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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Delicous cooked fish for everyone "Said honey As honey took aim.


" Hum yeah , it was right after this I think . You were talking about your childhood I think."

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"Holy $%@& that's a lot of teeth," Melody breathed. Then had an image of Red slapping her for swearing.


Ziona laid back on the bed. "Yeah. Piggy back rides, friends in the park, no worries about relationships, jobs, wars, bills..."

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"the open mouth or the eyes, THE OPEN MOUTH OR THE EYES ? I NEED AN ANSWER , NOW !!" Shouted honey.


"Ah yes , it was quite the time indeed . But it was not without it's flaw though ...."

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"MOUTH!" shouted Hope as she pulled the pin and lobbed her grenade down its throat.

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"Mouth! You'll do more damage to the inside!"


"Flaws? It occasionally rained, but that was it." Ziona paused then smiled. "And maybe bedtime I suppose."

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"Rarh! taste my shrapnel you dirty fish !" Shouted honey as she shot her explosive spear right through the Shark's mouth , For masive damage.


"That 's why i said 'Flaws' rather than full on problems.....it's a real shame that it is now over for us . Such peaceful days indeed...." Glen let out a sigh ."Boy , do I feel like an old guy."

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Hope's grenade exploded and the shark thrashed wildly.

"I think it's nearly over "

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"I'd like to think so. How about putting some distance between us and it?" Melody yelled.


"You'll be yelling at kids to get off your lawn before you know it! It's a shame, I spent so much of my childhood wishing to grow up. And now that I'm here, it's been nothing but disappointment."

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Hope gunned it and sped towards the island.

"That was certainly an experience to remember."

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"The shrap-spear seems to stun him good . Let's use this opportunity to find a way toward the exit . or throw another grenade ." suggested Honey.


"Yeah . By the way , I hope you actually enjoyed your childhood . I never really hoped to grow . All I wanted was to dream freely ... Freely ." Glen's face looked sad."Where did it got so wrong then?"

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"I say exit. We're on our way, and we might need that grenade yet."


"Are you asking me or are you asking yourself?" Ziona asked.

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"Yeah , that sound like a good idea. Let's move out."


"Depend . Me , probably .... and you , granted you think that something in your life went wrong.

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"Sounds good to me!" Melody leapt out of the boat, then her legs gave way and she dropped down to all fours. "I don't like boats," she murmured.


"Went wrong?" Ziona suddenly shook her head. "Compared to everyone here my life was picture postcard perfect. Here I am whining because I got rejected, while all of you..." she couldn't bring herself to finish.

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"What ? willing to run on all four now ? " Joked Honey.


"come on , don't say that Zionna." Glen conforted her ."It's not your fault . You are still a great person none the less.And if you want to finish, it's ok."

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"No. Trying not to throw up in this booth," Melody replied, missing the joke.


"It was just... all of you have been through much worse than I have, and yet you all seem to cope with it far better. I'm just acting like a selfish kid." She gave a small smile when she realised what she said, "Maybe I didn't grow up that much after all."

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"Oh well... it can't be helped after all."


"Coping ? nah, I'm not coping at all Zionna . I just can't cope with what happenned...." Said glen." And maybe you did grow up more than you think..."

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"Okay, I think I'm better now," said Melody as she stood up, slightly wobbly. "Where's this exit?"


"What did happen Glen? You keep mentioning it, but you never say."

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"Over there peoples ."


"Many accident happenned . But I think the worse .... the worse" Glen voice was starting to break."My life is a succession on nightmare and death Zionna ...."

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"Brilliant," and Melody hurried towards the exit.


Ziona leaned over to put her arm around Glen to comfort him, then hesitated, feeling uncomfortable about doing so. But she pushed ahead and did so anyway.

"You were there to listen to me when I told you my problems. Now it my turn to return the favor."

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Zionna's conforting arm helped a bit in making Glen feel better . He felt cold , so cold ...."Thank you for that zionna, I needed it , a lot." Glen got a bit closer ."I guess I can tell some of these stuff... Ah , if only my biggest Secret was a stupid one... But no , thing never simple zionna...."

"First thing first : I'm not As young as I look ... I'm not 18 , or even 23. I know it's crazy but I'm basically thirty this years.... hope that won't make you run away....." Glen laughed.

"The last ten years have been tiring .... and I got to see things . But my Worse memory come from the first time I killed ..." Glen was sad.

"I was what ... twelve ? yeah, twelve ... It was sunny day , and I was out in town . I took the wrong turn , And I got in a dark alley . And then this car ... and that guy ...This guy jumped out of his car and ran out after me . So I sped up, and I cried for help at the same time ..." Glen voice was once again starting to break , as if the memories were coming back."Fortunaly, a cop came to me ... but just As I though of myself safe , the crazy man was out of sight . And I felt felt something on my arm ... it was blood . The cop as

been wounded by a knife in his belly . he would survive fortunaly. But I didn't knew at the time . He dropped his pistol down and I took it . That's when that ... monster came back . He cornered me ... he was getting closer ... that laugh ... I didn't know what Inwas doing , and I shot . "

" this psycho took it point blank, right in the head .... the police came shortly after ... "

"I was in shock for the rest of the week . I could not do anything ... And The worse ? I had this horrible taste in my mouth ... this mixture of fear and blood...I hope you'll never have to live through that."

And that's When glen finally broke.

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"It's just the final boss to go. There's a supply room where we can load up at first."

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"Cool. We might need some more stuff before that. Waitasec, something I want to check first." Melody ran to the edge of the island, and stuck her hand in the water. "Wow, it actually feels wet. How does that work?"


Ziona was almost ready to joke how Glen was almost twice her age, but decided against it.

When Glen broke down Zonia hugged him tightly with both arms to comfort him. Though she felt uncomfortable, she knew it was what Glen needed.

"I... I don't know what I can say. You must have heard this many times before, but if you hadn't acted, you would be the one killed. And maybe more besides. You stopped him."

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"It's all part of the augmented reality system. It'd take too long to explain all the technical details. That and you'd be bored to death by it."

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