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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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""And it's gonna be on top of us soon. Uh, do we have any steering or weapons on this flying boat or whatever it is?"


"You know how to massage feet?" Ziona asked with a cocked eyebrow.

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"Well, let's set it up for an opening volley then. No sense in wasting time!"

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"Wait! Let's first have a look at it. We can't just randomly shoot at something from afar if we don't have a clue of WHERE to shoot! It's senseless waste of ammo."


"I am knowledgable of many things, both mundane and unique ; including but not limited to : massage." Answered Glen. "Many kind of massage."

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"Got it Melody." Hope shouldered her rocket launcher, turned off the safety, and waited for the approaching boss to get closer.

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"Given the size of that thing, I think we'll be able to see where to shoot before it gets close!" There was a loud roar in the distance.


"Man of many talents eh? Well, until I know just how good you are, I'll stick with the foot one."

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"Oh crap!" Hope led her shot and fired one of her 4 rockets. She was sure it hit, but doubted it did much damage, as the figure just kept on coming.

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"Look at that thing !!! Wait.... I think it has.... Something in his back!!!! Like.. some kind of power core or something... maybe if we destroy them all , we'll be able to take it down."


"Oh well, It's a good thing too. Last time I did a massage to a woman, it was in the DEL . The way she shouted almost got me the suspicous sight of many peoples around once I was done." Said Glen as he started.

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"Really? How nice of it to make it easy!" Melody took a good look at the oncoming monster, then headed to the other side of the platform. "Don't try this at home kids," she grinned, as she prepared for a running jump.


"That.... Glen, you know sometimes you say too much... I think that may have been one of those times."

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"That things big enough you might be able to keep going! Right, three, two, one..." Melody ran forward and leapt off the platform as the dragon swooped underneath it. She drew both knives as she flew through the air, and as she crashed into the dragon's flack she jabbed them both in as handholds.

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"Look at that! She's a natural!!!"


"One of thoses time?What do you mean? I wass just taking care of her back. seriously, when I got my hand on her, she was so tense one could eat breakfast on her back without any risk of shaking." said glen, completely missing the point.

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Hope safetied her rocket launcher and fired at the dragon with her LMG, yelling "WOLVERINES!" at the top of her lungs.

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Melody could make out Hope's shout and cocked her head in confusion, before climbing onto the dragons back proper. She quickly moved to the nearest glowing... whatever it was and pulled out a demo charge. As she did so, the dragon's head turned to face her.

"Uh... hello there. You do realise breathing fire over your back is the worst move you could do, right? Right?"


"Glen, what I mean is... wow, you are good at this... I was saying, sometimes you say stuff, and it... you mean to help or be jokey with it, but it just comes out wrong, and has the opposite effect."

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"Wolverine? really? Are you out of your mind or something......" As honey talking, some ennemies appeared, probably to get their attention out of the boss. They started by shooting on Honey . "AH GADOMMNIT !! THAT HURT!" She then proceed to shout back.


"Why thank you." Said Glen as he kept on. "Coming out just wrong? Any .... exemple?"

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"I guess you never saw that movie," said Hope to Honey as she shot at the newly appeared enemies. "Are you ok?"

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The dragon opened it's mouth, but rather than a jet of flame, it was somehow condensed into a thin white hot beam. Melody threw herself to the side out of the way.

"Hey! Could use a little help here!" she called out. Drawing her throwing stars, she hurled them towards the dragons eyes. It shook it's head in agony and it's whole body thrashed. but Melody was able to keep her balance, and used the opportunity to plant demo charges on two of it's power cores.


"Well, just there you tried to make a joke. But it came out sounding like you were a bad masseuse, or worse. And then there was... keep it right there, that's perfect ... that time when Skye had just gone through that colour change, and what you said to him caused him to run off."

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Hope fired a rocket at the dragon's underbelly in the hopes of getting its attention.

"Hey! Over here you overgrown lizard.l!"

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"Hope you are having fun you two! I'm totally not being pinned down by ennemy soldiers!!!!"


"thing is, I wasn't making a joke. The massage thing actually happenned you know?" Answered glen. " As for Skye...."

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"Are you kidding! This! Is! AWESOME!" called back Melody as she dodged another beam, before the dragon turned it's head towards the ship. "You might want to duck girls. Dragon's giving you the evil eye." But with it distracted, Melody swiftly planted the remaining bombs.


"Okay, maybe it's more what you say can sometime be more easily taken the wrong way. But what about Skye?""

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"ha.ha.ha. Wonderful." As She ran to nearest cover, A grenade blew up, nearly sending her flying."Hey, I'm a cat, not a bird."


"Or I'm just living a quite crazy life." Glen then though about what she asked."Skye? well..... I didn't mean to hurt him. I mostly found a way to repair things, But I do hope he'll take care of the pendant I gave him. It's worthing a lot to me."

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With an earsplitting roar the dragon shot flame towards the platform.

"Oh no you don't. Not at my friends," Melody hissed, and pressed the detonator.

(ooc: So is it out, injured, or about to go one-winged-angel on us?)


"You can say that again," smiled Ziona, then blinked with surprise at Glen's statement about Skye. "You gave him a pendant? If it was so important for you, why?"

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(ooc: injured)

"Hey boy, I think you angered him."


"It hold my dearest treasure: two pictures. one of my mother, as a reminder of happier times; and the other.... is blank, as I keep it for this special someone. one who deserve the right of being kept as good memories, even after being long gone."

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The dragon reared in the air and Melody was throw off her feet. Once again, she used her daggers to stop herself from falling.


"I hope you mange to fill that blank space someday. But I don't understand. Why did you give it away?"

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"Hey! watch out!!!"


"Because I felt he needed it more than I do. Something to hold on to."

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