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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"This is actually kinda nice," confessed Zet. "A group of professionals relaxing with each other on the beach."

"I could get used to the Prime Zone," Ziona smiled wistfully. "Where's Dylan and his camera, we need a picture of this?"

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"Yeah it is rather nice. And why don't you ask for a permanent assignment here? I'm sure you could persuade your superiors to let you stay."

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"Well, if Skye or his sister cause enough of a ruckus every now and again to require a reprimand, we could stay here without needing to ask," pondered Ziona, but Zet shook his head.

"I can't stay. I wouldn't be happy here knowing my friends are out there on the front lines."

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"Front lines? You talk as if you're soldiers. But correct me if I'm wrong, you don't exactly have the equipment or the training? Why don't your bosses wake up and realise there are people better suited to this fight than them. Surely it'a better to let cops be cops and soldiers be soldiers. No one can do both well at the same time."

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"You're completely right Shadow, but every time we try and actually get significant reinforcements our efforts are blocked. Thankfully, we're also able to block most of Nega's attempts. Its more of a stalemate than a war. Besides, I think the higher ups are praying that somehow Prime Sonic will get involved and take out Eggman Nega for them." Zet sounded disgusted.

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"Bloody ingrates. Well he'll only get involved if Nega tries something here, otherwise he'd probably be preoccupied with other threats. I could take care of Nega for you. All I'd need is for you to make sure your colleagues don't try to bust me. As long as that doesn't happen I can hand him to you on a silver platter. No use waiting for your bosses to do something."

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*Comes out of nowhere*

Sorry, about that. I just noticed that the kids seem to have disappeared. Any idea where they are?

(ooc: Sorry, I was at a neighbourhood party most of the afternoon, which is why I haven't been on much)

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Zet looked thoughtful. "Well, I've got plenty of friends on the force who want to see this over and done with. With a few calls maybe..."

"What's this?" joked Ziona, "Zet planning to go agianst regulations?"

"When the regs have me stuck here, yeah. But Shadow, whatever you do, don't underestimate Nega. He's not like Eggman at all, except in looks. If he has a chance to kill you, he will take it. No gloating or warning."

"Hello Dylan. I think the kids went to find Locke."

(ooc: hope the party was fun.)

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Okay, I'll carry on looking for them

*Walks off*

(ooc: Yeah, it was great. Thanks)

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"Thanks for the advice. I like a challenge. But it appears he's met his match. I don't mind taking him out from afar. Whatever it takes to stop that madman."

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Zet smiled. "I'll see what I can do. But I won't be happy about asking you to do this without some backup, just in case things go south."


"Dad? Dad? Where are you?" Melody was yelling. "I sure he went this way." Skye suddenly slapped his forehead with his hand.

"Melody, I'm gonna jump on your back okay?"

"What, why? How does that help us find Dad?"

"You're taller and louder than me, but right now Dad might not recognise you with the the illusion up."

"True, but he'd recognise my voice."

Skye shuffled his feet slightly.

"You.... changed... my... voice...?" Melody asked, sounding dangerous.

"Only a little, and only when it was loud. It was just in case you also sounds like Mother did in this time."

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'I've got a walking dearh machine as backup, isn't that enough? Plus I've got Rouge." "Sure, volunteer me for your suicide mission." Rouge replied sarcastically.

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"If you think that's enough. I could see about arranging a pick-up team if you need a fast exit."

(ooc: I found it really temping to have Zet suggest that Moebius Mina should also go! :P She is an assassin after all!)

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"That'd be useful. Thanks Zet." (OOC That'd be an interesting team up to say the least).

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Knuckles explains his situation and Gamma lowers his blades.

"So you are Knuckles Prime?" Gamma asks

"I guess so. However, recently I've been thrown around a bunch of different worlds and dimensions. Now I only wish to find my father and his family." Knuckles gets up, rubbing his chest and neck.

"I apologize to causing such difficulty for you." Gamma retracts his swords and puts out his hand.

It seems he does have a soul in this world as well.

"Indeed I do, Undersense." Gamma replies as Knuckles shakes his hand. It quickly makes him jump back however.

"You can hear my subconscious?" Knuckles asks startled.

"Indeed, it is a long story. Allow me to explain, and then I will aid you any way that I can, Guardian Prime." Gamma begins walking off. Knuckles nods and follows him.

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"Ziona, can I borrow your phone? Battery's dead on mine."

"Zet..." Ziona began cautiously.

"I this will end the war and stop the people I care about from dying, I don't care what the cost to me is. Don't worry. You had nothing to do with it."

Ziona tried to stammer out some words, failed, then handed Zet her phone.

(ooc: Hmm, maybe I should have Zet suggest it after all then. It'd be an interesting situation for the kids as well, as they'd be taking Anti-Mina from this time! And wow, Knuckles, your story is getting weird. I wasn't expecting a telepathic robot!"

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(OOC: lol I'm actually feeling like developing a full on story out of this. I don't know where I planned on stopping it, but I kind of wanted to bring Knuckles back into the main RPM with a few friends. Gamma is the first.)

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"If it all goes well your bosses will give you a raise. If not, I'll give them all an early retirement. If it goes wrong, nothing will connect us to you. Classic deniable op." (OOC That sounds good to me Skye).

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"Heh. I'd leave off the early retirement my bosses are A**holes, but I don't think they deserved to be killed over it... Yet... But, look Shadow, you and your team, you're more fighters than assassins, except Rouge and she's a thief. I think you might want a proper assassin on your team and," Zet glanced over to where the kids were arguing in the crowd, "I think I may know where to find one."

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Skye?! Melody?! Where are you?

*Pauses for a moment*

Perhaps I should look for Locke instead. The kids are meant to be looking for him so they may be with him

*Starts calling for Locke*

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"Mina." replied Zet simply. "Or more accurately, Moebius Mina. I suspect Crowley or Red could vouch for her abilities."


"Do you hear Dylan calling?"

"Don't change the subject Skye!"

"DYLAN, WE'RE OVER HERE! QUICKLY" Melody grabbed Skye trying to cover his mouth, and soon the siblings wear wrestling with each other.

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*Looks in direction of Skye's reply*

Perhaps I won't need to after all

*Pushes through crowds to get to them*

There you are. I was wondering where you were heading off to

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"Indeed they could. She wouldn't have had the kids yet so hopefully she's more manageable. Okay I'd like to talk to her if possible first. Best to know the person I'm relying on."

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"The later one might actaully be more manageble if she thought we had her kids hostage, but that would only put them in danger. Setting up a meeting might be difficult, I don't exactly have a hotline to 'assassins-r-us'. But I can find out how to get in touch with her on Meobius. I think the haven portal can take you there."


""Dyaln, please, get her off me."

"Oh no you don't. You're gonna pay for changing stuff with my permission." Melody grabbed Skye's arm as he lay on the ground and twisted it behind his back. Skye yelled in pain, and the illusion covering both of them flickered for a second as Skye's concentration wavered.

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