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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Hope shot at the other wing until she ran out of ammo, then pulled out her pistol and aimed the dragon's head.

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"Need ammo? I got some!!" As honey threw a sport bag full of knives, grenade , and bullets. At least enough to hold a fort.


"Oh, no need for those. I could take you away to a nice place, where we could live our love without fear of retribution!!!"

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Hope squeezed the trigger and the bullet hit the dragon between the eyes. Hope had been thrown off balance a bit by the recoil, but quickly regained her stance.

"Thanks Honey."

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Melody grabbed a couple of grenades, then almost causally tossed them towards the dragon, who seemed to be dropping in altitude. "Barbecue anyone?"


"Our love?" Ziona commented incredulously. "There's that 'trying too hard' thing again."

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"Yeah, Toasty."


"Ah, yes, yes.......well, how is your foot now?"

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The explosions rocked the platform, almost causing it it tip. Melody grabbed the edge tight and peered over, seeing the dragon now missing most of it's front half.

"Aww hell YEAH!" she cried triumphantly.


"Mmm, yes. Much better, thank you Glen."

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"That's ludicrous!!!! Seriously, what now?"


"Glad to hear that cuty-cop. now maybe you'll even be able to walk before the end of the day! I'm sure you'd enjoy a nice walk."

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Melody jumped up and began hugging both the others. "We did it! We did it!" she sang. "That was great fun!"


"I think I would. As long as I bring an ice pack with me just in case."

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"Yeah. I never thought we'd finish it but we did!" said an ecstatic, exhausted Hope.

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"good thing too. I'm done for at least one hour."


"of course, one is never too careful ."

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"Really Honey? I think we should go again. Kidding, kidding!" Melody joked then turned to Hope. "If you enjoyed that maybe you should actually do some field training, even if you don't intend on doing actual missions. At least it might give you some ideas for useful field gadgets that you might not think about in the lab."


"True. Do you think I can take some practice steps with it now?"

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"You better...."


"Yeah, let's do that right now. Can you stand up?"

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"As long as Shadow doesn't mind your sudden taste for action," Melody joked to Hope. "And Honey, well, I am still kinda up for more, but I think I could do with a break. Let's say we put in our high scores, head back to the hotel and freshen up."


"I think so." Ziona slid to the edge of the bed and stood up. She winced as she put weight on her foot, but it was bearable.

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"Once I explain I have no desire to actually go out there on a real mission he shouldn't have any objections."

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"Just wait a little and you'll be send up as a combat engineer."


"That's it. easy, easy... i got your back."

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Melody giggle. "You should pretend you do Hope, just to see his reaction. But you don't need to be a combat engineer if you don't want too."


Ziona took a few hesitating steps, her leg buckled slightly but she only wobbled, she didn't fall. "I don't think I'll be hiking for a while somehow."

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"Well, let's leave this place now."


"Hang on. I'm right behind you. If you fall , i'll be there, along with the floor."

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"Hold on one sec," said Melody as she entered their names on the hi score table. "Wow, that is one helluva gap!"


Ziona took a few, now more stronger, steps. "Oh no you won't be Glen. Because now I can walk again, I'm gonna get changed. And your not gonna be standing right behind me then!"

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"Yeah, that's almost ridiculous."


"Oh, can't I have the right to look at it? " Glen made a sad puppy face.

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"Well, Hope did say no one has even reach the end before, and I was going for a large multiplier too. Right then, back to the hotel!"


"Oh heck no!" said Ziona with a grin, then she hit Glen over the head with a pillow.

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"Good idea ! who is in for a shower ?"


"Trying to fight? so be it." said glen, as he also took a pillow."prepare to feel MY BENEDICTION ! IN YOUR FACE"

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