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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Without meaning to Melody looked down, her fingers beginning to slip off the knife, and saw the ground far, far below. At the sight, something in her mind snapped her back to that moment on the roof. She remembered falling, she could hear herself scream. She could feel the impact as she hit the ground. "I don't wanna die," she whispered to herself, "I don't wanna die."


"That was incredibly thoughtful of you Glen. But I think you need it more than he does. Even without it, he still has his sister and his foster parents."

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"Hey!!" Honey catched Melody by the arm."Going down already?but we just got started."


"I know. But that's also a way of showing that I trust him."

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Melody was back on the floating platform, but didn't seem to be aware of it. She curled herself up, repeating "I don't wanna die," over and over.


"I see. I'm surprised you cared so much about him."

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"Melody? MELODY!!!! Hope!!!! Quick, how do we stop that game? Melody isn't right at the moment!!!" Honey shouted at Hope. "Melody, calm down. i'm here, it's going to be alright.You are not going to die, oh no you won't." Honey tried her best to comfort melody.


"I try to care about people.That's one of the few things I have left around: caring" Said Glen."Because I know I'm still a good person deep inside."

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Hope snapped her fingers and the game froze, She then rushed over to Melody and Honey.

"What the heck happened?"

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"I'm not falling, I'm not falling..." Melody slowly came back round to her senses.

"Honey? Hope? I... uh.... Sorrry, I don't know what came over me." She got to her feet, somewhat wobbly, and walked to the dge of the platform. Melody forced herself to look down, but felt perfectly fine. Not a twinge of fear. It obviously hadn't been the height alone that had triggered that flashback. "I think I'm okay now. Shall we get back to the game?" Melody asked with a small smile.


Ziona placed a hand on Glen's shoulder. "Yes, you are a good person. And if you stay a good person, you'll find a way to keep going."

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"When we're this close? Not a chance," replied Melody. She was a little breathless, but seemed back to her old self. "Besides, I want a distraction right now, and we're standing in one."

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"Actually, maybe we should have kept the game pause for a bit longer! Cause now those back generators have been destroyed, how do we kill it now?"

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"Maybe the wings? If we damage and put enough holes in them, the dragon will plummet to its doom."

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"Good idea!" exclaimed Melody as she began pulling out the last of her demo charges. "But please don't say 'plummet' Hope."

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"No worries! You didn't know," called back Melody as she waited for the dragon to pass nearby, then threw her bombs towards it's wings.

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Melody ducked under cover as a wave of fire swept above the platform.

"I don't think they were expecting the players to be an assassin, a GUN mechanic who's trying to outgun her walking arsenal of a robot, and a cat who seems to be no stranger to weird fights. Or for one of them to do the insane thing and actually jump on it's back. If we had just shot at it, this would be a LOT harder!"

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"Well, I tell you what, There was a time I beat the crap out of a Polar bear!!!!" Joked Honey."And then there is this thing called 'Cooperation'. That's what make victory easier for everyone."


"Yes, you are right. Denying thing is not the right way to do it; and neither is crying over your guilt. I'll try to move on." Said Glen."It's nice to be the one on the receiving end from time to time."

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Hope dived to the floor and opened up on the dragon's wings.

"I think you're right there, girls."

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Melody pulled out a throwing star. "I really hope so. Cause this is all I've got left. Bombs are gone and I left my knives over there!" She peered over and cast a critical eye over the dragon's wings. "C'mon, show me an exposed muscle..."


"You should do it more often Glen. It will help you. Hmm, maybe I should learn how to do this massage thing and return that favor as well."

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"Why does everyone keeps forgetting about me? That hurt my feeling!!!!" Said Honey as she took aim at the now exposed wings.


"Don't worry about that; I still accept hugs, kisses and many other things as a form of payment."

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"I wasn't forgetting. But dragon first, amusing polar bear story once said dragon has learned not to mess with us!"


"Even now, you're still trying?" Ziona asked with a laugh.

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"Yeah, yeah, right." Honey then procedeed to shoot down the dragon.


"A man has to keep his priorities in check; also it seems to lighten the mood. And it's something we both really needed."

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As the dragon reeled under the hail of bullets and began to fall, Melody hurled her star at the dragon, severing several tendons in it's wing.


"I think your priorities need checking!" Ziona smiled back.

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"Let's keep it that way, that big meany doesn't seems to enjoy it."


"Oh really? You shouuld be careful about what you say though. I could do many things right now, and nobody would know it, mouhahaha." Cue generic evil laugh N°45

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"I think I've taken out one wing. But unless I head back over there to pick up my knives, it's up to you two to finish him off!"


"So should I start screaming and bring a Guardian, a psychotic killer, an assassin, and everyone else who's out there crashing into this room?"

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