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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Sounds like a plan," agreed Melody as they headed back.


"Shame on you Glen," joked Ziona, "attacking a wounded, helpless girl!"

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"Wonderful. But I guess My glenny is going to ask himself question about our wherabout now...."


"Helpless woman? Wounded maybe. But As I try to merely show her some affection, she disdainly stab me in the chest. Such a thing shan't go unpunished! Have at thee!" Joked back Glen, faking an old Mercian accent.

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"Well, you can put his mind at rest pretty soon," replied Melody, as she tried to choke back laughter at 'Glenny'


"I'd never taken you for an impressionist!" Ziona said as she whacked him again. "Maybe you should try going on stage as an actor! But no way I'm I letting you punish me. I'm gonna get off scot-free!"

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"Probably.... beside, we haven't got any new of your brother.... Where might he be?"


"You Fought the Law, And the law will win!!!!" Played Glen as he catched Zionna off-guard."You were saying?" Glen got his face dangerously close of zionna's."Justice always win." Joked Glen.

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"Huh, Skye...? He was at the hotel wasn't he? Though, I didn't see him when we left."

(ooc: I checked back, Melody was singing in her room when Skye headed away.)


"Sorry Glen, I represent the law here!" Ziona said as she pushed away from Glen, somewhat uncomfortable by his proximity.

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"Ah, I see."


"Huh? oh yes, that....." Glen got up."Sorry about it." Said Glen looking away while blushing.

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"I'm sure he's fine. He's not the kind of person to wander off on his own."


"Ah, erm, don't worry about it Glen," said Ziona as she headed into the bathroom to change.

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"If he did, I think I'd know where he'd go," Melody pondered to herself.

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"Yeah, where would he go anyway? The shrine ?" Joked Honey.


"Yeah, but still... I know that you are still feeling a bit ... uncomfortable when I get too close.... And now that you knw my real age... "

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"Maybe. I'm not saying," Melody smiled conspiratorially as they entered the hotel.


"It's nothing personal Glen," Ziona replied through the door, "I'm like that with everyone. Though, twelve years is something of an age gap."

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"I suppose I still have my chances . Beside , We echidna tend to live longer than many peoples around . So techically I must have the same age than you, more or less."


"Fair enough indeed . But I'm glad to be back at the hotel . Too bad for Mina I guess."

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Melody leaned over to whisper something in Hope's ear. "I know a little secret about Skye and where he might head off to. I might tell you later." Then she spoke up to the group.

"Oh yeah. I forgot about that. Well, there's always tomorrow." The trio entered the hotel room.

"Hiya everyone. We're back."


"Hmm, I don't know. Biology was never my strong subject." Ziona exited the bathroom, wearing a t-shirt and a summer dress. "I think I actually suit the barefoot look."

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Hope nodded to Melody as they entered the room. Crowley gave a simple wave to the trio.

"Enjoy yourselves?" he asked.

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"Well Melody , hello there . Did you have some fun? And would you happen to have seen dylan on your way in?"


"Yeah, just like this age thing. Let's just move along on the Subject ." Said Glen."And I must say, this dress suit you nicely ."

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"Hi Daddy, Hi Crowley. We had a great time thanks. Afraid I haven't seen Dylan around though."


"Thanks, it's one of my favorites, but I hardly get a chance to wear it. Shall we rejoin the others?"

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*Opens door from room*

Did someone say my name?

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"Yes , Dylan, I just did."Answered Locke.


"With good reason, It's a very nice dress indeed . And I suppose the barefoot look suit you nice too."Said Glen.

"The others ? Do as you wish."

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"So who else is around?" asked Melody.


"We don't want the getting suspicious now do we Glen. And thank you for the compliments, and all the help with my foot and... you know." said Ziona as she opened the door.

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"Oh we were starting to ask ourselve where you might be."Said Locke"Had any luck with your items?"


"Suspiscious? oh well....." Said glen."And yeah, no problem . I'll be there if you need anything else .You did your part too after all."

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"Anytime you need my help Glen, just let me know." Ziona entered the main room. "Well it's a little more crowded here than when I left this morning."

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Yeah, your basement is now a mess with all my things, but otherwise everything's done there. It has been for a while.

And to answer your question, Melody, it appears Ziona is here as well

(ooc: I'll be back later)

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"And Glen too now" Said Glen. "And sure Zionna , ain't forgetting about that."

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