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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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As Shadow led the group away from castle, it suddenly dawned on him that Crowley was probably here too, and so he began to head off, hoping the landscape would change for him, but also dreading the possible depravity he could be walking into.

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"Indeed , indeed." Locke gave a one last look to both the dream knuckles and The dream lara-lee."knew this would happen again. Even if you aren't real ... I'm sorry." Lara-lee answered back, choking tears."Locke..."

Locke knew he would not be able to take it if he stayed. Just at that moment , knuxy gave him a hug ."Dad, don't leave me, please! I don't want to loose you!"


"So you think we should try to get his attention ?" Said Red ."Let's give it a shot." She started ."Gee , it's sure is boring around here. It almost make you want to LEAVE THIS PLACE."


"Then let's have some more fun before leaving." Said Glen .

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Melody looked at the dream Knuckels. "That's just not playing fair," she commented.

"It makes sense. If I was gonna design a dream prison, it's the kind of thing I'd be sure to include," said Skye. Melody took Locke by the hand.

"Dad, it doesn't matter how it seems, but they aren't real. You won't be letting them down at all if you leave."


In the distance, the rumbling footsteps could be heard again. "That was too easy."


"Good idea. You gotta plan?"

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"What can I say ? I'm just that good." Said Red.


"I know , I know. But it doesn't make it any less painful." Locke took knuxy and putted him away."I'm going to ask you to be strong, for your mother..."He took a long breath."This time, i might not be able to come back, but you'll be there , in my heart. forever.goodbye , and I'm sorry." he then took lara-lee :"I wish , thing could have bern different ..." "It's alright."Answered back Lara. Do it, we aren't real. No matter what happen, we'll be there , in your dream. So it's just a see you later ."

"Yes, a see you later...." Said Locke. "see you later...."

Locke then took Skye , melody and Tikal away.


"Take your friend , we'll find something ." Said Glen.

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"Sorry for the delay," Dylan said over the radio. "Hopefully your still there,, but Shadow has found Rouge and I'm guessing is looking for Crowley. Perhaps you could meet him at the castle"

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"I'm... I'm sorry you had to go through that Dad," said Skye.

When Dylan called in Melody answered. "Which one? My castle or Rouge's?" she weakly joked, trying to raise the mood.


"And you complain that I'm overconfident. Let's see what this oversized rumbling is."


""Zave, Zave," Ziona called. "Ah there you are. C'mon, we're going find some more fun stuff to do."

(ooc: This is portably my second to last post till I disappear, so I might want to find a way to write out my characters for a bit.)

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"Rouge's, it seems he's still there," Dylan said not noticing the joke

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"There is a difference between knowing what you can do , and overconfidence ." Said Red Smiling .


""I'll be fine..." Said Locke."Now let's find shadow...."


"Ah, you brough back your friend , perfect !"

(Ooc: a good bunch of my characters are interacting with yours .... this is going to be tricky at best... let's hope you have a good connection where you'll be)

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"So far it's been a case of just walking and you end up where you want to go," explained Skye

"Got that Dylan. Rouge's castle it is."


"In which case I'm not overconfident," Mina retorted. "I'm still learning what I can do!"


"So, were are we going Glen?"

(occ: Yeah, so sorry about this guys. At least for the main group the kids can just be quiet for a while as everyone meets up. Hopefully I'll make it online. See you all at somepoint laters!)

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"Then let's go and be done with this masquerade of a dream." Said Locke.


"Don't worry, with me around , Everything you need to know will come naturaly." Said Red.


"Hum.... since I don't know how long is left until your father take us for whatever he planned , how about seeing if the rain finnally stopped ?" Said Glen.

(Ooc: If you can't come , I can always use my secondary characters ... or write a side thing with the Locke from another dimension)

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(ooc: Just one post? Seriously, only 1..... :( Right, let's get this show back on the road)

"Good idea Dad, I wonder who is behind it all?" Melody pondered as the dreamscape warped around them revealing the diamond castle.

"Aside from Rouge have you located anyone else Dylan?" Skye asked over the radio.


"I never took you as a master of Chaos energy Red," Mina commented.


"Yeah, let's have a look!" Ziona replied, scampering towards the hall door.

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(ooc: Well, everyone is either by themselves or in a conversation with one of your characters, so it woul be tricky)

"Not yet, but I'll keep looking" Dylan said

(ooc: Once Crowley is found and at least everyone in the castle has met up Dylan will "find" Ziona and Glen. So there should be plenty of time for them)

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(Ooc: I couldn't do anything , As I was the last one to post.....)

"Someone with the mean to do such a thing ....." Said Locke."Someone With the technology to control dreams to an extent ." He was still thinking about it....


"Not really." Said Red."But I do hope I'll be able to help with the little knowledge I do possess...."


"Ever the fast one , are you?" Asked Glen, smiling.

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"Good, let me know if you spot anything," replied Skye over the radio.

"On the subject of spotting stuff, look there," pointed Melody, as she saw a group moving away from the castle. "I think that's them." Melody began sprinting after the group, yelling 'hey, wait' as she went.


"I've worked out the teleporting thing, but that's it so far," replied Mina.


"I thought you said I shouldna wait around Glen?"

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Shadow heard Melody and instantly turned to face her.

"What are you doing here Melody? Has something happened?" he asked.

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"Wha..." began Melody as she skidded to a halt. "Umm, nothing really... which is kinda worrying. But we should try to stay together, now we've both found who we were looking for."

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"Ok, but I need to find Crowley first. I can't leave him here, and I must admit I'm quite curious to know what his dreamscape is like, him being an alternate of myself."

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Melody gave a shudder. "I hate to think, given he also comes from MY world!"

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"I see. You probably don't want to follow me there then. Feel free to wait with Rouge and the others." Shadow then headed off and the scenery began to change around him. Meanwhile, Rouge walked up to Melody with a smile.

"Hi Melody. Was your dream as fanciful as this?" she asked as she played with a ruby in her hands whilst taking a glance at her castle.

Shadow found himself walking down a hallway. As he approached the end a figure was propelled into view and went halfway through the wall, going limp. Crowley turned the corner with a smile on his face.

"Shadow. Sorry I didn't prepare anything for you, I've been renovating," he said casually.

"Crowley. Listen to me this is a-"

"Dream? Yes I know. It was going well until these cretins showed up. But at least they gave me some exercise. Let me guess, some magic has brought us all together again?" he asked.

"Not quite. It's probably some kind of machine. My bet's on Eggman."

"I see. Then we best get going," he said as he took a hip flask from a cabinet and handed it to Shadow.

As they walked towards the door, the figure climbed out of the wall and limped towards Crowley, who casually lit a cigarette. After taking a drag he moved his hand to his waist so the lit end was pointing at the assailant. Suddenly there was a bang and the man fell over, a small hole in his chest.

"Turns out smoking can kill you," quipped Crowley as he discarded the cigarette and walked through the door.

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"A teleporting device."Sad Red."Well you had to get there In a way I guess...."


"I think I might know who is behind this."Said Locke."Robotnik. He is the only one with enough means to try such a vrazy plan ...." he though about it."Maybe was he hoping that using a non-concentional plan would allow him victory this time...."


"I was thinking we could do it together ."Said Glen."But I guess i can also follow you ."

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"Not far off actually," Melody replied. "I had a castle too, and I was a princess again for a while." She sighed heavily. "But my castle wasn't nearly as pretty as yours."


"Not a device Red. Chaos Control. Something I picked up from Shadow!"


"Okay, I'll wait for you then slowpoke!" Ziona grinned

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"So, she actually got her castle made of jewel...." Said Locke."I wonder if we could bring some back...."


"I guess you just became an even better thief than I am if you found a way to take someone's power...." Said Red ."What's the next step? stealing emotions?" She joked.


"Hey, I can be fast too! I'm just laid back today." Said Glen.

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Rouge laughed.

"Thanks. Though being a princess must have been pretty nice for you."

At that moment Shadow appeared, taking a swig out of the flask with Crowley following close behind.

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"I doubt it," Skye replied to Locke. "As none of this is actually real, it would have no substance in the real world. Otherwise, if it is this Robotnik, he'd be using it to summon armies rather than trapping us."

"Yeah it was Rouge," said Melody, sighing again. "I miss it, I really do miss it. More than I realised until tonight."

Skye saw Shadow and Crowley reappear. "Okay, so whose left to find?"


"Heh heh. Nah, I can't see much use for emotions. I just wanna keep gaining new powers. For instance, unlike you, I can't fly!" Mina shot a wicked grin in Red's direction. "Joking, joking! I don't think wings would suit me!"


"How can you be laid back at a party?" Ziona asked. "You run, play, dance about at parties!"

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"I'm sure you'll be able to get there again. If Eggman can create a dream altering machine, I'm sure someone else can too. Just without the nefarious plans," said Rouge. Shadow walked over to the pair.

"Ok, where do we go now?"

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