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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"I want you to get out of here and find the others. They may need help and I don't know how things will go. Do you need help getting up or not?"

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The fog solidified into a solid structure, the throne room of castle Prower. The children looked around, then their eyes were drawn to the person lounging on the throne.

"Oh hell," breathed Skye as the figure on the throne stood up. Both children clung to each other.

"You're the brats that Miles though could handle my throne? You pipsqueaks are barely worth my time crushing," said Scourge.


What was left of Isabella dropped to the floor. Mina slowly began to step round from Glen to look, then ducked back behind him as Isabella's voice began speaking, but from all across village.

"Don't think that will stop me girl. No matter how you try you'll never be free of me."


"I know, but where should we go?"

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"It's our common dream." Said Tikal."Maybe a place, or near someone that we think could provide shelter and protection...."


Glen simply loaded his gun ."I'm probably going to need more Bullets." He simply stated ."But nevermind , I'm more than happy to give this christmas."


"Just do something . Quick" Said locke.

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"Not until your out, I dont want to be attacking you again. Please hurry and don't argue about going. They'll be back to attacking soon"

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"Melody, get out of here. Run," begged Skye,

"Are you crazy? I can't run! He's much to fast." Skye didn't get a chance to respond before Scourge suddenly was next to them, and less than a second later both kids to heavy blows sending them crashing into opposite walls of the throne room.


Mina was backing off from Glen, nearing the center of the village. "Bullets won't work. A knife to the heart didn't work. She's always there, always watching. You think you're alone and she just steps out from the shadows." A Mina mover the building creaked and seemed to distort. The shadows the cast began to twist and morph on the ground, surrounding Mina though she didn't seem to notice.


"Daddy could..." Ziona began to suggest, then shook her head. "No, Nega would come.... Everyone I know is already out fighting in the dream."

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Shadow struggled as hard as he could but he couldn't break free. As he looked down at the figure dragging him down, he couldn't make it out, though it was vaguely human.

Crowley eyeballed the fox, trying to work out its weaknesses. Given the empty hole in its torso, he doubted he could rely on causing fatal organ damage or simply making it bleed to death, as it lacked both of those features.

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Glen Remained calm."It's only a dream. You can fight back." As he started to take aim.


Locke left the Room."Good luck dylan."


"Then someone actually alive that you can trust ?" Asked Tikal.

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"Pathetic. Miles actaully though you could stand up to ME? So much for him being smart, that's the stupidest thing i ever heard," taunted Scourge. Skye tried to get to his feet, head spinning from the blow. Melody just crawled under a nearby table.


"I can't, I can't. I never could," whined Mina. The shadows around her solidified and grasped one of her legs, causing her to scream.


"Most of those I truly trust are outside the dream. There is Glen, and I think that you'd trust Skye, but we don't know what we'll find if we join either of them."

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"qyou plan on living under the influence and shadow of your motter forever ? Come on ! " Said Glen."Is this what you really want ?" He started shooting."I can tell you that you don't want this as much As I don't . So fight back ." Glen used his foot on a shadow to push it down , and executed it with a songle bullet."If you really are the killer you say you are , It's tile to prove you are worthig your god Darn Paycheck."


"Skye ? Right now , we won't be of Help for him, I feel it in my heart..." Said Tikal."But Glen.... If you trust him that much, then I know he'll protect us."


Red Left the conduit she was in. Ever since the start of the lockdown , she had to be imaginative to move aroynd the ship. It was a gigantic game of Mouse and cat . But who really was the Prey?

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Dylan took off his teleporter and began to concentrate. The other werehogs were turning their attention back to him but the transformation had already begun

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Skye had barely got to his feet before Scourge slammed into him again. He crashed once more into the wall, now barely able to even rise from the ground. Cackling, Scourge picked him up.

"Should I snap you in half, or yank out your precious tails first?" he asked with a toothy grin.


Glen's reasoning didn't seem to get through to Mina. But insulting her profession did.

"I'm bloody worth the money Glen," she snarled, drawing her knife and slashing at the approaching, solidified shadows. The bullets and blades didn't seem able to actually kill them, but did drive them back.


"If he's not in too much trouble himself," muttered Ziona. "Shall we try?"

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Locke had to get away from here, With Red in his back , he ran out of harm's way from the werehog. He now had to find the children , confident in the fact that the others could handle themselve .

His wish must have been heard has the place shifted into a castle. Unfortunaly , what he saw was even worse than last time: It wasn't miles, But scourge.

Locke put down Red , and prepared himself . "For someone who care about his image so much, I doubt beating up children can be seen as good publicity "Locke Shouted.


"Well , You finally got that spirit Back !"Shouted Glen."Now use it to actually give back all the love this nightmare was so intended on sentig you." The shadow were starting to loose ground before Glen and Mina's assault .


"I don't think we have many other option.." Said Tikal.

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Shadow kicked the hand as hard as he could. Eventually it released its grip and he swam to the surface. He pulled himself out of the water, gasping for air as he lay on rock. As he looked up he saw Maria slowly walking towards him, a rock in her hand. She raised it above her head to deliver the final blow, but was sent flying into the water, the appirition turning to mist when it touched the surface.

Standing before him now was Rouge, who rushed to his side.

"How do I know you're not another ghoul?" he asked between gasps.

"Because if I was, I'd have a lot less clothing on and I'd be beckoning you to your doom like a siren," she replied.

"Good enough for me. I guess I'm in no position to argue anyway."

Rouge helped him up and supported him as they walked through the tunnels, looking for a way out.

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Although Dylan had a disadvantage being one werehog against many legionised ones, Dylan was doing better off. Wildly attacking the other werehogs when they weren't really expecting it. Some had fallen, but there were still several to go

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"Hey Old Man. Haven't seen you since I gave you that beating over your precious Emerald." Scourge's eye moved to Red's unconscious body. "Looks like my partner in crime left a lasting impression on you. I wouldn't come any closer," Scourge clamped a foot hard down on Skye's back and grabbed one of his tails. "Otherwise your adopted brat becomes a normal one-tailed fox. As it should be, eh Skye?"


Mina continued to attack, her slashes becoming wilder and wilder. But the voice from the shadows just laughed. "I told you. You will never have the power to be able to stand alone. You'll always need other to support you. You are weak."


"Okay, think hard now," said Ziona as she pushed her teleport button.

(ooc: I apologise for not playing Scourge properly. In my defense, it is a dream. Feeble excuse, I know.)

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Shadow and Rouge found their way out of the cave system, and walked right in between Crowley and the fox, As it moved closer, Shadow calmly hurled a chaos spear at its head, decapitating it before giving off a bored yawn.

"These guys don't seem too hard to kill Crowley," he said as he looked towards his Moebian double.

"No, these ones weren't. Which gives me the impression we're just getting started," he replied.

The fox's head gave off a maniacal laugh as its body picked it up and reattached it, before disappearing into the fog.

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"Hey stupid Ghost ."Said Glen."Nobody can. That why we socialise ." The shadow were loosing now . It was obvious Isabella was desperate now . If they could just destroy the reason for these monsters to appear , they would win.

"Beside, Because of this, she is alive and well, While you are DEAD ." He turned toward Mina."If your mom is really insulting you for making friends, then I guess she really lost it."


"You talk a lot , Bit you aren't even worthy of my time." Said Locke."The real scourge would have been more charismatic, more intimidating. There , All I see is a THUG . A pathetic thug who need to hide behind a child to avoid being beaten up by an old man. Accept it, you are pathetic ."


Tikal Held on to Zionna's arm.

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Scourge threw back his head and laughed. "Oh no!", he mocked in a faux distressed voice, "I'm not the real Scourge! Whatever will do?" His voice returned to normal. "I know I'm just some nightmare Old Man. I'm not real. But the harm I could do is."


(ooc: Sorry Glen, but you can't 'fix' Mina's issues... Well, not without causing paradoxes anyway.)

"But I shouldn't have friends," Mina answered in reply. "An assassin..."

"..should not have friends. Should have no one that can be used against them," the shadows spoke back, but still retreating.

Behind them, there was a green flash as Ziona and Tikal arrived. Ziona raised her visor.

"I wasn't expecting something like this." She gave a squeal as one of the shadow tendrils tried to strike her.

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"It's funny ."Said Glen."Because if she is in the wrong , why is she winning then ? And without any contact in the underworld, even the best doesn't last long."

Glen heard Zionna's squealing , And shot the Shadow attacking her."Zionna! Glad to see youvare alright ! Now take cover, we are almost done here."


"I know , I was just making a statement . " Said Locke. Because you are still hiding behind skye to avoid me beating you down." He made one step closer ."It's like the first nightmare all over again . You cannot do more than what we allow you." He made another."You can surrender peacefully , which I doubt you will, Or you can take a look in my mind and see What I got in my mind for the real scourge ."

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"It doesn't matter what you got in mind for me. I'm just dream stuff. But your wrong about who's in control, and I warned you about getting closer Old Man." Scourge pulled at Skye's tail. The fox cub screamed as it was ripped from it's socket.


"Because I'm drawing her in!" And with that the shadows suddenly grew to engulf Mina.

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"You are kinda right about being a dream." Said Locke."But what people tend to forgot , is that I'm still a guardian. A guardian in active duty." Locke rushed toward scourge at an uncanny speed for his age , hitting Scourge at full speed."And nobody . Threaten. My children." Said Locke as he looked down on Scourge.


"Darn , that's some serious mother issue you got there Mina ." Said Glen. He only had one chance . He Grabbed Mina before she was caught , and decided to find a way to lure out 'Isabella' ."Letting your thug doing the job. That's very prideful indeed."

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(ooc: Ouch!)

Most of the werehogs were now dead, some by their own actions. Their recklessness had been their downfall during the fight, whether it was accidentally leaping into the electrics where Dylans monitoring system once was, or getting into close combat with Dylan without backup from the other werehogs. Dylan too was being reckless, it's just how any werehog would fight without thinking but he was lucky enough that the other werehogs weren't really working together. But that was changing as the last 5 attacking werehogs seemed to finally start attacking together, to overpower Dylan

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Scourge was still grinning.

"Too late Old Man, the damage has been done." Scourge threw Skye's ripped off tail at Locke's face. "The boy's just a boring ol normal fox now, just like when he was born. As for the girl..." Scourge glanced over at where Melody was shivering under the desk. "Her brother risked everything to save her. And when he was in danger she just hid. I hope she likes feeling guilty, cause that'll all she be doing now."


"I have no need of thugs. I work alone," spoke the voice, as the shadows detached themselves from the buildings, but came together in one large central mass.

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Crowley casually walked up to the final apparition and punched straight through its chest. As he had assumed, there was nothing in it. He pulled his hand out and grabbed hold of the hedgehog before tossing it off of the cliff and returning to Shadow and Rouge.

"Well that was a good warm up, though rather lacking in the challenge. I thought this dream was supposed to push the boundaries of our fear. I must say I am thoroughly disappointed in this 'Eggman' and his contraptions," said Crowley.

In response to this criticism a small tornado picked the trio up and scattered them across the landscape.

Rouge landed face first in a tree, snapping the branches as she fell down. As she got up she realised she was totally alone, and wasted no time in running off to find Shadow.

Not too far away, Shadow found himself in an old decrepit graveyard on a hill, at the centre of which was a large mausoleum.

Crowley was on an open marsh, with nothing in sight for miles. A voice taunted him through the mist.

"Now there is nowhere for you to hide!"

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"So , you are finally coming out? Took you long enough." Said Glen."But you'll need more than that to scare me away."

(Ooc:I consider my dreams character usable by anyone . So if skye feels like using anyone Glen might know againsnt him , he totally can )


Locke said Nothing . He grabbed scourge by the troath, threw him on a wall , got closer , and started to hit . He then got him near a glass window. And proceeded to beat him down until the glass would break . it lasted 30 minutes. 30 silent minute where Locke was showing a part of his character no one would have expected but who was still there. Cold , efficient, Uncaring . Nothing but side effect of his training. Quite unfortunate for Scourge.

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