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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"It would have been fun," said the Voice.

"Yeah you are!" insisted Stacey.

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"Let's go." Said Seviper. 


"Alright. We should leave quietly." Said Fenn.

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"You don't know that" Sarah thought

"No I'm not" she insisted

Dominic nodded

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"Are Honey and Veran safe?" Myra asked letting go pf her brother. "Yea they're in the cave" Tirade replied "but Veran is in bad shape. You see, we ran into the DEL yesterday and one of them got Veran good, and now he can't fly. Turning Tirade saw Skye and Harmony. "Who's this?" he asked Myra.

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"Sounds good Vipey," smiled Ziona, setting off.


"It think you would have found it fun, not that it matters now," said the Voice.  "But believe me, everyone one of these changes I have done has been to help that person."

Stacey didn't look convinced.


"Someone's hurt?  Can I take a look?  I could help," offered Harmony.  "Oh, yeah, my name's Harmony, this is my brother Skye.  We're came to help your Sis find you!"

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"How is making Skye a wolf supposed to be beneficial" Sarah thought

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"Because Stacey has seen both Zoe and Dominic get families of their own, and desperately wants his own.  Dominic's parents may have adopted him, but he doesn't feel that they have accepted him.  This form would help him integrate," explained the Voice.


"This will be nice, a quiet walk under the stars, no distraction!" smiled Ziona.


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"It's not really him" Sarah thought crossing her arms

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"You look like good people, but I cant say that Varen is going to see you the same, he doesn't anybody" Tirade warned. Myra looked worried "Since he's injured I hope he won't be as stubborn as usual, but I don't think that will happen." Myra said.

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"What else could I do to help him?" asked the Voice.


"Oh don't worry, I'm used to suspicion," said Harmony smiling.  "Best if Skye waits out here though, don;t wanna scare him with too many strangers!" she winked.

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"I don't know. Something" Sarah thought

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"In that case, come on in!" Tirade smiled and parted the foliage reaviling the entrance to the cave.  Myra walked in beckoning for Harmony to follow.

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"Gotta find where they are now.." whispered Fenn.


"Yeah. But loud us still fun." Replied Seviper. 

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"And that was something!" said the Voice.


"Sure, thanks!" said Harmony following Myra.  Skye moved into the bush and ducked down, keeping in cover incase the DEL showed up.


Ziona laughed.  "That's true!"

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"Hey, Veran! I found Myra! Or rather she found us." Tirade called out following behind the two girls. At the mention of Myra's name a small Honey colored squirrel came out "Myra! you came!" she said and hugged Myra. "Yea Honey, I did," Myra said hugging her sister back. "What's all the commotion?" came a voice from back.

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"Why not?" asked the Voice curiously.


"Someone should have brought a camera to capture this moment," smiled Harmony,

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"He shouldn't be that way" Sarah thought

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"It's not permanent," said the Voice.

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"Tirade did you bring strangers into the cave?" Varen called from the back again. A limping figure came into the light, nearly identical to Tirade. "Varen..." Tirade began, but Varen cut him off "We can't go trusting every friendly face we meet, you know how that turned out last time." "Varen, stop" Myra said. Varen looked at Myra in surprise, "M- Myra? Your here?" "Didn't I just say that?" Tirade complained.

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"I've a friendly face?  Awww, thanks, you're so sweet!" smiled Harmony.  "How about I have a look at that leg of yours?"

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"Varen, I trust Harmony and you should too, she'll help you." Myra coaxed. "Just like Master Ru helped us?" Varen snapped. "Hey, that's not fair, none of us saw that coming," Tirade interjected. Honey shuddered "scary man."

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"Look, you've got two choices," said Melody raising her voice.  "Either stay her till the DEL find you, or trust me and my brother enough to get you to safety.  One way you're screwed, the other you;ve got a chance, so what do you say?"  She turned to look at Varen.  "I don;t know what happened there with that Ru character, but I get the feeling that is a wound that should not be reopened!"

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