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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Skye should send it to you shortly , Right Skye ?"

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"Ok Dylan, there should be a printout from the machine ahead of you. It has directions to the shop we're at, and if you miss us, it'll tell you how to get from the shop to the beach."

Melody was rushing in and out of the changing rooms, trying on her mountain of outfits.

Ziona looked around to make sure no one was listening, and lowered her voice. "Confidentially, no we're not. Zet actually has a fiancée back home. But I just find it so much fun to embarrass him."

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Okay, got it. Now, how am I going to get there... oh wait, I have my...

Um, guys. Did any of you take my teleporter?

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"Erm, I didn't. At least you don't need to worry about it's preventative effect anymore, so it's not a panic situation."

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"That explain everything . Poor zet , he mustn't be happy to be so far away from his loved one , with a cute little fox as a sidekick." Red giggled.

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Yeah, but it's going to take me much longer to get to the shop without it, and it would mean I'm stranded here and can't get back to my own house

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"Don't worry, I'm sure we'll find it. And given what happened in your Zone it might be best to lie low here for a while before heading back."

Ziona sighed. "I'd hate to see his phone bill. He was talking to her almost the whole night, that's why he slept in this morning."

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Oh dear, I guess something weird happened in my zone, which I don't want to know. You can tell me later, right now I'll be walking

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"Ah I could use the exercise. CHAOS CONTROL!" Shadow appeared next to Dylan, grabbed him and chaos controlled back to the others. "Sorry for the surprise."

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"Oh my , that must have been awful. But what about you ?" Red asked.

"He'll be better off alright. We don't want him to get shocked all of a sudden, right ?" Said Glen , who overheard Skye and Dylan.

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Um... thanks I guess. Have I missed anything really important. I don't think I've been introduced to everyone here

*He says this whilst eying Glen*

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"Huh... Ex-councilor Dylan ? what a... surprising surprise ... Well I habe two news for you: a good one , and a bad one..." Said Glen.

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Yes, a surprising surprise indeed. I will not question what you are doing here, but who are you?

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"Well, thing is , this has to do with what's going on in our zone ." Glen took a deep breath.

"The good new, the curse has been taken care of ."

"And the bad new.....Well, don't think we can go home anytime soon ....Not with the DEL merely amused about us destroying their base and plans..."

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Ha the DEL? Sounds like everyday trouble to me. Let's march straight in and take them out right now.

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"Well knuckles , It's not possible . They have a serious influence on their zone and beside ... Not all of them are evil."

" And also your dad is one of the higher up."

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Their base is destroyed? Great! That should slow them down a bit

By the way, Knuckles, how is the master emerald?

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You joined the Legion? And where's my Master Emerald Dylan!? I haven't seen it in ages.

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Glen sighed . " No knuxy . An alternate of your dad . And he sure pack a punch... In fact he is on par with your dad..."

"And dylan. We can't go home. They want to kill us . Me , for being branded as a traitor , and you, because you helped...."

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I don't have your emerald, I was asking how it was

I helped... that seems like an understatement for why they're trying to kill me

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"You got in there , blew up a freaking coumpound , And chance are you must have killed some of my teamates.... you and your friends ....Call that an understatement ." Said Glen bitterly .

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I don't want to get into an argument, but I got the feeling they were trying to kill me before that

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"Well , I'm pretty sure they did not really liked you before , but now , I suppose you must be on their list; but then again, so do I.Sorry about that." Said Glen.

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Hmph. It's fine

(ooc: As you could probably guess, he is a little suspicious of Glen)

By the way, what happened to Tails? I thought he was with you guys

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(Ooc: Who wouldn't ? then again....)

"Tails?I'm sure he'll be fine . I have been branded as a traitor because I wasn't there , an last seen with the "tresspasser". he must he got to the first squad he found ...."

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