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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Yeah," Melody muttered inaudibly to herself. "But I was a princess in real life before I came to the prime zone. Now I'm just.... a nobody."

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"Okay, since most of you are together, shall I give you your choices on what to do next?" Dylan asked over the radio

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"Indeed.And Rouge, Dream are better when you get them yourself." Said Locke.


"What's with all those people?" Said Red."They all want to walk around with bat wings, thinking it would be edgy to the max, or something...."


"I can be laid-back, anywhere...." Said Glen, following Zionna.

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Rouge attempted to cheer Melody up.

"Don't write yourself off just yet. You never know what the future may hold."

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"Hold on Shadow, I'll find out where we go next," said Skye as he turned on the radio. "Go ahead Dylan," said Skye. "Is there anyone else, or do we pick you up now?"

Melody gave a slight start as Rouge spoke up. "Yipe! I, uh... didn't think anyone would hear that!"


"I have no idea. Maybe it's a fashion statement?" Mina joked. "Though I must imagine it must make finding cloths that fit even harder than normal."


"Well, if you want to goof-off in the sun, it looks like it's stopped raining," said Ziona as she stepped outside. "A perfect day now. Nothing could possibly ruin it."

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"Aside from Mina and Red who you left behind in your search for the others," Dylan began. "There are two more to pick up, Ziona and Glen. And I must say, good luck separating them"

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"I do have these," said Rouge as she pointed to her ears.

"Besides, where there's a will there's a way," she whispered.

"Ziona and Glen. Very well, which way to them?" asked Shadow.

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"Ah, of course. I should'a remembered as you are Mom's zone-sister after all," Melody pondered as Rouge pointed out her ears. "Maybe I could find somewhere else to be a princess of."

"I guess they must be together like Tikal and I were," suggested Skye, erroneously.

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"Go back the way you came through the forest," Dylan started. "You could pick up the Mina and Red while your there, then keep going until you reach a path, follow it until you get to a town, you'll have left the forest by then. Then look out for a children's birthday party"

(ooc: This should give enough time for Glen and Ziona to wrap things up a little)

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"Well there always is regime change." joked Rouge. "Though that's more Shadow's department. And Crowley's I guess."

Not hearing Rouge and Melody's conversation, Shadow concentrated on Skye and Dylan. "I see. That certainly makes things easier. I wonder how those two are handling that creature." he said.

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"Actually, they're chatting to each other, I think they had or are having a conversation about Red's wings judging on what they were doing."

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"I suppose Mom would give you a row for putting ideas in my head," joked Melody.

"Children's birthday party?" Skye asked with a little surprise. "Huh, I didn't expect their dream would involve having kids...." Skye then started listening to Shadow and Dylans conversation. "I guess that if you aren't actively trying to leave, the dream doesn't stop you. But why are Mom and Mom taking about wings?"

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"I don't know" Dylan said. "I can't hear them since they don't have a radio. But with Glen and Ziona, let's just say Ziona looks too young to be having kids and if Glen attempted, he'd probably be arrested"

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"Oh, there are way more trouble with these kind of wings..." Said Red." But they are mostly retractable.Too bad most of the people are only keeping them for the look. They mostly look dumb with that...."


"Hm..... I guess it's time to get whoever is missing and then leave this place." Said Locke."If we got caught in it, who know how many did too?"


"Don't talk to fast." Said Glen."Anything can happen. But let's hope for the best."

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"I think so too," said Rouge.

"Alright, let's get moving," said Shadow as he headed towards the forest.

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Melody started giggling as she started following Shadow. "I won't tell her if you don't!"

Skye hung back slightly from the rest, slowly realising what Dylan just said. "Are you joking?"


"I just can't see most people pulling off that look. You're one of the exceptions," Mina complimented Rouge.


"C'mon Glen. The sun is shining, we're at a party, and soon we're gonna go exploring lotsa different Zones. Don't be such a sourpuss!"

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"It's a deal," said Rouge, as Hope walked over to them.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I just want to wake up. Maybe then I can reverse engineer this machine and have nice dreams without giant monsters barging in."

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"Thank, I'll be sure to tell Rouge, when I'll see her." Said Red.


"Skye, are you alright?" Said Tikal."You seem to have heard something terrible."


"Oh boy,I'm so happy right , I could take you on my back and run around the park !!!!" Said Glen happily."I could be the plane and you could be pilot ."

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"Not terrible," Skye replied as he started following the others. "Just unexpected.... Actually, oh &$%^, it is terrible. Because if this dream can somehow alter our physical appearances, what happens when it turns nasty?"


(ooc: Typo on my part. Meant to type Red.)

"Funny, as you are the same person from different Zones, complimenting one is complimenting the other. Mostly, doubt Scourge would like being given a complement via Sonic somehow."


"Yeah, yeah!" Ziona shouted happily jumping up and down. "Let's do that!"

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"I say it gets back to normal." Said Tikal."Just look at us, we got our normal clothes back after all."


"I see. Too bad for him." Said Red."He cannot enjoy the pleasure of being loved for what you are ."


""Then hope on my back." Said Glen."It is now time for us to lift off, in a places no foxes ever set the foot on : The sky.But it's normal. After all, you can't walk on air."

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"Huh, you're right. I never noticed. A bit of a shame actually, I liked that headband!"


"He tried to be more that what he was and to step out of the shadow of his prime counterpart. What's wrong with that? It's admirable!" Mina argued back.


"Not without a jetpack," Ziona laughed as she jumped onto Glen's back. "Clear for takeoff!" she yelled.

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"Just be careful Hope. If you built a dream machine with no monsters, you might be tempted to stay in the dream forever." interjected Melody

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"I see your point Melody. Maybe I should put in a random algorythm to... sorry I'm thinking out loud again, aren't I?"

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"It's not about that." Said Red."It's what he did after that is less...."


"it's alright, we'll get you another one." SAid Tikal."A real one this time."


"It is time." Said Glen."Where we are going, we won't need road." And Glen started running around the park, with zionna on his back.

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