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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Skye slowly began to stir, the first thought in his head that this bed was more comfortable for him than any of the recent ones. The room came into focus and Skye suddenly shot upright wide awake. The room wasn’t what he was expecting. He was expecting…. What was he expecting… Was it this after all. He turned round and saw Tikal, and he stopped worrying. Though he was a little surprised to realise he was wearing clothes similar in style to Tikal’s outfit.

“Good morning Tikal. Uh, for some reason I get the feeling I’ve missed something.”


“Are you daydreaming again sweetie?”

Melody roused herself when she heard the voice. She looked around, slightly confused. She know she was in Castle Prower, but it seemed slightly off somehow. For some reason it was brighter than Melody expected. She was sitting in the dining room, and sitting across from her at the table was…

“Mother?” Melody exclaimed with surprise.

“Why so formal cutie?” asked Mina with a smile. “Just because you’re coronation is today, doesn’t mean you need to act all serious if you don’t want to.”

“My… what?” Again, Melody had the feeling that something was just a little wrong. Had Mother… Mom… always been this nice?

“Are you so excited you’ve forgotten? It’s your fifteenth birthday and official day of coronation. Everyone in the Kingdom has gathered, just for you, on this special day.”


Ziona felt herself being shaken awake. She opened her eyes and was shocked at the person facing her.

“Daddy?” she exclaimed, her voice sounding different, more squeaker than she expected.

“Sorry to wake you so early Ziona, but I know you don’t want to miss your friend Zave’s party in the park today.”

“What did you say?” Ziona asked jumping out of the bed. Zawe hadn’t had a birthday party in years, let alone one in a park. Then Ziona noticed that everything was much…. Larger than it should be. Looking almost frantically around the room, she saw an unexpected sight in the wall mounted mirror. It took a second for her to recognise the young fox cub in the mirror as herself, as she was around eight years old.

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Glen woke up... it took it some time to see exactly were he was.... but He then heard some noises... Military vehicules, The tv... He left the room he was in . Apperently he was still in an hotel, but it wasn't the one he expected....

"The evacuation of sand-blast city Is now Over. While the loss over the 6 month were terrible, Over 2000 peoples were able to be saved from the wall of sandstorm that was attacking the town for so long."

"What? Sandblast city...Evacuated? but how?"

"How, you ask? Well, it's thank to us , you big ol' wanka !!!"

Glen turned around. What he saw was completely unexpected for him..... his two teamate were there, in more formal clothe than usual....Mendez, This big black wolf, and selmo, a Chameleon.

"Huh, sorry guys, I guess I kinda forgot about it."

"Forgot? With what you drank , You are more than forgiven." Said Mendez.

"Yeah, the new must have been terrible for you...I mean, the death of the Baron.... you always saw him as some kind of hero, after you served with him Long ago..."

The radio was working. Some old music was on... what was the name of this artist? Ah yes... Jimmi hendrax , or something.... Seriously, who would care about some guy singing about a merman...

"Ah yes, It's alright about it pals... I think I'll be able to survive this... After all, we still helped him to finish what he started : protecting and saving these peoples.I think that's the best tribute I could have gave him."

"Totally bro. Totally. Good to see in such high spirit again."

"No Problem Mendez...." Glen sat down, thinking that something was off... Like where was Zionna for exemple....


"Skye? well, it seems that the situation took a quite..unexpected turn...." Said Tikal."We are back in my tribe... i hope you aren't too..... bad about this?"


Locke's dream was quite simple... his old life, his love, and his children.... finally free from this duty, he could at last spend some time with family and give a normal childhood to knuckles.

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“Why would I be bad about this? This is where you wanted to be, right?” asked Skye. “Though,” he muttered to himself, “something seems off with this picture, I can’t quite put my finger on it though. I hope Melody‘s okay though.”

He looked around then back to Tikal. “If we’re back with your tribe, why don’t you show me around?” he asked with a smile.


Melody’s head reeled with all the information. It felt wrong compared to her memories, but they were fuzzy and distorted, so maybe this was the truth. She wanted it to be the truth. There was just one thing….

“Where’s Skye?” she asked.

“Oh, I sent word to the tribe your brother joined. Remember, that cute little girl he was rather sweet about? Even if he misses the celebrations, I’m sure he’ll be here for your coronation properly.”

Melody felt two conflicting feelings, but both pleased her. Her brother was safe and happy, and he was no longer overshadowing her. She looked at her mother with a smile.

“Moth… Mom, this might sound silly but… Can I have a hug?”

Mina smiled broadly.

“Of course you can sweetie,” she replied, “why wouldn’t you?” Mina stood up from the table and opened her arms wide. Melody ran to embrace her, sobbing happily.


“Is there something wrong? You look a little scared.” Ziona’s dad asked.

There was a voice in Ziona’s her head screaming ‘This is wrong’ at her. But there was a louder voice crying happily ‘I’m a kid again!’. Nothing to worry about any more. Ziona decided to listen to the second voice. A broad grin appeared on her face.

“I canna wait for the party daddy,” she squealed with delight.

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(Ooc:Totally. Finished the freaking game two days ago...worth it, but still heavy....)

"Sure, why not?" Said Tikal happily. And the two walked around.


It was a nice day. From the look of things , the were back in legion territory. near the Baron's chapter... They named it in his name, as a tribute for his service , and held as a hero by everyone.

It was good in Glen's book.Very good.

Thinng took an interesting turn when a phone rang. "Yes?"

"Hello Son."

"Fa..Dad, It's you?"

"Yes, who else?"

"Well, Did mom actually told you to do it, or were you pushed by unknown forces?"

"None of that boy. I just called to say I was proud of you. By giving to the people what they needed, rather than what the Higher up wanted, You acted like a hero."

"A hero...." Glen said." Thank, dad, I really needed that. Really."

"It's a pleasure son.Now I must go, Your dear mother is beeing busy with the car, Again. And If I let her, She might leave without me."

"Yeah, Good day to you, and bye."

"Goodbye Son."

Tears were falling . It wasn't really a paradise, But things were definitively looking up for him.... was the recent event all but a dream? Well, who knew.... But Still... Zionna. She was real.

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(occ: colour time...)

"Whoa, this place is amazing," exclaimed Skye looking around. "You must be really happy you're back."


Melody looked from the balcony over the kingdom, seeing the crowds already gathering outside the castle walls. She frowned slightly as she looked at the town and lands beyond. It didn't seem... quite right. Mostly because everything looked like it was a massive obstacle course rather than a place to live. In fact, as she looked she could swear there was a course laid out, leading to right underneath the balcony where she was standing.

"Are you just going to look, or are you actually going to race?" Mina asked from behind her.

Melody replied only with a surprised 'Huh'?

"It's how you wanted to open your celebrations. Racing though the course. You were so sure you'd beat your record today."

Melody grinned. "Oh I'm sure I will Mom. Just watch me!" and she leapt off the balcony and began racing


Ziona rushed through the house, taking her childhood home in again. In her enthusiasm, she barreled into the sapre bedroom, and was confronted by a pile of packed luggage.

"Daddy, what's going on with the suitcases?" she asked. Ziona' father laughed.

"You're a sharp one today," he smiled. "I was going to keep it a secret, but after the party, I though I'd take you and you friend on a little tour of some Zones."

"We're gonna go exploring different zones?" asked Ziona wide eyed.

"You bet."

Words could not described the excited noise Ziona made.

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(ooc: I think I'll have to change the way I right for this)

Dylan woke up in a hammock on some tropical island. It was peaceful with no one around, much to his confusion. He remembered being in the hotel with the others. Was that just a dream. Or was this. Both felt so real. He got up and looking around, he decided that even if this was a dream, it was an amazing one

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"Yes , yes I am." Said Tikal. "But with you around, it is even better ! How about we walk to the shrine ? maybe we'll get to see the chaos singing."


Glen walked around town. Things were different , almost more peaceful .... Maybe The DEL taleover was more pacific this time... But he didn't really noticed . Many people around , soldiers like him , sermed to know him. And every single time, he was accepted , congratuled , seen as a hero. Heck, he could get used to the threatments.

If this was a dream, it was starting to get a bit closer to heaven . It was just lacking of one thing....

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Skye was, yet again, blushing at Tikal's compliment. He was almost starting to feel he spent more time blushing than not. "That'll be great," he replied to Tikal's suggestion. "You know, I don't think I've ever actually seen a Chao before."


Melody raced along the course, grinning wildly. Below her, she could hear the crowds chanting her name, which spurred her on even more. She came to a rapid halt back on the castle balcony.

"Time?" she asked breathlessly.

"1 second fast than your last record. Well done Melody," replied Mina, hugging her.

"Thanks Mom. And I still think I could go faster!" She looked back over the course, and muttered "cause it felt like I've never run that course ever before."

"There'll be time for another run later. We've got lots of other celebrations planned first." Melody pushed the uneasy feeling to the back of her mind and followed Mina.


"C'mon Dad, hurry up, hurry up," called Ziona, practically dragging her dad to the park. A sudden twinge of sadness shot through her, as a vision of the park and the surrounding area in flames intruded into her mind. She gasped slightly, and ignored the memory. 'That didn't happen, just my silly imagination' she told herself. As they reached the park, Ziona saw her friend, and ran over.

"Zave! Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday," Ziona shouted, hugging her friend while jumping up and down.

"Yeah! Thanks Ziona. We've got the whole park for this party. This is gonna be the best party EVER!" Zave replied, even more excited.

"I... I though today would be called off by rain..." Ziona said.

"Rain? What? It's a brilliant day! Why would there be rain?" Zave asked laughing. Ziona wasn't sure why she said that. But she knew there should be rain.

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"Then it's the best occasion , don't you think ?" Said tikal , taking Skye's hand.


Glen's path eventually lead him to a park .It was a nice little place . and apperently a whole group of kids were there . They were probably having a birthday party.... Glen took a look around, as he sat down a bench , until something caught his eyes: A little fox, a girl, that furiously reminded him of someone , but who?

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Dylan had explored the island. It wasn't too big an island. Nor was it too small. Just a perfect size. He had been looking to for something wrong.

"Can't be too careful" he had said to himself." But he found no DEL or anyone else for that matter. Instead, he had found an area of shelter and plenty of food sources. All this felt familiar but at the same time, slightly wrong.

"Is there such a thing as too perfect?" he asked himself as he continued looking around

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"I can't think of a single reason why not!," Skye replied as he let himself be led to the nearby shrine.

"It looks a little different..." Skye began, until he was distracted by the numerous Chao playing around it.

"Aww, they are cute, aren't they," Skye commented.


"TAG! You're it!" Ziona called, quickly changing direction. She hadn't had this much fun in years, and stopped briefly to catch her breath. Glancing around the park, she did a double take when she saw someone sitting on a bench nearby. It took her a moment to recognise him, given the unusual angle.


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"Of course they are" Said Tikal."These creature are the purest form of kindness on our world , The embodiment of Chao's peaceful state."

"The shrine is different because you are now seeing it in it's original form , skye. As it was meant to stay."


Glen turned his head to see the same little cub he saw sooner. "My , aren't you adorable ."Said Glen , pat her head."But it's true that you remind of someone I know ..." He kept on smiling ."It's a secret , so don't tell this everywhere : She is a person very dear to my heart . And I would gladly give everything to see her ."

"But I think I talk too much ." Glen laughed .

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As a thought crossed his mind Shadow looked outside, it was a clear day, and there was no hint of trouble, no sound of impending destruction or death. Fairly certain now that things weren't going to go horribly wrong, he poured himself a glass of juice and sat next to Maria. He knew this wasn't real, but he was just glad he could spend some time with his friend, if only for the duration of the dream.

"Is something wrong Shadow?" she asked, looking slightly confused at his anxious behaviour.

"It's nothing Maria, I'm just.. feeling a little strange today," he responded, trying to reassure her.

"Ok. You do look pretty tired, but don't forget we're going for a walk later. You promised me," she said.

"I did?.... yeah I remember now. Don't worry Maria, I'll take you for your walk after your breakfast. Thanks for reminding me."


Hope finished her tinkering and triumphantly held up her creation. It was a laser pointer, but instead of creating a simple red dot, it was actually a cutting laser. She put it into her pocket and walked over to the other side of the room ,which was full of boxes and cabinets clearly labelled with all of the materials and tools she could ever possibly need. She opened one containing various metals as she pondered what to build next.

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Skye knelt down and petted one of the Chao. "So why haven't they rebuilt it to how it's meant to look?" he asked.


Ziona started at Glen opened mouthed, unable to say anything with the surprise. She took a step back from him.

"No-o.... You can't be... If you're here it means this isn't real. And I WANT this to be real," Ziona whined.

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Tikal took a sad face."because no one was there to....."


"Wait , what?" Glen got up."How do you know ... what do you mean ? Everything is real , right ? It has to ! These people , I... were they... My arm."Glen was starting to panic."It has to be real , it has to be real ... You.. YOU AREN'T REAL , Get out of my sight !!!"Glen ran to the opposite side of the park .

(Ooc: Thing haven't escalated quickly . Glen is a fast thinker , but doesn't often draw the right conclusions...)

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Skye recognised the tone in Tikal's voice and instinctively turned round and hugged her.

"It's okay Tikal. It's okay. Do you want to stay here or would you rather go back to the temple?"


Ziona burst into tears and began running away from Glen. He father caught her in his arms.

"What's wrong Ziona?" he asked. "What did that person say to upset you."

"Nothing Daddy, nothing," replied Ziona, already cheering up thanks simply by being next to her father. "Just a ghost, that's all."

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"It's alright skye , it's alright." Said tikal." and What about you? where would you like to go?"


Glen wasn't as lucky as Zionna ... he ran for a while , then stopped , completely out of breath. Tired , he sat at the nearest bench ... And started to sort out what actually happenned less than 5 minutes ago...

He just wanted to find Zionna, and eventually , what he got was a little girl . A little girl... wait a minute...

Yes! What an idiot he was .... Zionna's memories, her wish to come back to simpler times... The kid was her all along , and he not only made her cry , but ran away from her, like some kind of crazy scared by a ghost .

He wanted to see her, to talk to her. What was happenning was real , he even had his arm and all these things...

with his newfound courage , Glen walked back , and decided to confro... no, simply talk to her , and get some senses out of everything.

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"If we're back here, in your time... Well, you've met my family. I'd like to meet yours."


"Hey, C'mon Ziona," Zave said as she came over. "You're spoiling the party crying like that."

"Sorry Zave, didn't mean to."

"It's cake time, so stop crying and lets get the biggest pieces we can!"

Zave headed of to where the picnic tables had been set up. Ziona made to follow, but her father stopped her with a hand on her shoulder.

"Are you sure your all right?"

"Perfect Daddy. You don't need to worry." Ziona headed to the tables, not seeing the approaching Glen. However, her father did, and he moved between Glen and his daughter.

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"Of course skye. Let's go see them."


"Hum excuse me .... I'd kinda like to excuse myself about what happenned sooner ... I kinda had a bad day , and I freaked out in front of this girl ... I take she is your daughter ?" Glen was quite embarassed , to say the least.

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Skye gave one of the Chao a parting pat, before following Tikal back the way they came.


"Yes, she is. I suppose I should be pleased that you had the decency to apologise. But bad day or not, that's no reason to go around scaring children."

Ziona turned and saw Glen talking to her father. She paused, unsure how to react.

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"So ... here we are ... my father's house. I hope he is there."


"Yes , yes , I know . I promess I'll behave this time .... " said Glen.

"But it's true that this cute little girl remind me of a very good friend."

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"I'm sure he will be," replied Skye. He took a second to steady his nerves, a little nervous about meeting Tikal's father.


"She does?" Ziona's father turned towards his daughter looking slightly surprised, "Ziona, do you know this man?"

"I... uh... I...er..." Ziona couldn't bring herself to look Glen in the eye.

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"Huh , hello little girl ... " Said Glen" I'm sorry for this outburst . I hope you aren't too mad at me , hehe, I'm quite embarassed by the situation to say the least, And I hope we can still friend , ok?"

Glen looked around."I see you are having a birthday party...."


"Ha , here he is ." Said Tikal."Hello , father ."

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"Hello sir," said Skye, extending his hand, managing not to shake with his nerves. "Nice to meet you."


"Wha...? No, its... its alright. I'm not mad. But it's not my party. It's for my friend Zave."

Meanwhile the thought passed through Ziona's head. 'Is that actually Glen? If it is, what do I SAY to him?'

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