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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Or our pasts. Not that there's anything special to talk about concerning me

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"No, I too very much doubt our jobs would be a pleasant discussion." said Shadow. "As for suggestions I have none unfortunately."

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I don't have a job anyway. So I wouldn't have much to say

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"Then, what job would you like to have?"

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"I'm not trying that hard. I mean, so far, you still hadn't said anything asking me to stop, right? That mean deep inside , you actually are enjoying it. I suppose not many people tend to say such nice things to you from time to times.... War shouldn't be a reason." Glen then kept on "I could tell you the story of how I got my robotic arm."


The glare Red gave to Skye meant everything: Don't . EVER. swear, in front of something that could hear you sneeze hundreds of meter away.

"Hum, so many things to learn, so little time..... I feel like I'm getting old or something. Maybe I should take you to see Lara-lee one day.... She might enjoy meeting more people around."

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Skye gulped. "I g-guess I'm not t-the only one i-in the f-family with s-sensitive ears."

"Who's Lara-lee?" asked a curious Melody


"Oh I'm not going to put my history on display that easily. As for your limbs, that story could be interesting, but I would like to hear Dylan's answer to my question, if he does want to answer that is."

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I don't know. I haven't had a proper job in ages. Except for attempting to do stuff against the curse and the DEL

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"Well, I'm a bat. What were you expecting little fox ?" Said Red

"Well, to put it simply, she is my ex-wife."


"And so far, I suppose you were pretty good at it ? As for you zionna, If you are not willing to speak in such a public place, maybe later,when we'll be together ? assuming that happen...." Said Glen.

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I didn't manage to stop the DEL. I didn't manage to stop the curse. I only managed to limit the effects based on someone else's design and still getting one slightly wrong

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"You did far more than anyone else in your Zone. What you did was no small feat. But let's not discuss this now."

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"I.. uh... j-just d-din't think about i-it..."

"You.... ex-wife?" Melody sounded almost shocked.


"My you are assuming a lot the Glen. And Dylan, from what I heard, you may not have saved your Zone single handedly, but if it wasn't for you, that curse would still be around. Or worse, infecting several other zones."

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I wouldn't go that distance...

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"And I say you were doing quite good, As everytime the officials were talking about you, many of them were mad. As for the cuty-cop, I'm merely hoping to able to stay with you. Not in your room obviously, but maybe a walk , with you only. looking at the ocean , just the two of us. That would be nice." Said Glen.


"Shame darling, but us bat actually have to use these big ears of ours when we are moving at night." Said Red "The more you know..."

"I know , I know.... Let's say I did the wrong choices.... choosing Duty over My family. But I did that thinking I could save Knuckles, and many other..... To this day, I still regret it a bit, but now she is happy with someone else.Doesn't mean we hate each other though."

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Possibly because I was the only person standing up to them. Anyway, what job would you suggest for me?

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"Heh heh, y-yeah." Skye laughed nervously. "I'll n-need to watch w-what I say."

"So the two of you still get on well together? That's good to hear."


"We'll see Glen, we'll see. Depends if you can still walk at the end of the night for starters. And Dylan... What job? Hmm. Given what you've been doing with your Zone hopping spy cameras, what about a security consultant?"

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"Well, you can do that indeed." Said Red.

"Yes, yes, I'm doing my best for that."


"Have no fear , cuty cop, I'll be able to do so at the end of the night." Said Glen

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"This is getting rather uncomfortable." said Crowley. Shadow gave him a nod in response. "I'm with you there."

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"Fine, Mister unconfortable. I'll stop that. If she want to walk with me, I'll be happy; If she won't, i'm ok with that too." Said Glen . "Now have you got for the dessert? "

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""Ok then. I'll take a chocolate cake. It's been an eternity since the last one I had." Said glen.

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"Very well. I'll have the-" before Shadow could finish, Rouge took the menu out of his hand. "I think you mean we'll have the sundae. Before you start whining, have you seen how big it is? That way rather than buying 2 seperate desserrs for us both, you can save money and buy 1 big one."

"Anything that saves me money is fine by me."

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"Interesting . Saving money is always good. But on vacation, it's always nice to blow of some steam." said Glen.

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"Yes M-mom. S-sorry Mom."

"That's good to know."


"I think Shadow is blowing off enough steam with this whole meal. Hmm, cheesecake looks nice."

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"Maybe , But he looks like he could use some more . I mean , he was working on vacation. That's not something to do." Said Glen.


"Good boy." Red petted skye's head.

"Am I being lectured about my relationship ?" Said Locke .

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"Heh, T-thank's Mom. I'll t-try not to d-do it again."

"Wha...? No, I was.... Just happy that the two of you still got on well... Hadn't completely broken apart..."


"Ah, but he chose to work today. Shadow may be one of those people for whom work is Vacation. Or at least, when he chooses the time."

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