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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"There's just one thing missing," Skye began. Almost immediately he was interrupted by the arrival of a messenger.

"Pardon my intrusion, but I bring a message from Princess Melody."



"Cool. Right, erm, I think I know the way back. Do you want to walk, or try going a little faster?" Melody grinned. "But we don't need to go right now if you don't want to."


"It is nice isn't it? Bad Darn hard to get properties here. It's probably some of the most sought-after locations in No-Zone."

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"A message?" Said Tikal."I suppose we should read it, don't you think Skye?"


"That much? I just got here, and you are already scaring me away !!!" Joked Glen."But well,With a view like this, there is no wonder it's so sought after, yes yes..."

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"Why don't we go a little faster? I can always come back here if I need to."

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(ooc: About interacting with Dylan, he probably won't be leaving until things start to go wrong. So unless someone finds a way to interact, I'm not sure how he's going to)

Dylan had given up for now on looking for what was wrong. He decided to enjoy his time and resume looking later. But although he was truly enjoying himself, he couldn't help but wonder about the others. Whether they were okay or whether he had dreamt them up after all

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"Yeah, yes we should. Just the timing was a little funny. The moment I thought about Melody. Anyway..." He took the note and began reading.

"Melody's being named official heir today!" Skye exclaimed with surprise. "But... Isn't she too young for that.... or is she? I'm not sure somehow? But she's invited us to be there at the ceremony."


"Sure thing Hope," said Melody, taking her hand. "Hold on tight."


"I'm not trying to scare you away but, well, this is about the only normal place in No-Zone. Given the rest of the geometry, trying to build a proper community is almost impossible.

(ooc: You said at one point Dylan would have a TV or a radio. What if he tuned into the broadcast of Melody's celebrations? And if anyone else wants to join in the fun...)

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(ooc: I did? Oh, alright then. Perhaps he'll "find" radio or something)

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(ooc; It was one of your original ideas for Dylan's paradise. Besides, given his penchant for cameras and recording what goes on, I'd be surprised if he didn't have something to watch.)

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"well, isn't that marvelous?" Said Tikal with happiness. "Your sister is now a princess ! that's wonderful !"


"It's alright." Said Glen." I have been in so many places , and seen so many things.... Still , watching these kids going on their own lives is a great thing in itself."

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(ooc: Better idea: Perhaps he'll "find" an underground hideaway. That way he could then make contact. Yeah, I'll go with that)

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Hope held on tight as Melody ran back.

"Well this certainly is a new experience."

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"Yes. A proper princess. Just like she wanted. Shall we join her for the coronation?"


"Really? I'd have thought.... Never-mind, but you are having FUN right?"


"You've got that right. Seeing them having fun, their whole lives ahead of them.. I'm just glad things are so peaceful here. The Prime Zone for instance is taking a turn for the worse from what I've heard."

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After a short time relaxing, Dylan got up and went for a walk. During his walk, he passed an area with several rocks that looked like they were hiding something. He wasn't sure why he hadn't noticed during his thorough search earlier. But he decided to investigate anyway. It was difficult to get around them all but it was worth it for what he found...

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"You thought what? That I've done this with Shadow? I have, but he was carrying me as opposed to me going alongside him. And I'm having plenty of fun, thanks."

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"Exactly that! I just didn't say it cause... well, I couldn't remember Shadow name!" Melody began to slow down. "I think we're home now, but I couldn't tell when we left the sweet land behind. Funny, the same thing happened when I arrived. Hey, over there, look! That's the castle."

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Hope looked in awe at the castle. "Wow. That's incredible Melody! It must be wonderful to live there."

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"Yeah it is. At least, I think it is." Melody shook her head with a little confusion. "You wanna have a look around?"

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"Sure, if I'm allowed to. Though I suppose with the heir to the throne by my side I can go practically anywhere."

(OOC Sorry for my sparse responses as of late. University is picking up. At the moment I have the joy of reading about 100 pages of incredibly dull research methods stuff).

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"Of course you can! You're practically my guest of honor," said Melody as she entered the castle. They hadn't gone far until...

"Welcome back Melody. Who's this with you?"

"Hi Mom, this is Hope, my best friend. Hope, this is Mina, my Mom."

(ooc: Slight tearjerker in that line from Melody. If she considers Hope her best friend despite only knowing her for a few hours...)

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"Hello there," said Hope with a smile as she curtsied, slightly thrown off at how informal Mina seemed for a queen.

(OOC Well I guess sometimes it doesn't take long to establish a connection with someone).

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Mina gave a slight laugh.

"No need to stand on ceremony Hope. You're a friend of Melody's, so we don't need to be formal here."

"Yeah, Mom can be cool like that." Melody said as she started to show Hope more of the castle.

"Don't be too long girls. It'll be dark soon and I know you won't want to miss the fireworks display." Mina called after them.

(occ: I was more referring to the fact Melody had few friends before hand. And, yeah, Mina is so informal because that's what Melody wanted her to be like. Despite it making no sense!)

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(OOC Oh yeah, that didn't occur to me the first time. I blame tiredeness).

Hope adopted her usual relaxed posture when Mina spoke to her. She looked around as Melody showed her the castle, her face lighting up upon hearing the words 'firework display.'

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Melody saw Hope's face brighten. "Yeah, wait till you see it, it's gonna be awesome. I just hope Skye make it back in time for it, he loves fireworks as well."

(ooc: It is almost one in the morning so hardly surprising. Especially with your uni work as well. And on the subject of time, I think I'll call it a night now.)

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"Indeed." Said Tikal."So , I suppose we should prepare ourselve to see her?"


"A turn for the worse?" Said Glen."Are the news that bad?I hope not....."

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"Yeah, though if I know Melody, I think she'd be happy if we just turn up like this."


"Some of my friends in the force are saying some power-mad dictator has taken over and is turning it;s inhabitants into robots. Thankfully, nothing like that will ever happen here."

(ooc: Yeah, the news might be a little out of date)

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