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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"The shark ISN'T the final boss? But it's big enough!"

(ooc: Back much sooner than I thought)

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"Well finally , I was starting to get tired. I wouldn't mind a shower after that. especialy since we are eating outside later ." joked honey .


"Is it ? Well , Let's put some more ice on it and let it rest . After the day it had , everyone in this room need it."Said Glen as he carefully put more ice under zionna's wounded foot.

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"I second that motion," Melody said to Honey. "And Hope, if a giant squid does show up, I'm throwing you out the boat!"


"The day we've had? It's barely the afternoon. I hope there's no more surprises in store." Ziona gave a sigh of relief as the ice touched her foot. "That feels much better."

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Hope laughed. "Duly noted. Now hop in. We need to make it to that island," she said as she hopped into the boat and pointed to a lone island on the horizon.

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"Let's just get this over with. Melody check the side of the boat , I'll take care of the front . Care to be our pilot , Hope?"


"Let's hope that indeed. But I'm kinda done for the day . So I'm just going to sit down and relax. Maybe read a book."Joked Glen."But with this bad foot , you'll be out for the rest of the day I'm afraid. "

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"Sure thing." Hope started up the engine and headed for the island.

"Keep an eye out for the fin."

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"All clear on this side... Wait a sec, is that music I can hear? Sounds ominous."


"I was planning on lazing around all day anyway. Just, on the beach rather than my room."

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"Big map . water . ominous music . If we can avoid going through the center of the level , I'm sure we can avoid the boss fight . Or maybe it's simply sleeping and we can take it down without triggering the fight ? "


"Then in that case, how about I find you a wheelchair ? At the very least , I'll be able to spend the rest of the day with you , and you'll get to go back to sea! "

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Hope too heard the music.

"We can't leave without facing the shark. It's programmed to come for us unfortunately."

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"Great. Please tell me you can modify that engine to go faster?"


Ziona spluttered with laughter. "I am NOT going to the beach in a wheelchair. I've still got some dignity left. Maybe we should just join the crowd in the main room?"

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"I should be able to. Give me a sec." Hope left the controls and inspected the engine.

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"Let's wait fir the ice to take effect first ." Glen inspected Zionna's foot ."yeah . A test will be possible in about... 30 minutes. And it's totally not a plan to stay alone with you .Also, does that mean that me carrying you around was good for your dignity?"


"Wonderful, A stalking boss ."

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"Still no sign of a fin. Just so long as it doesn't attack right now."


"I'll take being carried over a wheelcare. And I did not expect to ever say that! But if my foot didn't hurt so much I would have suspected you of lying."

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"This should make us a little faster. I hope." Hope then started the engine again and headed towards the island.

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"Good timing. 'Cause we've just got company. And judging by the size of that fin..."

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"Ahah ! Beside , that would have strange of you to wall around in that nice swimsuit of yours.and thank for the compliment."


"Ok... Hope , give me the speargun . Time to hunt us some sperm whale ."

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"If you're gonna be throwing grenades around," Melody said to Hope, then turned to Honey, "and you're gonna shoot it, shall I take the engine?"


"Aww, heck. You're right. I better change. I uh, sorry about what I said just there. I didn't really mean it."

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"No , hand me the grenade ! We'll make an explosive Spear !"


"You'll change later I think . For now , I suppose this can wait a bit . Didn't I said I like looking at nice things ?An no offense has been taken Zionna ."

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Hope handed Honey one of her grenades. "Remember to pull the pin before you shoot it at the shark."

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"I'm starting to worry about this plan," murmured Melody.


"Long as you don't go beyond the looking Glen." She gave a laugh. "You know, I used to daydream about visiting other Zones, having a good look at other worlds. And what happens when I get the chance? I step on a fish and get immobilized."

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"And accept it , that look awesome ." Honey was now holding the equivalent of a spring powered grenade lancher .


"Have no fear , I only touch when the woman is fine with that. Or simply drunk enough . In the latter , one has to take her to bed safely , right ?" Glen laughed.

"Anyway , yeah, it's not the best beginning indeed . But it will get better , don't worry . so how about we keep on this discussion we were having sooner in the park ?" Glen had moved the nearest armchair and got it in front of Zionna's side of the bed ."There , i'm better now."

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"It'll look awesome, as long as we don't get cover by instant cooked fish paste."


"Where did we get to in our talk in the park? Oh yeah, the other park."

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