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The Jest

Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"It has?  Maybe you're cursed!" suggested Skye.


"So what are you guys up to?" asked Stacey.

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"I showed Zoe our den!" Dominic said. "We were looking for you!"

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"You went to the Den?" asked Ziona.

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"Uh huh!" Dominic said grinning


(Daisy would! But different continuity :P )

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(Maybe the curse made it through to here?)

"I... I dunno!" said Skye.


"I thought I said you weren't allowed in there," said Ziona.

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(Cause traveling through different time period and/or continuity?)

"Curses are silly!" Said Seviper.

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(Or it's just that powerful!)

"You're talking to a spellcaster.  No they're not," said Skye.

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"Well there's that whole nine tails curse and ghost Pokemon curses but I digress." Said Seviper.

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"See, curses are not silly!" said Skye.

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"You... did? But it's our den!" Dominic said

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"I dunno.  It's just a theory," said Skye.




"But its dangerous!" said Ziona.

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"A theory? Really!? Pfft! Theories!" Said Seviper dismissing it.

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"Do you have to dismiss everything I say?" asked Skye, getting a little angry.




"Have all the traps been deactivated?" asked Ziona.




"This could be our little private place, away from all the madness," said Anna happily.

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"Sorry little buddy. I just don't trust magic!" Said Seviper trying to calm Skye down.

(This wouldn't be the first time Skye got angry at Seviper and probably won't be the last.)

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(Was Skye angry with him before?)


"That I understand, but throwing what I say away without even considering it?" asked Skye, fists clenched.

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"If I consider it,will you calm down." Said Seviper.

(Different continuity)

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(Lol, true!)


"Yes.." said Skye, tensely.

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Alright, sound like a deal. (He said smiling at Anna.)

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"Good," replied Skye shortly.




"Deal, I won;t tell the others if you don't!" Anna grinned.

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