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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"That's good," said Lucas.


"Hmmm.... I dunno!  Let's find them!" said Zoe picking up the poster and heading out.


"And maybe I'll give you an extra one afterwords," teased Ziona with a wink.

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"Now, what do we do about your friends?" asked Lucas.

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Fenn followed Zoe.


"I was thinking the same thing." Said Seviper. 

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"I wonder where we should look?" pondered Zoe looking around.


"Great and crazy minds think alike!" grinned Ziona.

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"Somewhere were not s uppose to be allowed at?" Asked Fenn.


"They do indded." Grinned Seviper. 

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"Hmmmm... The library then, that's the most forbidden place!" said Zoe.


Ziona leaned forward to kiss Seviper.


"We'll have to sort them somehow," said Lucas.

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Lucas looked to Skye, who shrugged.

"I thought you knew about magic," said Lucas.

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"Let's go!" Said Fenn.


Seviper leaned forward as well.

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Stacey was still crying.

"No offence, but I don't think he'll be much help," said Skye.


"Sure!" grinned Zoe running out of the games room.


Ziona smiled, closed her eyes and kissed.

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"For one, he's too distressed.  For another, he's the one that changed himself and the whiner like that," said Skye.

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"I'm not a whiner" Sarah said from the pool still upset

Dominic went to hug Stacey

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"You sure love to complain about everything though!" said Skye from the side of the pool.

Stacey clung tightly to Dominic.

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Fenn ran after Zoe.


Seviper closed his eyes as well.

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"Hey, there's a crowd in here!" said Zoe as she ran in.


"That was nice," smiled Ziona as they finished. 

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Sarah said nothing but scowled

Dominic patted Sk's back not noting Zoe had come in

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"Ooooh!  A new bat!  Hello there!" said Zoe flying over to Sarah.  "I'm Zoe!  What's your name?"

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"What's going on guys." Said Fenn.


"Yeah it was." Replied Seviper. 

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Skye looked up hearing Fenn.  "Uh... a bit of a mess if truth be told!" he admitted.


Ziona smiled more and started stroking Seviper's head.

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Sarah looked surprised at Zoe then turned away

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"Uh oh! Hope it gets fix before Mommy and Daddy get back." Said Fenn.


Seviper smiled and enjoyed the stroking.

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