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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"What was that?" asked Ziona


"We can try!  But don't get too excited.  It might not work," Skye warned.

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"A serum! It should help your scaly beloved in having control of himself when he goes all Hyde! Plus I made it into a cherry cola so it don't taste terrible!" Replied Zangoose. 

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"Wow.... that's really..... thank you Zangoose," said Ziona sounding extremely grateful.  "I should have know they'd be a little flour to it with you being Seviper's brother!" she winked.

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"Any chance is better than no chance at all" answered Myra. I hope they all surived she thought as she followed Skye.

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"Of course he'll have to take it every 24 hours or the effects will disappear. I've made enough for a month." Said Zangoose  


"I don't know what to say." Said Seviper. 

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"Well there could be many reasons why the spell might not pick them up," said Skye as he headed towards his lab.


"How about 'Thank you' Vipey?" said Ziona giving him a playful nudge with her shoulder.

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"She will be mean if she sees us..." Dominic said. "we just needa find her"

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Myra felt so happy for the first time in a long while. Finnally something's going right she tought, I'll see them again,... but can I trust Skye? Unbidden the snarling face of Master Ru came to mind. If it means seeing them again, then that's a chance I'll have to take.

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"So keep stealthy," said Stacey.  "I don't think I can."


"Here's my lab," said Skye opening the door to a room filled with technological and mechanical trinkets.

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"Of course you could" Dominic said

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"Not like this," said Stacey, pointing to himself.

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"I think you could" Dominic said

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"Wow, this is so cool!" Myra exclaimed, she picked the nearest trinket "what's this? what does it do? how does it work?"

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"Are.. you sure?" asked Stacey.


Skye couldn't help but grin at Myra's enthusiasm.  "That?  It's kinda a magical multi-tool.  It's got lots of small enchantment in it."

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"Thank you." Said Seviper. 


"No problem." Replied Zangoose. 

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I really lucked this time, I meet a complete stranger and they offer to help me find my family, Myra thought as she looked around the lab. Just like Master Ru... Myra put the trinket down, why am I so trusting? It turned out so badly last time.

Edited by Katmuffin

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"Okay, I'll try," said Stacey.


"We owe you," said Ziona.


While Myra was lost in thought Skye was drawing symbols around a metal circle on the floor.  "Now... if we're lucky we'll be able to find out where you family is.  If we don't, well, that could be for several reasons.  They might be somewhere that blocks or distorts magic, maybe they have some natural resistance that blocks the spell, or they could be in another Zone."

'Or they might be dead...' he thought sadly to himself, but he didn't want to voice that possibility.

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"So you're coming?" Dominic asked

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"I'm super quiet! "Said Fenn accidentally tripping.


"Think nothing of it!" Said Zangoose. 

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"Ok, so how does this work? How do you find someone you don't know?" Myra asked seeing Skye working.

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"I guess," said Stacey.  "Wow!  Careful Fenn!"

"If you're sure," said Ziona.


"I won't be, you will.  I'll cast the spell, you need to focus on your family, and if it works, you'll know where they are.   Or get some cryptic hints about where they are.." explained Skye

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