen was standing up.

"I think the nightmare is starting to win."

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"I hope we can stop it...." Said Locke, a bit concerned.


"Skye." Said Tikal. She held on to him.


Glen wasn't really himself at the moment. He had this taste in his mouth.... peoples would die today.

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"Getting out would be better than stopping," replied Mina to Locke. Skye grasped onto Tikal tightly, moaning her name. He tried to take the vial from Mina but couldn't manage. Mina took his head gently and poured the vial down his thought. Almost immediately, Skye's eyes came back into focus.

On the plus side, he couldn't feel the pain any more. In the other hand, he couldn't feel anything. His whole body had gone somewhat numb.

"Been a long time since I had one of those," Skye said, looking at the now empty vial.

"You've had them before?" asked Mina.

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Hope continued to stumble through the forest, clutching her head. Eventually she tripped over a root, and saw 2 distinct figures on the ground up ahead. She painfully picked herself uo and moved towards them.

Crowley noticed the blobs and threw an anarchy spear at one of them, merely causing it to split in 2. He frantically hammered away at the shell before being forced to jump away, falling into darkness to save himself from the blobs.

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Locke was taking a look at Glen, who was doing a terribly good job at taking down both Soldier and shadows. He was shot more often than not, But he didn't really seem to care much.

"Hum, His state is starting to bother me." Said Locke. "But right now, I don't think I could do much to make him stop... Beside, Skye is more important at the moment."


"Skye ! are you ok ?" Asked Tikal.


Red was now near the engine Room . She felt it. She wasn't far away from her objective.

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"As... as well as I can be," said Skye, looking behind him sadly at his one remaining tail.

"Be careful. The pain will only be supressed for..." Main began

"About twenty minutes, I know." Mina gave him a strange look.

"How would you... oh, wait, dream. Stuff from my head. Nevermind, I've a psycho to help out." Mina sped off to help Glen fight. Skye looked a little worried that he'd almost given the game away.

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Actually , Glen took down every soldier. And those who weren"t dead were still downed, asking for help. The battlefield was suddenly silent. The bad kind of silent, the one that always occure after a terrible fight.


"Careful Skye" said Locke "Red tried her best not to gives you away;Don't mess up everything now...."

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"I know, I know. I just forgot to be careful with everything coming back into focus,"

"Can we go and find Hope now?" asked Melody. "She was with Crowley, so she should be fine, but..."

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Hope eventually made it to the figures, revealing Shadow and Rouge as she had hoped. Her feelings of joy were masked by her grimaces of pain.

"I see things aren't much better for you either," she said.

"No not particularly. An imposter of myself got the better of us. And I'm sure you pushed me into a lake earlier," replied Shadow with a weak smile

"Ha. I'd run with that but I don't think any of us are in the condition for messing around. Do you want a hand getting up?" she asked the pair.

"No we're fine. No point putting ourselves through the pain now for nothing. Make yourself comfortable, we're waiting for Crowley," Shadow replied, pondering why he settled on giving his counterpart that name in the first place.

Hope sat down against a nearby tree as she tried to rest her head.

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"We better move then." Said Locke ." Glen ! Move it ! There is no time to loose !"


"Yeah right ! i'm coming."

"No you don't."

Glen was hit in the back . His chameleon friend behind him

"Remember me? You killed me !"

Glen shot back . "No I haven't killed You ! We are friends."

"That's the same thing !"

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"Good idea," said Skye. Although the pain was gone, missing a tail made it hard to walk, so he held onto Tikal for support.

"C'mon, hurry, hurry!" said Melody.

"Are you wanting any help there Glen?" asked Mina somewhat lazily.

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