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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"I think we both were. Let's stop being so contemplative and just enjoy the celebrations," said Skye.


Melody entered her oversize bedroom and headed for the equally oversized wardrobe.

"If we can't find something that fits, choose something you like the look of, and we can ask Skye to either enchant it to fit, or enchant your cloths to match it," suggested Melody as she searched for an appropriate dress for herself. "I could try and do that, but the way my magic is I'd probably just end up setting something on fire."


"No problem. Now, I better go and check on Ziona."

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Hope had a look through the wardrobe and pulled out a dark purple dress.

"This one looks nice. And it seems to fit reasonably well."

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"Yes ." Said Tikal.


"She seemed like she wanted to make me dance ..." Said Glen."Maybe I could do do that, just this once."

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"Let's head to the throne room, get ourselves a front row seat."


"Great. Saves us having to worry about magicing you up a dress," said Melody as she picked out a dark green dress for herself. "More fancy than I would normally like, but for a day like this you've gotta look the part."


Ziona's father laughed. "That girl has a way of getting what she wants. When she grows up, heaven help any man she sets her sights on."

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"Good idea ." Said tikal.


"Or girl......" Muttered Glen ."The only way to be safe would be to be already taken ." Said Glen before laughing.

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"Follow me, I'll show you the way."


"You know, I'm not sure if they'd even be safe then," he replied, not hearing Glen's muttered comment. "Unless they be taken by Zave. I don't think she'd ever want to hurt her best friend."

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"I'm right behind you" Said Tikal.


"Maybe... " Said Glen."But are we really talkig about the possible love life of an 8 years old girl? " Said Glen before laughing . again.

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Skye led Tikal through the castle towards a massive throne room, where a multitude of guests were already seated.

"Wow, I hope there are seats left," marveled Skye


"Its a scary thought, but they grow up so fast. Seems only yesterday I was rocking her to sleep in my arms."

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Dylan soon found he could also view inside Castle Prower. He wasn't sure exactly how. There was no way he would be able to get to place cameras around. Eventually he found his way to the throne room.

"That is... Quite a lot of people," he said to himself. "At least I can see this without getting spotted myself, which I guess is the whole idea of it."

(ooc: If he was certain this was the real world, he would be thoroughly enjoying this)

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"We'll get changed, then head to the throne room. If you want we can find you a role in the ceremony, or you can just watch."

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"I would like you to take part, but only if you want to. After all, a lot of people would be watching, and I don't want to force you into it."

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"Let's hope indeed." Said Tikal, following Skye.


"Yes... they grow up so fast, and yet time seems so slow for them."Said Glen.

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"There we go, there's a couple of seats up front."


"Well, I would love if you could be my official handmaiden. There not much too it, mostly handing over the regalia. But there are a handful of line to say as well... I think. Don't worry, there will be an order of service to follow."


"We're just older and slower compared to them," he grinned.

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"Fantastic. Let's get this show on the road."

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Skye sat down next to Tikal. "I'm really thrilled for Melody, she's been dreaming of this day all her life. Ever since I can remember she's been counting down the days till she was fifteen..." Skye stopped and looked confused. "Wait... that's wrong, she is fifteen, she looks fifteen, she should be fifteen.... yet it's wrong..." he muttered under his breath.


"Sadly I am. Where does all that youthful energy go?" he asked as they entered the hall, where the disco was in full swing. Ziona, Zave, and several other kids, were happily dancing as the music played.

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"Is anything wrong Skye ?"


"I suppose it disappear because we don't need it anymore..."

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"I..." Skye shook his head, ears starting to twitch. "Nothing's wrong Tikal," he lied, "Just enjoy the ceremony."


"We might not need it, but it would be nice to have it!"

"DADDY! GLEN!" Ziona cried from the dance floor. "There you are. Were you two standing out in the rain all this time?"

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"Skye....."Tikal said sadly."I see that something is wrog...Is it about Melody?"


"We have to give it back to our children unfortunaly..." Said Glen.

Glen saw the kids."Well , we were busy watchig the grass grow,like any old people ...."

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"I... I don't want to say Tikal. I don't want to spoil anything for you or Melody. Besides, it's just a feeling, nothing more."


Ziona's father laughed. "True, very true."

Ziona tutted. "Rwally, why can't old people just have FUN?" she asked, shaking her head.

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