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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Good. I'll be here to help you," Ziona whispered to Glen, before she began introducing herself to the new faces.

Melody went over to Locke. "Hey, Dad. Where's Skye?"

(ooc: catch you later Dylan.)

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"Yes indeed ."Whispered Glen.


"Skye? I cannot really say so myself . I suppose we can give him a call to get some news from it."

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"Skye's not here? Huh? I wonder..." Melody muttered to herself as she headed to her room to clean up.

Meanwhile, Ziona approached Prime Glen and Honey. "Hello, you must be an alternate version of Glen. My name's Ziona. Pleased to meet you both."

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"Well , Interesting....." Said Locke.


"The Pleasure is shared, Zionna ." Said Prime Glen.

"Heyya !!! Nice to meet you !" Said Honey as she glomped Zionna.

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"Why, thank..." began Ziona before she was glomped by Honey. "And good to meet you," replied Ziona, again feeling somewhat uncomfortable. "Erm, but uh, I'm a bit off balance... hurt my foot this morning and..." She winced as Honey's hug was forcing weight onto her injured foot.

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"Ho! Sorry !" Said Honey ."Let me help you sit down ." Honey helped her to find a nice place ."Sorry about that. Intend to overreact, much to both my glenny and everyone else dismay."

"But I guess I got used to it " Said ..."Glendolyn".


"Hum let's see .... Skye , skye , can you hear me,my boy ?" Said Locke through his communicator.

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Skye stirred, slowly waking from the noise from his wrist radio. It had been such a lovely dream. He then started awake, slightly paniced. What it it had been a dream. What if he'd on imagined the wonderful things that had happened. He looked around... and saw Tikal lying asleep next to him. He gave a happy sigh and relaxed.

"Shh, not so loud Dad, I can hear you fine," Skye whisper into his radio with a slightly dreamy, far-away voice.


"No need to say sorry. If it wasn't for my foot, I'd have been fine." Ziona replied as she sat down. "Its nice to see such enthusiasm."

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"I'm not really speaking that loud , Skye... Anyway , where are? I'd like some news " Said Locke happily.


"Thank you for that !" Said Honey gleefully.

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"Where am I?" Skye replied in the same voice. "I'd rather not say. I want to keep this place private after last time. But I'm doing fan-tas-tic! How're you Dad?"


"Really, I mean it. I've missed that kind of upbeat attitude."

(ooc: I'll be heading off soon. Might be watching a film, not sure.)

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"Hum, I see.... So where could I find you, or rather... the nearest place maybe ?" asked Locke.


"I know! That's why I'm happy ." Said Honey .

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"I think... maybe... dunno... Could get back to the Master Emerald shine, if I remember which direction that was. Or I could come back to the hotel?" Skye offered.


"Heh. I haven't seen anyone this bouncy since I was a kid!"

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"Hum , I guess so .... but skye , are you sure you are alright ." Asked Locke.


"Really ? well I hope we'll get along then ." Said Honey

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"Honestly Dad, I've never felt better. I'll see you back at the hotel."


"I'm sure we will!" replied Ziona.

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"I guess so.... See you later then." Said Locke. He then turned off his communicator .

Locke got back to the main room . "People , I think Skye has a problem."


"Yes !" Said Honey happily.

"Oh boy, calm yourself honey , or else , you might sacre her off" Said Glendo.

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Skye switched off his radio then knelt down next to Tikal. He brushed her dreadlocks back. "Tikal. It's time to wake up," he whispered gently.


"Believe me, it'll take more than that to scare me off," then she turned to face Locke. "Why? What's happened to him?" she asked.

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He didn't sound like he had much of a problem if you ask me

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"Too bad we aren't then ."Joked Glen .

(ooc: Glen-> DEL zone ; Glendo-> Prime zone)

"Seriously ; I think there is something wrong.... Something in his voice ..." Locke gasped "Oh aurora , would he happen to have found my stash of medication ? That would be bad...."


Tikal slowly opened her eyes ."Hum.. skye? what's going on ?"

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"I just had a call from Dad. He wants me to head back to the hotel. And I would like to introduce you to all my friends, if you want to."


Ziona raised an eyebrow. "Medication? What do you mean medication?"

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Tikal Looked at skye ."Why , of course skye, I would be quite happy to meet your friends as well ."


"Yes , medication . It's merely things we keep in haven , like things against stress, depression , and Bad hair days in general, among other things.... Since we often need thel quickly , chance are skye might have opened one the many medecine

locket around...." Locke shuddered.

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"That'll be great. And I'm sure they'll love to meet you." Skye looked around the clearing and pondered. "We better get back as quick as we can, and I'm not sure which direction to begin going in, so we better fly. I can carry you."


"Wait, you're saying Skye might have taken a batch of drugs. I know the kid has been through some hard times, but would he really do that?"

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Crowley was unconvinced. "I highly doubt Skye has taken any of your medication. There is surely a more plausible explanation."

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" I can go in any form , remember ?"Said Tikal. "remember that present I gave you ? But if you want....of course I'll reward you accordingly ." Said tikal with a smile .


"Yes, let's hope so...." Said Locke.

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"I was remembering," said Skye smiling, "I was thinking that maybe you'd want to experience as much as you can in your real form. Such as the thrill of flying."


Melody re-emerged from her room, cleaned up and wearing her tiara again. "Hey I'm back and.... what's with all the serious faces? Except for Crowley's, that's normal."

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Oh, we're just discussing stuff. What are you wearing that for?

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