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The Jest

Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"They will!" Said Fenn.


"Could if sweared I heard Fenn.I'm sure it's nothing." Said Zangoose who was in the process of making his bedroom/personal lab.


"hope it's good." Said Seviper. 

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"Dominic, please let me past, you;re just making it worse," said Skye.


"Good!  No we need posters too!" said Zoe.


"So do I!" nodded Ziona.

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"No!" Dominic said shaking his head

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"If you don't get passed. You can't go say" Dominic said with a grin

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"Maybe he doesn't have to Son." said the voice of Dominic's father from behind him.

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Skye jumped, shocked as well at Dominic's father's appearance..

"So... you've been playing with magic?" he father asked, arms crossed and looking disappointed.


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"Yeah! Let's go make some!" Said Fenn.


The waiter came back with their orders 

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"Good idea!" grinned Zoe starting to fly back to Haven.


"Thank you!  That's fast service!" said Ziona impressed.

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""Wheee!" Cheered Fenn.


The waiter nodded and went to check on other tables.


Seviper took a drink of his water 

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Zoe did a loop the loop before flying inside.


Ziona took a sip of her own.  "So... you haven;t told me much about your home," she said.

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"That was cool!" Said Fenn.


"What's there to tell...lovely locations. Over 700 kinds of Pokemon. Humans trying to catch you." Replied Seviper. 

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Zoe grinned.  "Thanks Sis!"


"It sounds... nice and horrible at the same time," said Ziona.

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(Surprise early morning post!)

"Only a little, dad" Dominic said looking upset again

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"It sounds like more than a little," his father replied.

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"Then what's this I heard about Stacey and Sarah being changed?" asked his father.

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"Because I saw it first," said his mother, appearing next to her husband looking angry."

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Dominic gulped

"S-sorry..." he said

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"Follow me!" Said Fenn.


"It is." Replied Seviper. 

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"So you were trying to sneak your way out of trouble?" asked Dominic's mother.


"Coming!" grinned Zoe.


"Why do humans always seem to mess things up?" wondered Ziona aloud.

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Both parents stared hard at their son.

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