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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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*Picks up both children and holds them apart*

Right. You two need to calm down a little. The illusion has been flickering at times, especially on you Melody. As strange as it would be for to see a Mongoose who looks a lot like the prime Mina Mina, and a fox who looks a lot like the prime Tails, it would be stranger to see a random Mongoose changing her appearance to look a lot like the prime Mina, and a random fox changing his appearance to look a lot like the prime Tails. So no fighting

*Puts them down apart*

Man, you two were heavier than I expected

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"Don't get between and bear and her cubs... or in thus case a deadly mongoose. That'd be a sure way of getting us killed. Ok, see what you can do about contacting her. I'm sure I'll be able to offer her something she wants." "Try to keep it out of the bedroom though Shadow." piped up Rouge with a smirk. "Courting a deadly assassin is not on my to do list. Believe me Rouge."

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"Huh boy that's a worrying thought. With her kids here be careful not to do anything that could muss up their timeline. Like giving them an older brother or sister. Ahem, anyway, I'll make some calls about getting you into N-Zone unnoticed and pull out a copy of Mina's file." Zet walked away, dialling on the phone.


"What was that about my weight?" fumed Melody

"I think I still may be waterlogged slightly," Skye quickly interjected. Melody immediately brightened

"Oh, ok. Sorry Dylan. It won't happen again. As long as Skye tells me what he's gonna change before casting."

"Uh, we should probably move, there seems to be a crowd forming."

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Don't worry, I hate having to bring it up. This is more Locke or Red's job. Perhaps even Shadow. Oh, and I didn't mean heavier the way I said it. Sorry about that.

Anyway, yes. We should probably get moving. You were searching for Locke?

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Zet soon returned to the group, handing Shadow a PDA. "Turn's out Mina's file is pretty bare. Apparently she only recently gained her speed, and no one ios sure how. In any case, the details for arranging a meeting are in their. Leave a note for her, and then she'll contact you to arrange a meeting. Seems rather paranoid. It's gonna take a while to arrange things at the No-Zone end, so you won't need to rush."


"Yeah. I saw Dad in the crowd, but can't see him now. I could be he doesn't recognise us with the illusions."

"Don't worry Dylan. I'm sure you'll have kid's of your own at some point, then it will be your job!"

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Uh... sure. Perhaps that will happen one day. Not soon though.

If he isn't around, we could go back to the main group and wait for him to rejoin us there

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"Ok. I'll send the note when I get back to GUN. Thanks again Zet. I appreciate it." (OOC And I'm off to bed. Goodnight guys).

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Locke finally saw dylan from the top of the Car and moved toward him. "What is it with you steaming away Children ? And why Melody and skye used this kind of spell? there are some that don't neeed such an high level of concentration."


"I'm not goinf to vouch for anyone . Especially this kind of People , Zet." Said Red.

"Oh boy , I smell Troubles . Big ones. If she get a sight on the kids we are toast , and so are their future ... you sure about doing so ?" Said Glen.

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"I wasn't asking for a character reference Red, just her talents. And if this goes to plan the kids will stay in the prime Zone and she'll only go to No-Zone. Besides, we're taking her from 'now', she won't have kids for twenty years or so."


"Dad. There you are. We've been looking for you!" exclaimed Melody as she hugged Locke. Skye just looked bashful.

"Well, yeah I could have used a different spell but...."

"But that would have meant ACTUALLY changing my colours and after last time I don't trust him."

"Also, unless I did some kind of major transformation, illusion is the only way to hide my tails."

(ooc: Ok Shadow. Goodnight. Catch you later.)

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Locke! Good to see you. Where have you been?

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Knuckles catches up as Gamma begins his story.

"Our worlds were very much the same in which events occurred. However, there was a slight change to ours that created a massive shift. A strange meteor had hit years ago and decimated most of the planet. Only Angel Island, Robotnikss battleships and some parts of the old New Mobotropolis survived. Everything else is gone. While both sides we're trying to rebuild. The debris from the meteorite had covered the world, and mutated those living on it. It gave people a 2nd subconcious, unattached from their own. Most had been able to coop and live better from it. Robotnik was not so lucky. As you know, he was already going insane to begin with. Now with two minds constantly battling out, he finally snapped for good, and continues to unleash armies of robots onto the world."

How long has this been going on?

"From my data, the meteor crashed in the year 3235. It is now 3250."

"If that's the case, how come you attacked me thinking I was an imposter? Wouldn't I look different by now?" Knuckles asks

"With no clear way to reach Robotnik, the remaining Chaotix and Freedom fighters have been hiding for the last 10 years. The only clones that can be made are those of yourself from 3240, which isn't much of a difference from how you look now.

Self replicated clones huh? Just great.

Gamma continues to walk on. "With the non-stop army of clones continuing to be produced, there was no choice but for everyone to separate and seek refugee. There are now 3 main continents that shape this world. The arid wastelands, this overgrown rain forest, and Eggmans Empire." We are currently in the southern most part of the forest. If we continue north, we will find some refugee underground camps."

"So you were acting as a guard then?"

"Indeed I was Guardian Prime."

"How do you know I'm from the prime dimension?"

"Our Sonic and Tails have come to help you numerous times. From our knowledge, you are the only other dimension that looks and acts the same as our own. However, we have fallen. Your dimension is the main now."

Where is Sonic, Tails, and your Knuckles now?

"Those three have been living in Eggman Empire for the last 5 years. They have been unable to make it back, but from my knowledge have not been captured either."

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" Yes Skye , I see" Said Locke as he gave back the hug "Now could we get the others here ? I have something to say. It's about where we are going to sleep for the next 7 days....Because yes, It is not a vacation unless you stay in the same place for several days."


"I don't feel like it. She is way too untrustfull , and her paranoia will feel something fishy about this job . Beside , if she get killed .... No more Skye and Melody." Said Red.

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"That sounds exciting where are we staying?" asked Melody.

"I think they're all over there. And they're looking kinda serious. I think it'd be faster of we headed to them." Skye said, taking Locke and Dylan by the hands and heading off.


"She's being asked to target someone from another Zone, so yes it is a fishy job. We just need to make sure that the 'fishy' side is that the Zone Cops hired her, and nothing to do with time displaced children. And Shadow will be there to make sure she gets out alive so the kids should be fine."

"Zet, quiet. He come said kids." Ziona pointed out.

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"Ok people , the only pne allowed to be grumpy on vacation would be shadow , because he would not get his quality time with Rouge in the Bath hub. Well guess what ? This will still happen! " Said Locke .

"As you see it, For the next 7 days, We are staying in the more expensive hotel of the beach , which mean something when you look at all thise goods hotels. They even got us the penthouse for all of us, So we won't have to swim with all these low non guardian friends people . Any one coming now even get a free drink , So get a move on people ! our stuff has already been moved!"

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The kids cheered and headed off at full speed. Only to quickly check themselves, and move at a more normal rate.

"Low non guardians?" Ziona slyly asked Locke. "I didn't take you for an elitist."

"We can finish our discussion later," Zet told Red.

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"I'm not . But every once In a while , it feels good to flatter your own ego. It help with Stress , and other Anxious related things."


"Of course Zionna, we'll do later, if you can find us a bathhub big enough for two" Said Red in an even more slyly way.

"I need a vacation" Simply stated Glen.

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A nice hotel sounds good. Your kids certainly seem pleased

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"I'll take Hope back. Go with them and get our room sorted please Rouge." "Ok. Don't be long." she replied as there was a flash of light and both Shadow and Hope were gone.

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"As long As I Get a nice bed , I'll be fine pal ...."Said Glen . "Just make Sure I get that

free drink you talked about ."

"Of course Glen, You'll have it ." Said Locke

"And off she goes ..." Said Red , refdering to hope .... "Crowley, Will I ever be able to move on ?"

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"All in due time, my dear. Just take it one step at a time. No point in rushing it." replied Crowley, putting his arm round her shoulder. Shadow then reappeared next to Rouge. "Are we all set, Locke?"

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Yes, can we go? The sooner the better

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"Thank you Crowley, It's going to be a long and dangerous way..." Said Red.

"And they say the kids are the more impatient ... Yes , let's move, the hotel is over there ." Said Locke.

And off they went. After 5 minute of normal walking, much to Melody's dismay, They finally got to the hotel.

"Here we are ! And just you wait, It's even better we got to sleep inside " said Locke.

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"Great. I can't wait to see our bedroom. Can you Shadow?" said an excited Rouge. "It will be nice to get some quality time again, I guess." replied Shadow.

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It will be nice to have nothing to worry about for once

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