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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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(Ooc: this could have been a singing contest you know :3 ?)

"Then let's go !!!" And Glen got back to the car , With skye still on him .

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(occ: Neither Melody or Skye can sing! Well, they've never done so before. Easy enough to have two competitions going on at the same time though.)

"I'll sign us up while you get that evil spying device. Why you would ever build something like that is beyond me!" Melody called after them.

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Personally, I think it's good he did build that. Stops you from getting an advantage over the other competitors

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(Ooc: Let's just have a sanscastle contest then. This will do. Anything to make us wait for Locke return.)

They finnaly got in the car. "A magic detector. What a kid full of surprise I say."Said Glen, As he took the device . "Ok, do we need anything Else Skye?"

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Shadow suddenly appeared next to Rouge and Red. "Give the children my sincerest apologies. Something urgent has come up." "Well shouldn't I come with you?" asked Rouge. "No, they only asked for me. I've got to go and meet the others now. If all goes well I'll be back within 4 hours or less." With that Shadow teleported off again.

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"And off he goes , Leaving us to hold the fort .I hope he'll be back. Just like I hope Crowley is alright . I haven't seen him in a while ." Said Red.

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"I never was one for beaches." replied Crowley, having appeared behind her. "Far too crowded for my liking."

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"Well , there also are less crowded places in beaches , you know ? You just to look for them; or wait till sunset..." Said Red.

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"I suppose we could also see it that way. There is something strangely peaceful in the cold embrace of the night . Is it because many are sleeping at that time ?"

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As Knuckles continues through the forest, he spots a lone being in the distance.

"Shh, do you want them to hear you?"

They can't, I'm in your mind.

"Oh....right. Who is that?"

By the looks of things. I believe that's Gamma.

"Gamma? I thought he died to Omega."

This is a different dimension Knuckles. For all we know Eggman could rule everything and never lost a battle yet. Let's approach him, cause I doubt we'll be able to sneak by if we continue in this direction.

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"That might have something to do with it." he replied. Rouge got out her PDA and looked through it.

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"Well then Rouge, Take a look . It's not only your PDA, but also your Shadow ." Said Red.

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"I don't think so. It looked like they were handing out free buckets for the competition. Just keep waving that scanner at Melody. The temptation might be to much for her, even if she means not to cheat."

Melody was looking through the forms, noting that her and Skye would be in different age categories. Then her eye caught a name on the Adult list.

"Zet??? You're taking part?"

(ooc: Thought of another reason why it shouldn't be a singing contest:

"Ok kid, these are your song choices."

"Erm, I don't know any of those."

"Huh? How can you not know any of Mina's songs?"

"Uhhhhh..." )

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(ooc: Because mona sax for Max pain )

"Ok , sound easy enough. How will you stop her anyway?"Glen asked.

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Rouge looked st the map, scrolling to a single red dot in tbe middle of an icy tundra. "That place? It was shut down when Tower came in, a relic of GUN's less savoury endeavours. Must be destroying it for good now. Who know's what they were working on in there?"

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Zet's taking part too? I can't wait to see his sandcastle. Does Ziona know about this?

(ooc: Assuming you mean Mina, yeah, that would be a difficult situation)

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(Ooc: Of course he meant her . Poor kids ....)

Glen and skye came back, Skye still on Glen back. Apperently , they were borh enjoying it .

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(ooc: The only thing that could make it more awkward would be if Mina was the one judging it)

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(ooc: Stupid typo. Yeah, real good thing we didn't go with the singing contest as this hypothetical situation is just getting worse and worse.)

"If you detect her using magic just give me a wave. I'll disenchant it as quietly as I can." Skye whispered to Glen on their way back.

"Zet's doing what?" asked Ziona as she sat up from her sunbathing.

"It's only so I can keep a close eye on the kids," Zet tried to assure them.

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"I'm sure Shadow will tell us when he gets back, Red. I'm not finding out from his obituary." said Rouge, trying to stay composed.

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Sure, Zet. Sure. Right, shall we sign you two in?

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"Skye and I are signed in, so we're good to go. And Skye, STOP POKING ME WITH THAT MAGIC DETECTOR OF YOUR'S."

"Um, yeah. Sorry Melody." Skye took Glen aside. "Glen, this detector won't work. Er, the illusions that I've put up are causing a positive reading. But Melody doesn't know that, so just act like it's working, ok?"

"I'll just watch the kids enjoy the competition from the sidelines," said Ziona, giving a significant glance at Zet as if to include in the the 'kids' bracket.

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"Ok skye , that should do it ." Said Glen. "And please, the

situation is getting ridiculous now...."

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