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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Devour everyone here? That sounds pretty bad, and I should know. I guess you'll be resting for a few days, then you can tell us what happened

*Sees Melody has won the competition and starts taking pictures and cheering*

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"I won't need a few days. Just a few hours. And yes it was pretty bad. But we got it done." Hope's head was turned to the side. She could be heard talking to someone followed by a "woohoo". Her hologram then became a flash of bright light, and the real Hope was standing before them.

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After all this time , Locke finally got back to whatever he was doing ..... He decided to wait a bit for everyone to gather toward him.

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Umm... I'm guessing you're planning on staying with us since your here properly now

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(Ooc: I can't do anything until skye is back... So sadow, if you want to take glen with you, it's time .)

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Melody was milking her victory, enjoying every moment in the spotlight. Skye was concentrating furiously, trying to maintain the illusion despite the distractions, and Melody's rapid movements.

"Red, if you want to talk about it I'm right here. Or, I'm sure no one would mind if we went back to Haven.".said Ziona/

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"It's not that really ; she is just a walking reminder of what I once was. It's something I have to exorcise , not runaway from ..." Said Red.


Glen quickly got back to Melody , calling her "When you'll be done walking around like a star , how about telling it to your dad? He is waiting for ; Something about a surprise .now Get the freakking prize !!!"

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"I understand. But you don't need to try and exorcise it all at once. Smaller steps may be easier."


"Huh? Oh, ok Glen. Will do." Melody jumped down, and Skye winced as Melody got ahead or her illusion for a brief second. He just hoped the flash of yellow and purple would be put down to a trick of the light as Melody went to pick up the prize.

(ooc: No idea what the prize should be, someone else call it.)

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(ooc: Front row tickets to the next forget-me-knots concert? Heh heh)

Hmm, fair enough

*Takes picture of Melody collecting her prize then resumes cheering*

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(Ooc: One month supply of her favorite ice cream ?)

"I know , I know, But It's better if we get started now, right ?" Said Red .


Glen was with skye . "Boy , I hope she'll enjoy her prize."

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"You still haven't answered my question Shadow." said an annoyed Rouge. "It was just a few turrets, a laser hallway.... and a lot of bio weapons of varying size. Nothing to worry about." "So what bit you?" "The big one that just wouldn't die. I tried stabbing it with a chaos spear, but that just made him angry. He would've been a great investment for GUN if he didn't try to kill everything in sight. But I'm sure Hope could've done something about that if she were alive back then." "No way, won't catch me anywhere near one of those things or anything like it."

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You're now getting me worried, Shadow. What exactly bit you?

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"It's time for me to move on...." Red moved toward Hope . "Well hello there. Are you one of Shadow's friend ?" red asked.

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"A 30 year old bio weapon. About 10ft tall, massive clawed left hand, super stretchy arms. What I just took is the antidote. Otherwise I'd be mutating into something horrible. Whoever thought any of that research was a good idea needed the sense knocked into them.Don't worry, it's dead now, along with everything else down there... even if it's not fully dead, it's trapped 200m underground in the middle of an icy wasteland. So we're safe. Hopefully." "Er, hi there. Yes my name's Hope. I'm a technician. How do you know Shadow?"

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"I'm... a friend of him ... My name is Red .Hope ? That's ... a very nice name . I suppose Shadow knows how to choose his friends ." Said Red.

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"Thank you. I suppose he does. It's nice to know I've always got him to turn to if anything happens to me, and as you saw I'm more than happy to lend a hand if he needs it."

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Sounds interesting. Remind me to go down and get a picture of one sometime.

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(ooc: Tempting as it is to make it those concert tickets, complete with backstage passes, I think the ice cream idea is safer for now.)

Melody stood grinning like an idiot at the massive book of free ice cream coupons, so Skye walked over to her and began dragging her away.

"C'mon. Dad want's to see us."

Skye saw the grouping of people around Shadow and called out.

"Hi Uncle Shadow. Good to see you're back. Who's your friend?"

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"A picture? Are you crazy Dylan? It'd tear you to shreds. Besides you can't even get down there now; we blew the elevators. And it isn't on any map you can get anyway. And hey Skye. This is Hope. She works at GUN." Hope waved at Skye. "Hi there."

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"Please to meet you. This is Melody, my sister."

"Hiya Hope."

"Have you seen Dad? I lost sight of him in the crowd."

(ooc: Neither Hope or Shadow reacted to the 'uncle' bit? Heh!)

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(3rd person time)

"I see..." Knuckles says, and begins approaching Gamma.

The robot turns and immediately draws its weapons. Knuckles ducks out the way barely as Gamma begins a full scale barrage in his direction.

Knuckles we need to move. If we don't stop him, the whole forest will be destroyed now.

"Yea, I get that, but how do you expect me to get close to him if he fires at first site?"


Suddenly some fruit begins falling from the trees as they get shaken around. Bright red juice spills everywhere.

I have an idea, start throwing those things into the air. If he fires at you without scanning first, it will slow him down if he registers a hit.

"On it." Knuckles starts grabbing as much of the fruit as he an that didn't break from the fall. He draws his sword and tosses them up in the air.

Gamma immediately aims wildly at the fruit in the sky, giving Knuckles just enough time to sprint under him for a blind swipe. He cuts Gammas blaster clean off, however, he simply shifts his mechanics around and now held two double edged blades.

This isn't looking good at all.

"Yea, tell me about it....."

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"Hi Melody" replied Hope. "No Skye, sorry. I haven't seen him, I've been away for a while on a little mission."

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"You've been away for a little while? Well, while you were gone I took part in this competition and..." Melody began to recount what had just happened a few minutes ago before Skye started dragging her away.

"Yes, yes Melody. You can tell them all later. Let's find Dad so you can tell him first, alright?"

(ooc: and back to work again.... *sigh*)

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