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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"It's getting cold," Myra noticed, "perhaps we could go somewhere warm?" 

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"Let me take you back to Haven, it not far from here," said Skye.  "Can you fly?"

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"Yea" Myra got to her feet and started hovering, " where to?"

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"Follow me!" said Skye, spinning his tails and taking off.

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"Sure. But she better not be mean!" Said Fenn.


"Yeah!" Said Seviper. 


Zangoose rushed out of his room and went to find Seviper and Ziona.

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Where did he learn to fly so fast? Myra thought as she struggled to keep up with skye.

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"If she is mean I'll deal with her!" said Ziona to Fenn.  "And see if you can find your sister too!"


Skye glanced back and say Myra falling behind.  "Oh, sorry," he said slowing his pace.  "We're almost there."


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"Its ok, huff, I'm just, huff, out of shape." Myra wheezed.

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"It's okay, we're here!" said Skye, landing inside a forest, next to a metal doorway built inside a cave.


"|Good girl," smiled Ziona petting her

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"This is haven?" Myra asked. She had been expecting it to be somewhere in the city Skye had mentioned.

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"Yep, c'mon in," said Skye, opening the doors to the vast underground complex.

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"Whoa, this place is huge" Myra exclaimed as she walked in.

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"Yes it is.  Don't worry, there are maps on the ways and you'll find your way around before too long," said Skye.

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"You live here right? Who else is here?" Myra asked.

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"A lot of grumpy Echidnas!" giggled Skye.  "They guard the Master Emerald.  My family's here too, as well as a couple more families."

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Zangoose found Seviper and Ziona. "I did it! It's brilliant!"

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"You did what?  Let the kids play with magic?" asked Ziona.

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"They did? I thought they were playing..." Said Zangoose. 

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"For them it can sometimes be the same thing," said Ziona.

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"Cool!" Myra exclaimed "But ... But will they be ok with me being here?" she asked, suddenly worried.

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"They might get a bit more grumpy, but I'll deal with them," said Skye.  "Don't worry.  The rest I'm sure will wanna be friends."

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"Ok... if you shure" Myra said, still uneasy.

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"Sure I'm sure.  After all the other new arrivals, someone who isn't from a different Zone will be a relief to them," said Skye.  "So... wanna see if we can use magic to find your family?"

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"Oh...But I was doing something really impirtant!" Said Zangoose  

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