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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Oh , and so , you are hope , right ? My name is Glen , Glad to meet you." Said Glen . "Even though I'm an echidna , I'm not from these part."

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Same place where I'm from. Another zone

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"I know , It's a bit unsettling at first, but one quickly get used to it ." Said Glen "And so you are an engineer ? Of what kind , if I may ask?"

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"Everything. Aircraft, vehicles, various experimental devices. Whatever I'm needed on really."

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"Well, that sure is a lot to put on the shoulder of such a young kid. " Said Glen." Even the best cannot be efficient all the time , So I hope you get some free time to relax , little girl."

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Matching blow for blow, Knuckles only advantage was his shear strength would stagger Gamma before he could bring the other blade around. Suddenly, Gamma raises his leg and kicks Knuckles straight in the chest, knocking the wind out of him. He walks above and holds his blades to his neck.

"Victory" Gamma says.

"Gamma wait!" Knuckles panics. "I thought you had a soul! Why are you still hunting us down?"

"You are not Knuckles the Echidna. All impostors must be terminated." Gamma replies.

Suddenly it made sense now. Being in a different dimension meant that there was indeed another Knuckles running around.

Think of something fast man!

"Gamma please listen for a moment! I'm not the Knuckles you know, but I'm here to help!"

There is a pause as the robot discontinues getting closer to ending his life. "State your business here." he says.

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"Good to hear . Military aren't really the best when it coles to peoples time management, but I'm happy to see a lucky soul here and rhere. " Said Glen.

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Shadow clearly gets time to relax. Or else he wouldn't have come to the beach with us

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"Then he is lucky. My shift weren't so pretty , but it was mainly because our sargent was an insufferable leader, with little to no respect for his subordinate . I would not be surprised , Shall i learn something happenned to him." Said Glen.

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"Sounds like our Captain," added Ziona. "Though in our case he was just liked flexing his power. He did know his job. I suspect yours wasn't so useful."

Meanwhile, Skye and Melody were moving through the crowd, calling for Locke.

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"Makes me glad the only time my superiors give an order is to hand me a dossier and say "go".." said Shadow.

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"That's good in one way, but it must make your life very unpredictable."

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"Haha. You can say that again. At least it keeps things from getting stale and monotonous."

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"That's true." Ziona looked between Shadow and Rouge. "I guess the two of you must be used to it by.... Oh dear, will you excuse me? I think Zet is about to start a fight with his competitor."

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Shadow just laughed. "Go right ahead. Don't want him making a fool of himself."

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"To late for that," said Ziona, "he's awake."

"You kicked over my sandcastle," Zet was yelling.

"Well, it looks better now that it did before," his opponent shouted back.

"YOU TWO! KNOCK IT OFF NOW!" yelled Ziona with a terrifying amount of authority. Both men meekly backed away from each other.

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"Wow. I think you can out-yell Rouge. That's impressive. Must come in handy on the job."

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"You have no idea. Thanks by the way, but it does hurt my throat something awful. I could use a drink." She turned back, "And I think Zet could use one too, he looks a little shell shocked. Don't think he's been on the receiving end before."

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"My, aren't you a gentleman. I'll take, hmm, whatever the traditional beach drink is for the Prime Zone. And something with a good kick for Zet."

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"I'll be right back." Shadow then walked to a drink stand, and came back with what looked like 2 coconuts with little umbrellas in them. "I got you both pina coladas. Hope you like them."

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"These are fancy!" Ziona took a sip and smiled. "Very nice. Oh look Zet, the umbrella in yours matches your colours." Zet blushed while Ziona laughed.

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"Glad you like them." Hope tapped Shadow on the shoulder. "Can you get me a drink? I'm pretty thirsty." "Sure thing Hope." Shadow went and got her a non alcoholic pina colada. "Thanks Shadow." "If I got you the alcoholic one I'd probably lose my job." "It's fine. It's really nice.", she replied while taking a sip.

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