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The Jest

Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Or no dessert tomorrow!" said Luna.

(Heh, true!)

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"That's a good boy," smiled Luna, ruffling Dominic's head. 

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Luna smiled back.  "Now go get ready for bed.


"Sorry Honey," said Skye.  "But that's the way it is."

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Dominic nodded and moved to leave

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Zoe and Stacey started to follow him.

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Honey started to leave, but then stopped, "I forgot where my room is!"

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"Come on Mark and Fenn. I'll take you two to your rooms." Said Seviper  

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"I'll show you," smiled Skye.  "Don't worry, you'll learn your way around before too long.

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"Ok!" Honey replied.

"I'll come too." Myra said.

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"Sure thing!" said Skye getting up.

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Myra and Honey got up as well, "So where do we go?" Honey asked.

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Dominic reached his room


Mark also followed

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"This way," said Skye setting off.

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Skye lead them up a couple of levels to where the bedrooms were.  "HEre we go, just down there!" said Skye.

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Mark slowly went into his room


Dominic got himself ready to sleep


Sarah meanwhile is still asleep and smiling in her bed which Zoe might see when going in their room

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